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Men’s violence against women and girls is a national emergency

O a
Was going to post about this
It's a major main road into the city!! :(

from bbc link

'Considerable anger' toward victim​

The boy pleaded not guilty to assault by penetration and rape and was convicted of both offences following a trial at Cardiff Youth Court.
The case was committed to the crown court for sentencing given the serious nature of the offending.
Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke told the defendant that when he encountered the victim on North Road on the night in question and realised she was intoxicated "you immediately saw her as a target for a sexual assault".
She noted at the time of the rape the defendant was, by his own admission, under the influence of cannabis.
She added that he has no insight into his offending and has no victim empathy, feeling "considerable anger" towards the woman and blaming her for him being in court.
Porn has fucked up our kids
Yes and no.

It's access to porn at an early, undeveloped and impressionable age which has fucked up our kids.

My dad used to have a "dirty mags" collection hidden under my parents' bed. He thought we didn't know about it, but when my mum found out we did, she hit the roof.

I remember feeling a bit queasy seeing these adults with no clothes on (I can't remember how old I was, maybe 8 or 9), but I didn't see anything like that again until I was well into my teens and even then had no idea about manufactured representation of female sexuality.

Nowadays, they've all got Internet access and ways of circumventing any parental restrictions - the genie is out of the bottle.
Yes and no.

It's access to porn at an early, undeveloped and impressionable age which has fucked up our kids.

My dad used to have a "dirty mags" collection hidden under my parents' bed. He thought we didn't know about it, but when my mum found out we did, she hit the roof.

I remember feeling a bit queasy seeing these adults with no clothes on (I can't remember how old I was, maybe 8 or 9), but I didn't see anything like that again until I was well into my teens and even then had no idea about manufactured representation of female sexuality.

Nowadays, they've all got Internet access and ways of circumventing any parental restrictions - the genie is out of the bottle.
:confused: What a bizarre comment. Of course it’s about access to it. If no one had access to porn, it would be entirely irrelevant in any discussion.

But it isn’t just about young kids watching porn at an undeveloped impressionable age. It’s absolutely toxic for teenagers too and affecting girls and women’s physical health as well as their mental health.

My friend’s teenage daughter told her she didn’t know that sex could be loving and respectful. Her experiences as a young woman starting to explore her sexuality have been anything but.

Men who think that hurting women is a normal part of a loving relationship have already had that part of their consciousness that sees women as equal turned off. It’s not really surprising that men’s violence against women and girls is increasing at an alarming rate.
Yes and no.

It's access to porn at an early, undeveloped and impressionable age which has fucked up our kids.

My dad used to have a "dirty mags" collection hidden under my parents' bed. He thought we didn't know about it, but when my mum found out we did, she hit the roof.

I remember feeling a bit queasy seeing these adults with no clothes on (I can't remember how old I was, maybe 8 or 9), but I didn't see anything like that again until I was well into my teens and even then had no idea about manufactured representation of female sexuality.

Nowadays, they've all got Internet access and ways of circumventing any parental restrictions - the genie is out of the bottle.

I'd mostly wanted to read this thread as I don't feel like I really don't wanna be one of those shouty blokes wading in, however.:

I'm sorry but this is such bollocks (unless you are not in the UK). The nature of porn that kids are exposed to now is so different to the "dirty mag" era. Back then there weren't even any blokes in the mags, let alone anyone penetrating anyone else. They were literally just nude/semi nude women posing and the "fantasy story" pages. Whilst this is not great because women are still objectified, it is nothing like the porn that kids now have access to - this is video porn and they can find just about anything, the most degrading, humiliating porn is right at their fingertips, and the story of how "regular" hardcore porn doesn't satisfy and they find themselves watching more and more extreme stuff is not uncommon. It's terrifying that they can watch this stuff and even more terrifying that the things that go on in it then become "normalised". Kids thinking thins like choking during sex is a usual thing to do etc etc
No, I stand by what I said.

Porn was historically identified from at least 35,000 years' ago and has regularly faced censorship which limited access:

In my opinion, it's not just porn and its manufactured representation that's the issue, it's its widespread availability where censorship doesn't apply anymore.
Mate, the home movie is a postwar invention, nobody was showing hardcore porn anywhere before then., let alone in the era of bloody paintings.

If you think some naked images of a woman and extreme hardcore video of (multiple), rough penetration are in any way comparable, you're a moron.
Mate, the home movie is a postwar invention, nobody was showing hardcore porn anywhere before then., let alone in the era of bloody paintings.

If you think some naked images of a woman and extreme hardcore video of (multiple), rough penetration are in any way comparable, you're a moron.
Um, hello?

It's not about the delivery, it's about the content and intent.

And please don't call someone a moron whom you know nothing about. And I'm not your mate, either.
Not in video format - are you saying a painting/drawing is somehow comparable to actual, live (at the time) footage?
Yes, but if you think there’s a need to distinguish between moving images of violence towards women and static ones, you’ll need to go back further than home videos to the invention of motion pictures
Yes, but if you think there’s a need to distinguish between moving images of violence towards women and static ones, you’ll need to go back further than home videos to the invention of motion pictures
Ok Cinemas became commonplace 20 or so years earlier.

