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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

Like I said, save the personal barbs for elsewhere. Every time you insist on perpetuating some long-cherished beef, you out yourself for what you really are.
you should: but not just you, of course you bully-trolls hunt in packs don't you?
This stops now. Any more personal stuff earns a warning followed by a thread ban/temp ban.
You'd like to hope so, but sadly studies of German troops in WWII, Americans in Vietnam and psychological experiments all bring out very similar depressing answers. Around 20% of people involved in these units enthusiastically participate in these crimes, about 50-60% participate , but show some restraint (they'll still rape and murder if ordered to) and only about 10-15% refuse or avoid committing atrocities.

It's comforting to believe Mai Lai was an aberration, and the fault of a few hothead officers, NCO's and troops, but it would be a lie. It was much closer to standard operating procedure than an aberration.

Yes. Body count was the main metric that the American forces judged success on. From the very top of the chiefs off staff, right down through the command chain. Dead Vietnamese people were proof that the war was working. It's what got officers promoted and what got them nice cushy desk jobs.

A couple of good books that cover this phenomenon are War Without Fronts and Ordinary Men

Neither are particularly cheerful reading, but they demonstrate th potential inhumanity of msn, especially if the command and control structures are lacking.
These are interesting on this subject. The book’s a standard text and Ben Griffin‘s presentation gives a first person perspective (he’s ex-paras/Sas).

What's the likelihood of the alcohol poisoned soldiers having just spent their time getting completely shitfaced on looted booze (esp. spirits) and then blaming it on the Ukrainians to avoid punishment?
The thought crossed my mind that they might have consumed too much local hooch. I mean, farming seems to be big, there's a big a grain agriculture economy, maybe lots of people make their own and the Russian found it and drank it? They've been looting pretty much everything not screwed down, so nicking and necking booze they found seems plausible, and if they've been drinking spirits, possibly including home-made hooch of unknown strength, they could've given themselves alcohol poisoning.
brilliant talk - i think Veterans For Peace are one of the most important groups in the UK - I wish their profile was higher - real heroes
I actually completed the pre-selection course for A Squadron 21 SAS in 1995 (the Bravo Two Zero recruitment surge). They do encourage aggression and violence obviously.
I suspect many of the pro-Russia protestors aren't Russian and more subscribers to Galloway's newsletters.

Yep - the invasion has split far-right groups in Germany but there's plenty on Putin's side.

The most explicitly pro-Putin German far-right group is the Freie Sachsen ("Free Saxons"), formed only a year ago, which describes itself as an umbrella group that allows membership in other organizations. The Freie Sachsen group overlaps with conspiracy theorists of the Querdenker movement, which oppose the government's COVID-19 containment measures. This group now identifies NATO as part of a globalist conspiracy that helped instigate the war.

It looks like it's going to get very messy in the east, I just hope the Ukrainians have the troops & weapons they need to push back against the invaders.

Ukraine has urged civilians to leave the east of the country “while the opportunity still exists” before a massive Russian military assault that it expects in the coming days.

The deputy prime minister, Iryna Vereshchuk, said the authorities would “not be able to help” residents who stayed behind once large-scale fighting erupted. She said the governors of the Kharkiv, Luhansk and Donetsk regions were calling on people to move immediately to safer areas. “It has to be done now, because later people will be under fire and face the threat of death. There is nothing they will be able to do about it,” she posted on Telegram.

The deputy prime minister emphasised: “It is necessary to evacuate as long as this possibility exists. For now, it still exists.”

The Kremlin has said it intends to seize the entire Donetsk region, amid reports that Putin is keen to declare victory in Ukraine in time for 9 May, the annual commemoration of the Soviet defeat of Hitler in the second world war.

One western official said Putin would want to have an “announceable success” by then, which could create “some tension” with Russian commanders as exhausted forces were likely to be thrown into battle fairly soon in an attempt to gain ground in the east.

The new focus on the east follows the humiliating failure of Putin’s original apparent plan to seize the capital, Kyiv, overthrow the government of president Volodymyr Zelenskiy and subjugate most of Ukraine in a matter of days or weeks.

