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Men’s violence against women and girls is a national emergency


Gaiman is all over the press. Kiena Dawes being blamed for her own abuse. Oldham being dug up. It never stops.
I don't pay a lot of attention to the press these days so had no idea about Gaiman until a friend sent me the New York Magazine article. It's so vile I couldn't read it all in one sitting.

The un-paywalled link is below, but please pay attention to the trigger warning and take care of yourselves.

Trigger warning for description of sexual violence, manipulation, procuring, grooming, abuse of power and betrayal of trust.

Girls are also used as emotional support humans for badly behaved boys - there's this idea that sitting a disruptive boy next to a well-behaved girl will tame him or bring out the best in him or something. In reality, it often just means the girl gets bullied and treated like a chew toy.
Kind of a related thought on the discussion about dominating meetings, but I saw a video on instagram recently about some research with children in school playgrounds that found that boys occupy 90% of the physical space.
Almost every comment, from women as well as men, was along the lines of OBVIOUSLY boys take up more space, NATURALLY they need to run around and play with balls whereas the girls want to sit quietly round the edge. Comments like "I've been a teacher for 30 years and there is just a biological difference, boys need space to move, girls prefer to chat amongst themselves". It was laughably pointless research in fact.
So many people see it as a law of nature that boys, and men, dominate - they just need to take up more space. It's not even something people think about.

And yet girls in an all girls school will fill spaces completely .

I agree with you. Worked in a mixed school for years. The girls were sidelined along the edge of the playground while groups of boys used the space for soccer.
I remember asking for space for the girls who also wanted to play soccer. Went down like a lead balloon. I asked for space for skipping as lots of kids wanted to use the skipping ropes in groups as opposed to solo. That happened for a while...but the scene always reverted to boys soccer dominating the space.

Adults in schools do need to organise yard time much better.
What is the expected role of police when they are repeatedly called to a victim of domestic abuse. What's the expected safeguard practice? Is there one?

There is a procedure and process. Statutory services (health, adult social care, children's services, police, housing, Women's Aid and more, depending on area) can make referrals to a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC). There's a standard assessment form

Then, all the relevant agencies will agree on a plan of action. In my area, when a woman is prepared to leave, or move, they get a huge amount of support with the process, are a very high priority for social housing etc. Those who are reluctant to leave, and have children, are often persuaded when the risk to their child is explained and that children's services have the option of taking care proceedings.

I worked in housing support and attended many a MARAC meeting. I have huge admiration for those who work in this area, it is really harrowing and stressful. I can't imagine how awful it is for the women experiencing it.
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