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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

I clicked on a number of those links, and ended up on the Grayzone site, or on MintPress - 'MintPress News regularly publish fabricated and fake news stories, antisemitic conspiracy theories and war-crimes revisionism.'

You're clearly a conspiraloon, and shouldn't be posting your bullshit here, and you're now a rare case of me reporting posts, and I hope others do too.
Lovely: Press Freedom Award awaits. And like a typical bully call on others to kick the dissenter. Well done!
True enough but point was its all they can do. Some of the Russian problems in the field were known already. Even I said at the start that Russia is incredibly stupid on the battlefield. But this has been compounded by the illpreparedness by corruption etc. Russia is not pulling back to negotiate. They're trying to bluff for negotiations.
I don't think they're bluffing for negotiations but for time, even tho imo time is more likely to work against them than for them.
You are posting links to a dodgy website, that in turns links to a site promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories, in the words of those Ukrainian troops to that Russian warship - go fuck yourself.
So let me see: perfectly ok to draw attention to pro Russian crap like that Mariopol rubbish. But not ok to draw attention to propaganda outlets on the opposite side. Why don’t you fuck yourself with carpers crack pipe?
So let me see: perfectly ok to draw attention to pro Russian crap like that Mariopol rubbish. But not ok to draw attention to propaganda outlets on the opposite side. Why don’t you fuck yourself with carpers crack pipe?

Err, zahir posted that link as an example of how dodgy that site is, they were taking the piss out of you & your source. :facepalm:
Larry O'Hara I downloaded the bellingcat 2020 accounts from the bellingcat website. In them they say they do take money from governments for special projects (they report receipt of €40k). This is contrary to what your article says. I think it's possible you may have been misinformed and it might be worth checking the sources kk uses. Maybe bellingcat are dodge and maybe they're not, but I certainly have my doubts about that article
I've read lots of your stuff Larry, some of it has been useful over the years. But I think you're a living example of why obsessive immersion in that kind of para-political/secret state research as an individual is potentially dangerous and damaging - to you and others. Given some of what you post and say everywhere it's clear that over the years you've become more and more isolated and have lost any anchor in reality. To post wild accusations potentially risking people's lives (Bellingcat has plenty of low profile contributors in parts of the world where being linked to MI6 might endanger their lives) and then to try and justify them using a website like that as some kind of evidence (I mean seriously, how the fuck have you ever got any higher academic qualifications if that's your standard for analysis?) and then when pointed out its links to the far right, conspiracy theorists, etc. you can't hold your hands up and admit you were wrong, you knuckle down and stick with it. No wonder that despite some good work you get treated like a complete crackpot by anyone sensible nowadays. Have a good look at yourself ffs. That's all I say on the subject as it's a derail, so don't bother replying.
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Larry O'Hara I downloaded the bellingcat 2020 accounts from the bellingcat website. In them they say they do take money from governments for special projects (they report receipt of €40k). This is contrary to what your article says. I think it's possible you may have been misinformed and it might be worth checking the sources kk uses. Maybe bellingcat are dodge and maybe they're not, but I certainly have my doubts about that article

Not just that article, but the dodgy site it's on, the dodgy author with links to Sputnik News, and their links to a site that publishes antisemitic conspiracy theories, FFS!
More like German leaders saying they won't pay for the gas they have ordered. Unlikely they will get a continued supply if they carry through non payment.
Er...no. They're insisting on paying for the gas in Euros, as per the supply contract. Putin wants paying in Rubles. According to the front page of today's FT.
Interesting speech from the head of GCHQ, reinforcing suggestions before about Putin being surrounded by 'yes men' too scared to tell him the truth, that certainly makes a lot of sense considering how things have unfolded.

Vladimir Putin has made a strategic miscalculation in launching the invasion of Ukraine and his advisers are “afraid to tell him the truth” about the extent of his error, the boss of British spy agency GCHQ said in a speech on Thursday.

Sir Jeremy Fleming, in a speech given in Australia, said the Russian leader had misjudged the strength of Ukrainian resistance, the western response and the ability of his forces to deliver a rapid victory.

“It all adds up to the strategic miscalculation that western leaders warned Putin it would be. It’s become his personal war, with the cost being paid by innocent people in Ukraine and, increasingly, by ordinary Russians too,” Fleming said.

Kate Bedingfield, director of communications at the White House, said: "We have information that Putin felt misled by the Russian military which has resulted in persistent tension between Putin and his military leadership.

We believe that Putin is being misinformed by his advisers about how badly the Russian military is performing and how the Russian economy is being crippled by sanctions because his senior advisers are too afraid to tell him the truth.

So, it is increasingly clear that Putin’s war has been a strategic blunder that has left Russia weaker over the long term and increasingly isolated on the world stage.”

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby later agreed with the White House assessment: “It’s [Putin’s] military. It’s his war. He chose it ... the fact that he may not fully understand the degree to which his forces are failing in Ukraine, that’s a little discomforting.”

Interesting speech from the head of GCHQ, reinforcing suggestions before about Putin being surrounded by 'yes men' too scared to tell him the truth, that certainly makes a lot of sense considering how things have unfolded.

Yeh gchq will definitely be a reliable source that won't need interrogation. Your link doesn't say who he was talking to by the way. Don't know how you can tell it was an interesting speech from one paragraph

Altho it is interesting to see how here it's all being put on vp whereas the invasion of Iraq and WMD was attributed to groupthink
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Yeh gchq will definitely be a reliable source that won't need interrogation.

As I said, "reinforcing suggestions before about Putin being surrounded by 'yes men' too scared to tell him the truth, that certainly makes a lot of sense considering how things have unfolded."

Your link doesn't say who he was talking to by the way.

As I said, "reinforcing suggestions before about Putin being surrounded by 'yes men' too scared to tell him the truth, that certainly makes a lot of sense considering how things have unfolded."

You say "interesting speech reinforcing suggestions" and ignore the bit saying who is suggesting this. The fucking article you quote says this is the narrative western security officials want to promote. And here you are uncritically promoting it.
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