Re: pro-Russian protests in various countries, Germany in particular has a massive ethnic Russian population, including 3.5 million Russian speakers, many of whom emigrated to Germany following the collapse of the Soviet Union and another 2 million or so German-speaking ethnic Russians, many of whom are descended from population transfers post WW2. What they have in common which I suspect is one of the major foreign agents promoting Putin, is the Orthodox Church. Same goes for Greece, also Orthodox, and the protests in Athens.

This is also partly the reason why there is such a historic bond between Russia and Serbia (Orthodoxy), a representative of perceived cultural interests surrounded by the hostile Westerners of Catholic Slovenia and Croatia and Muslim Bosnia and Kosovo
German intelligence intercepted Russian military radio messages talking about civilian killings in Bucha. Evidence of Russian mercenary troops such as the "Wagner Group" involvement.

partial translation from the paywalled Spiegel article
In a radio message, one soldier is said to have told another that he and his colleagues had shot someone off their bicycle. A picture of a corpse on her bike went around the world. In another radio message, a man is said to say: First question soldiers, then shoot them.
The material is also said to show that employees of Russian mercenary troops such as the "Wagner Group" played a key role in the atrocities. This had already attracted attention during its deployment in Syria due to its particular cruelty.
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As Ukraine war enters new phase, can western arms turn the tide?

Article speculating about what weapons NATO may send now that the war is going to be focused on the eastern region - theres a good chance that Ukraine can hold its own against further Russian assaults - but will NATO provide the sort of kit that will allow Ukraine to go on the offensive to try and push the Russian's back (and maybe carry on into Crimea?). The emerging reports of atrocities add another factor - ceasefire to stop the slaughter ? or save the people at risk of massacre and deportation in the occupied areas? And the fear of "provoking putin" is in the mix as well - but provoking him to do what? short of launching nukes - what can he realistically do? NATO forces would easily come out on top in any escalation - i.e strikes on supply routes into urkaine from poland - and would give a green light for nato to send in stuff like high end tanks, missile systems and aircraft.
Lots of tricky stategic shit to deal with ranging between a push Ukarine into ceasefire that ends up partitioning the country - or call putin's bluff.
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It's disgusting that stuff like this is happening, but I'm not massively surprised. And it does go to show that the "othering" of Russians who commit atrocities is faulty - there will always be a risk that any forces, especially forces fighting for their homeland who may have become aware of what the enemy has been doing to their fellow citizens, cities and towns will be out for revenge. What will be telling is whether these soldiers are held to account by their superiors, and measures put in place to reduce the likelihood of it happening again. It is abundantly clear that Russian soldiers have been committing atrocities as part of their SOP; the Ukrainian military command will need to ensure, both within their forces, and for the public view, to ensure that the same perception does not arise with regard to them. Revenge is understandable, but not acceptable.

The bottom line here is that war is shit, and nasty, and the moral boundary between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour is different to what we, as civilians who will hopefully never have to kill to survive, might consider reasonable. But any military which wants to be considered "civilised" is going to have to work hard to ensure that moral boundary isn't crossed, and that there will be consequences if it is.
What they have in common which I suspect is one of the major foreign agents promoting Putin, is the Orthodox Church. Same goes for Greece, also Orthodox, and the protests in Athens.

This is also partly the reason why there is such a historic bond between Russia and Serbia (Orthodoxy), a representative of perceived cultural interests surrounded by the hostile Westerners of Catholic Slovenia and Croatia and Muslim Bosnia and Kosovo
The split in Orthodoxy may also be relevant here. The Ukrainian government is now making moves to ban the Russian Orthodox Church:
The split in Orthodoxy may also be relevant here. The Ukrainian government is now making moves to ban the Russian Orthodox Church:
Worked for Henry VIII
According to some reports I've read this might have been done by Georgian foreign fighters who formed a volunteer battalion, the 'Georgian Legion' after 2014 to fight in Ukraine. For all the banging on about Azov etc there has been surprisingly little discussion of them! This might be bollocks of course but would be totally unsurprising if true, foreign fighters were responsible for an escalation of brutality on both sides of the syrian conflict as well.
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