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Men’s violence against women and girls is a national emergency

Men didn’t watch porn in cinemas. It was shown in private in places like gentlemen’s clubs and fraternity houses. You might want to read up on this.

Children may not have been exposed to it as widely as they are now, but that doesn’t mean it was harmless - its influence has always been insidious
They did. For years there was an upstairs cinema above... some other premises, on Oxford Road in Manchester, one of the main thoroughfares in the city, not down some back alley.

So pretty much everyone knew it was there, it wasn't a secret.

It closed about 20 years ago, and then the Revolution bar that had relatively recently opened on the ground floor by that point extended upstairs.

They did. For years there was an upstairs cinema above... some other premises, on Oxford Road in Manchester, one of the main thoroughfares in the city, not down some back alley.

So pretty much everyone knew it was there, it wasn't a secret.

It closed about 20 years ago, and then the Revolution bar that had relatively recently opened on the ground floor by that point extended upstairs.

Nicholas Witchell used to review films from the ‘specialist cinema’ in Leeds Student. Tho, sadly, that years collection has gone missing from the archives.
They did. For years there was an upstairs cinema above... some other premises, on Oxford Road in Manchester, one of the main thoroughfares in the city, not down some back alley.

So pretty much everyone knew it was there, it wasn't a secret.

It closed about 20 years ago, and then the Revolution bar that had relatively recently opened on the ground floor by that point extended upstairs.

I wasn’t referring to that era though
Men didn’t watch porn in cinemas. It was shown in private in places like gentlemen’s clubs and fraternity houses. You might want to read up on this.

Children may not have been exposed to it as widely as they are now, but that doesn’t mean it was harmless - its influence has always been insidious
There used to be a cinema just by piccadilly circus which showed porn,hardly hidden away. The moulin cinema.You might want to read up on this
garveylives has been pulled up on this on many occasions on many threads. I'm not aware of their posting style changing. I think it's probably best reported tbh. friendofdorothy .
Yes I know. At least he is is on topic here, but I hate these constant grisly details of how women get horribly murdered. I find the quantity of the posts, the graphic descriptions and the large mugshots oppressive and it makes the more thoughtful posts harder to find.

GarveyLives did you think you are really adding to the debate here or are you hoping to frighten women here? Is that your intention? Why did you post #1,078
without spoilers when I just told you how offensive it is? I'm sure I'm not the only woman here to feel a threat in the constant exposure of male violence against women.
There used to be a cinema just by piccadilly circus which showed porn,hardly hidden away. The moulin cinema.You might want to read up on this
No I dont want to read up on - this is not a private chat between you and Orang Utan and the other chaps. I don't want a fucking history of porn cinemas. Pornography is and always has been a tool of violent patriarchy. Fuck off and take your history debate elsewhere.
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GarveyLives . I find your frequent posting of horrific violence distressing. Yes we are aware that on average 2 women a week are killed . Yes we can choose to follow local news if we want. We know it happens. Yes we know it can be extreme. Some here have talked of their personal experiences.

What are you adding to the discussion here?
What observations or solutions can you see?

If you must post here can you put these fucking horrible, bald, stark reports of yours in spoilers.
Thank you - I nearly posted similar a day or two ago but decided against in case others felt it useful.
I find it oppressive and upsetting, especially the large mugshots of the perpetrators, and it doesn't add anything to the conversation IMO.
It's just like a constant wall of doom-posting that makes it difficult to find the actual discussions going on.
Thank you - I nearly posted similar a day or two ago but decided against in case others felt it useful.
I find it oppressive and upsetting, especially the large mugshots of the perpetrators, and it doesn't add anything to the conversation IMO.
It's just like a constant wall of doom-posting that makes it difficult to find the actual discussions going on.
the mugshots are the worst. They so often look like every other man you ever met, only occasionally do they look like evil bastards. Reinforces the idea that every man could be a murderer. You can't spot a misogynistic murderer. It doesn't help.

Following a trial at Winchester Crown Court, Adam Watson of Dukes Court, Queensmead, Farnborough, has been jailed for 21 years after he murdered a mother-of-two in her Farnborough home:


(Source: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary)

Jailing Adam Watson to 21 years' imprisonment, Judge Angela Morris said:

"I cannot even begin to imagine the unenviable horror which must have gripped her 18-year-old son Tom when he found his mother particularly clothes lying dead in the sitting room of the premises he shared with her.

'I am satisfied that when you strangled and suffocated Samantha Holden you intended to kill her.

