Because it is basically total balderdash by journalists and commentators who have zero inside knowledge and are speculating wildly on the basis of personality politics or wishful thinking. There are efforts to form a new party. They are being done by a whole bunch of different people. However in media terms things only ever happen because somebody famous does them. I am actually actively involved in this stuff and just about everything you see about it in the mainstream and social media is utter nonsense. However I realise that for the vast majority of you, people people like Jamie Driscoll, Leane Mohamed, Pamela Fitzpatrick, Sean Halsall, Ian Hodson, Jabu Nana-Hartley etc don't actually exist as they don't ever appear on your TV. I fully understand that 99% of people believe that all it takes to form a political party is for 3 or 4 well known people to spend an evening in pub and scrawl a constitution on the back of a beer mat and it is job done. However reality is VERY different.
Actually what a load of us are working on is a multiple approach. Building community action groups on a local basis to at least get some things happening NOW. Creating a forum to link both those groups and national groups so everybody can find out what they can directly take part in. Creating an umbrella "branding" and communications system to minimise conflicting actions and to lead to at least some coherence while the work goes on to map out a consensus party structure and constitution. The strategic plan is being put together. It's slow progress because there are a lot of people who find trust very difficult after decades of betrayal, and there are some egos involved as well as people scared of risking what "political capital" they already have. It is happening though. What it needs is more people to actually get involved and fewer constantly sniping about how everybody else on the left is rubbish.
There will most likely be some genuine concrete news around early March. There will also be a hell of a lot of speculative garbage and petty bitching up until then. I will be posting some stuff on Urban in the new year with information on how to actually make this all happen. I have no doubt that 80% of Urbanistas will ignore it since nobody famous has their name publicly attached to it and another 10% will simply complain that it isn't 100% exactly what they want and therefore must be entirely eschewed. However it will be there.