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The Canary, views and discussion...

She's barely writing any content at all on the Patreon site - seems that the subscribers get tips and tricks about how to be a freelance writer by email - and the bigger spenders get an annual 'handmade zine'. The world is madder than I thought. Poor Richard Seymour is churning it out daily and he's on less than a grand. Reckon he should lower his rates and come up with some better gimmicks.
I'm not sure it's necessarily 'worrying' chilango . Not everything that is posted by these sites is bad - as has been mentioned AAV is pretty good, and generally the worst thing about the Canary articles are the misleading headlines rather than the content being especially inaccurate (most of the time anyway). Isn't it better people are getting their info from these sites than the Daily Mail? Personally I hope that we're still in the birth pangs of this new media and some of these sites will grow up to be more reliable and useful.

Yeah, I'm not sure that AAV deserves to be lumped in with The Canary.
This is shit that is actively harmful though, the commentariat stuff is just annoying and a bit middle class.

"actively harmful " just can't see how that stands up to scrutiny re: the Canary...Chilango's 'not built on solid base of workplace / community activism' might well, but not 'actively harmful' ...

And the old "Anti Semites / conspiraloon's read Canary / share it, therefore it's x/y/z " line is exactly the same one used against Corbyn by the usual ragbag of rightwing plotters etc, and very unfortunately bought into by Jewish groups / papers etc .
It's bollocks - of course there's anti sems / conspiraloons buying into Corbyn / The Canary online, due to his longstanding support for Palestine, and the Canary's brash, at times over simplified anti-establishmentarianism, but you may as well accuse Corbo of revo trot ism cos of the all the trot support etc.
She's gone on Ickes show, if she doesn't want to be lumped with conspiraloons then she shouldn't appear on their platforms if she's not going to be actively arguing / challenging them. I never said Corbs was doing anything like that but the Canary is utter shite.

The fact is if a prominent corbyn supporter is endorsing shit like that and appearing on mainstream news as a supporter of Corbyn's then it doesn't matter how much he disavows it it's going to look bad for him even though it isn't his fault unfortunately
The point is Mendozas hanged round with Icke and Co, nothing to do with corbyn and if people like that are a visible faction of his support then it's going to look bad on him even if he distances himself

I can't see any "hanging around with Icke + co " evidence online ( not saying it didn't happen - and wouldn't be massively surprised re: folk from Occupy, who could easily fall into dodgy company it seemed - but appears Mendoza grew out of it quick if she did ) - do you have any links etc ?
I can't see any "hanging around with Icke + co " evidence online ( not saying it didn't happen - and wouldn't be massively surprised re: folk from Occupy, who could easily fall into dodgy company it seemed - but appears Mendoza grew out of it quick if she did ) - do you have any links etc ?

See the other thread (question time tonight)
I get most of my news from Urban; it seems to have a much more diverse set of opinions that you find in most other media sites - just requires some self-filtering on my part.
Bristol post is more known for inciting mild racism and division between cyclists and drivers than praising left wing click bait journalists.
More than an Icke-ite, it's an Icke show: https:// break www.davidicke. break com/article/368108/richie-allen-show-davidicke-com-richie-debates-canary-editor-kerry-anne-mendoza-futility-not-elections

yep, seen that....and also was reminded about Steve Topple's ' I'm sorry, I was a straight up anti semite 3 years ago, was spending too much time alone with a laptop' debacle .

Dispiriting stuff.
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Bristol post is more known for inciting mild racism and division between cyclists and drivers than praising left wing click bait journalists.

Most regionals these days prioritise an easy page-filler way above consistency - symptomatic of the collapse of job numbers across the industry. Mendoza most likely fed them the backgrounder and offered a "local celeb hits big leagues, exclusive interview" angle.
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