'It would have taken time and albeit that time cannot be quantified, it would have involved a period of consciousness when Samantha Holden would have realised what you were doing to her before ultimately she succumbed to unconsciousness and then death."

Farnborough man jailed for murder of Samatha Holden (Warning: A report of one of the type of cases comprising the national emergency identified by the National Police Chiefs’ Council which, in turn forms the origins and subject matter of the forum thread)

If you must post up graphic details of individual sexual assaults along with mugshots, then you MUST put them behind spoiler tags.

Failure to do so will result in you being banned from this thread.
GarveyLives nobody is denying that the posts are relevant to the thread, but it would be greatly appreciated if you could use the spoiler code so that people can choose to read the often graphic details or not.

Many thanks.
Also, I've just switched to my laptop, having been just scrolling using my mobile phone earlier today, so it's gone from a small image in a device in the palm of my hand to something much bigger and imposing and intimidating.

It's even worse, GarveyLives , to be confronted with massive mugshot images of stern, hostile looking perpetrators of MVAWG that almost fill the screen, aren't just little thumbnails.

Please have a bit of consideration and put them behind the spoiler code. Thank you.
It's even worse, GarveyLives , to be confronted with massive mugshot images of stern, hostile looking perpetrators of MVAWG that almost fill the screen, aren't just little thumbnails.

And on a large computer monitor, some of them are life size.
Accompanied by a description of some horrible crime they have committed.
This thread is not Crimewatch.
No I dont want to read up on - this is not a private chat between you and Orang Utan and the other chaps. I don't want a fucking history of porn cinemas. Pornography is and always has been a tool of violent patriarchy. Fuck off and take your history debate elsewhere.
Yes, I know it has been. The strip clubs, the porn cinemas and so on, vile institutions perpetuating patriarchy, but a) I wasn't asking you to read up on anything, it was clearly directed at ou, and b) the point I was going to go on to make was that its presence in city centres and elsewhere helps normalise and perpetuate the notions we're all against here - that the presence of such cinemas and so on presents the idea that such places are legitimate. If only it was solely a history debate
Read about this a couple of weeks ago - atrocious story of woman and daughter being let down by the courts and cafcass that finally seems to have some resolution.

A convicted rapist who was previously allowed to have unsupervised time with his child has been stripped of his parental responsibility.

Kristoffer White, who has been described as a “danger to women and children”, failed to turn up to court last week for a hearing, attended by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), to determine the involvement he could have in his daughter’s life.

White has a criminal conviction for the rape of a stranger, and the family court found he had also raped the child’s mother on three occasions.

Judge Moradifar was asked by the mother to revoke White’s parental responsibility and issue a barring order to limit his ability to bring the case back to court. White’s ex-partner also asked the court to extend a non-molestation order – the equivalent of a restraining order – until her daughter’s 16th birthday.

Charlotte Proudman, the mother’s barrister, told the court: “The father inflicted devastating emotional harm on the whole family, including the child, which he continued to deny. It’s hard to see how there can be any positive factors that justify the father being capable of exercising his parental rights.”

... Despite the serious findings made against him, including rape, by District Judge Harrison, White had previously been granted unsupervised access to his daughter after a recommendation by the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass).
Just saw that too two sheds and was similarly horrified for both the mother and her child. There was also mention in the article of legislative changes so that anyone convicted of sexual offences against children will automatically lose their parental rights.

More worrying was that two Cafcass officials had polar opposite views on what was best for the child.
Just saw that too two sheds and was similarly horrified for both the mother and her child. There was also mention in the article of legislative changes so that anyone convicted of sexual offences against children will automatically lose their parental rights.

More worrying was that two Cafcass officials had polar opposite views on what was best for the child.
Cafcass are fucking useless. From what I've personally observed, they don't care about the child's rights so much as those of abusive men who cry "parental alienation" as soon as their ex refuses to take their shit any longer.
the mugshots are the worst. They so often look like every other man you ever met, only occasionally do they look like evil bastards. Reinforces the idea that every man could be a murderer. You can't spot a misogynistic murderer. It doesn't help.
The mugshots also have the effect of centring the perpetrators in the story, rather than the women they have harmed.
Cafcass are fucking useless. From what I've personally observed, they don't care about the child's rights so much as those of abusive men who cry "parental alienation" as soon as their ex refuses to take their shit any longer.
I've fortunately never had to deal with them but have heard similar, sadly.

It also raised the issue by the child's mother that had she not paid for legal counsel she doubted she would even have been heard on the matter.
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