I imagine children weren't getting access to porn cinemas (on the whole) nor were they able to view unlimited content of anything they so chose, on a a screen, in their hand, behind closed doors.
Ok Cinemas became commonplace 20 or so years earlier.

I imagine children weren't getting access to porn cinemas (on the whole) nor were they able to view unlimited content of anything they so chose, on a a screen, in their hand, behind closed doors.
Men didn’t watch porn in cinemas. It was shown in private in places like gentlemen’s clubs and fraternity houses. You might want to read up on this.

Children may not have been exposed to it as widely as they are now, but that doesn’t mean it was harmless - its influence has always been insidious
Men didn’t watch porn in cinemas. It was shown in private in places like gentlemen’s clubs and fraternity houses. You might want to read up on this.

Children may not have been exposed to it as widely as they are now, but that doesn’t mean it was harmless - its influence has always been insidious
You seem to have completely missed my point, and I don't wish this to get side tracked into a discussion where a couple of blokes debate the history of pornography ffs. This back and forth has been somewhat disrespectful given the nature of the thread.

I'm going to stop now and I suggest you do the same.
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I think it’s important for men to learn such history, especially after making ignorant and wrong statements about pornography on a thread about violence towards women.
This stuff has been around for a long time and continues to reinforce the notion that violence towards women is acceptable.

"A convicted rapist was back in court after he forwarded an indecent video of a young boy to two men.

Callum Robinson was jailed in August 2009 for rape and was made subject to sex offenders registration requirements when he was jailed for rape. In June 2020, police attended his home to conduct a risk review.

Examination of his phone revealed an indecent video of a child ..."


(Source: Northumbria Police)

Newcastle convicted rapist back in court after police found indecent video of a child on his phone
Avon & Somerset Police area:

"The number of rape cases reported to Avon & Somerset Police in the last year soared by almost half from about 2,000 to just over 3,000. The shocking increase places the force area higher than anywhere else in the country per thousand of population for the crime, the constabulary’s top officer said. ..."

More rapes in Avon & Somerset per population than anywhere else in the country


“So I’m quite confident that for us, that increased reporting is about not so much change in the offending happening in our communities, it’s about people being willing to report to the police.”
. It’s not really surprising that men’s violence against women and girls is increasing at an alarming rate.
Do we know to what extent it is increasing and to what extent it is just more reported? It used to be much more hidden (and a lot still is). My feeling would be that it was going down for a time but is now increasing again. But that is just a feeling and I don't really have anything to back it up.
GarveyLives . I find your frequent posting of horrific violence distressing. Yes we are aware that on average 2 women a week are killed . Yes we can choose to follow local news if we want. We know it happens. Yes we know it can be extreme. Some here have talked of their personal experiences.

What are you adding to the discussion here?
What observations or solutions can you see?

If you must post here can you put these fucking horrible, bald, stark reports of yours in spoilers.
Do we know to what extent it is increasing and to what extent it is just more reported? It used to be much more hidden (and a lot still is). My feeling would be that it was going down for a time but is now increasing again. But that is just a feeling and I don't really have anything to back it up.
Hence I wonder why you bothered posting? But great to know you have a feeling. Well done.
GarveyLives . I find your frequent posting of horrific violence distressing. Yes we are aware that on average 2 women a week are killed . Yes we can choose to follow local news if we want. We know it happens. Yes we know it can be extreme. Some here have talked of their personal experiences.

What are you adding to the discussion here?
What observations or solutions can you see?

If you must post here can you put these fucking horrible, bald, stark reports of yours in spoilers.
garveylives has been pulled up on this on many occasions on many threads. I'm not aware of their posting style changing. I think it's probably best reported tbh. friendofdorothy .

Following a trial at Winchester Crown Court, Adam Watson of Dukes Court, Queensmead, Farnborough, has been jailed for 21 years after he murdered a mother-of-two in her Farnborough home:


(Source: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary)

Jailing Adam Watson to 21 years' imprisonment, Judge Angela Morris said:

"I cannot even begin to imagine the unenviable horror which must have gripped her 18-year-old son Tom when he found his mother particularly clothes lying dead in the sitting room of the premises he shared with her.

'I am satisfied that when you strangled and suffocated Samantha Holden you intended to kill her.

'It would have taken time and albeit that time cannot be quantified, it would have involved a period of consciousness when Samantha Holden would have realised what you were doing to her before ultimately she succumbed to unconsciousness and then death."

Farnborough man jailed for murder of Samatha Holden (Warning: A report of one of the type of cases comprising the national emergency identified by the National Police Chiefs’ Council which, in turn forms the origins and subject matter of the forum thread)
GarveyLives I think we are trying to say we would rather not have all of these horrific cases thrust before our eyes whenever we look at the thread. We know these cases are happening.

It would better to put details behind spoiler tags. Happy to help you with that if you are unfamiliar with how to do it, that way people can choose to see the articles/detail.
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