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The Canary, views and discussion...

Maybe just doesn't come up in conversation?

Dunno. I have "political" conversations every day. With all kindsa people. Teenagers. other Mums/dads. Co-workers. Friends (20 somethings to 50 somethings). Especially since the elections. It could be that some people are getting stuff from these sources and just not mentioning it I s'pose. Which would be more worrying still.
I'm not sure it's necessarily 'worrying' chilango . Not everything that is posted by these sites is bad - as has been mentioned AAV is pretty good, and generally the worst thing about the Canary articles are the misleading headlines rather than the content being especially inaccurate (most of the time anyway). Isn't it better people are getting their info from these sites than the Daily Mail? Personally I hope that we're still in the birth pangs of this new media and some of these sites will grow up to be more reliable and useful.

Me, this afternoon :mad:
Politics rarely comes up IRL conversations IME.
It's only really discussed online, thankfully

of the 3/4 of us who are a bit invested in all this down here, Canary seem to be seen as a vibrant, useful, slightly questionable, but essentially ok part of the whole shebang.

On related note, K A Mendoza on start the week R4 this week was deccent, wld much rather her than Lady Toynbee, or Zoe Fricking Williams changing her mind again
I'm not sure it's necessarily 'worrying' chilango . Not everything that is posted by these sites is bad - as has been mentioned AAV is pretty good, and generally the worst thing about the Canary articles are the misleading headlines rather than the content being especially inaccurate (most of the time anyway). Isn't it better people are getting their info from these sites than the Daily Mail? Personally I hope that we're still in the birth pangs of this new media and some of these sites will grow up to be more reliable and useful.


I want a left that's popular and populist and rooted in communities and workplaces. A concrete left built up from the base with it's media reflecting this.

That's not what this stuff is.

Also, there's the conspiraloonery, the anti-semitism etc. that others have mentioned.
tbf the bump is because the editor of canary will be on Question Time tonight. OK so nobody at work asks for cites and convos are not much more than that. But someone like her up against a right winger with half a brain? she'd be ripped to shreds and in the meantime that makes any valid points she had also get shredded.
I want a left that's popular and populist and rooted in communities and workplaces. A concrete left built up from the base with it's media reflecting this.
I'd like that too, but workplaces and communities just don't work like that anymore (on the whole - there are some notable exceptions). Most of the growth of left-wing political activity has been spread and organised through online networks IME.
My mates bf who was largely unpolitical and certainly not been involved in any lefty stuff was sharing loads of that Canary stuff before the election, the thing was he was also sharing loads of 'rothschild' shit as well and explicitly talking about Jews. I was pretty pissed off and mentioned I was upset by it to her and she said she's had arguments about it to him before but he didn't see a problem because 'all his mates are like that as well.' The increase in this bollocks is definitely due to stuff like this to an extent.
Every left media voice, whether mainstream (eg the Owen Jones and the Paul Masons) or the non-mainstream (these sites) is angrily criticised on Urban. I agree with many of the criticisms, but I also think we have to work with what we've got. In the main these new sites have evolved organically, filling a need that existed, and they clearly had a positive influence on the last election despite their flaws. As I said in a previous post, there's been a shift in the balance of power when it comes to propaganda and that has to be a good thing. The attention these sites are now getting will likely force them to be a bit more responsible, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if their success also forces a shift to the left in some of the mainstream outlets (to some extent that can already be seen in the Independent) or the establishment of new left sites by existing media players who want a slice of the audience. This is an interesting shift in the media landscape.
Ah, capitalist leeches. Just what left-wing discourse needs more of.
I didn't say it was necessarily an entirely positive development! And yes, The Canary's business model is awful and perhaps that's the main reason why it still stands out as the worst of these sites. Its flaws are part of its very design.
This is shit that is actively harmful though, the commentariat stuff is just annoying and a bit middle class.
I don't think all of it is actively harmful. Some of it is, yes. And yeah, I have noticed some people on Facebook who alternate the Canary with the most awful right wing American shit.
3 and half grand a months, 42 grand a year - plus what she gets paid for doing the writing that these people pay for her to do. Crumbs. Match that canary.
Is it just me, or has she largely disappeared lately? If producing content for her private subscribers keeps her away from the rest of us, then all the better...
Just had a quick scroll through my FB feed. Last couple of days the politocal/current affiars posts people have shared have come from:
  • The Guardian
  • La Repubblica
  • The Daily Mash
  • The Telegraph

So I clicked onto one of my more leftie friends to dig deeper and found them sharing stuff from:
  • The Guardian
  • Theresa May's Leaving Drinks (???)

Tried another politically active Leftie and got:

  • Indy100.com
  • twitter x 3
  • The Guardian x 2
  • The Independent x 2
  • Channel 4 News
Of course, this is just the last couple of days, and just my FB. But it shows , if nothing else, that I'm certainly missing all this new media stuff....
Is it just me, or has she largely disappeared lately? If producing content for her private subscribers keeps her away from the rest of us, then all the better...

She popped up to defend that person who was banging on about being better than B&Q staff and everyone who doesn't know who Tim Farron is.

Is she even producing content for these private subscribers? I don't think she is, I think she's just being paid to be her.
She popped up to defend that person who was banging on about being better than B&Q staff and everyone who doesn't know who Tim Farron is.

Is she even producing content for these private subscribers? I don't think she is, I think she's just being paid to be her.
she continues to tweet, but I've not seen much else from her for ages.

Have a look at the left hand sidebar on her patreon - locked content, loads of bollocks, increasing depending on how much you donate.

5 people subscribe to the tune of $250 per month.

Good grief. If anyone actually donates this amount we can have a chat about what you want to receive in return, whether it's postcards from where I've been, copies of my books, or just more of what I do, better and braver and less inhibited. I really don't expect anyone to give me hundreds of dollars a month, and if you do I'm frankly a bit suspicious, but I will definitely write you a letter of effusive thanks and we can go for dinner if we're in the same city and I’m positive that you don't want to murder me and eat my skin.
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