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Streatham "terrorist-related" attack, people stabbed 02.02.2020

It is now being reported that the individual understood to be responsible for these attacks had only recently been released from a term of imprisonment for terrorist offences (believed to be possession and distribution of terrorist materials).
The man shot dead by Metropolitan Police officers in Streatham High Road at approximately 2.00 p.m. today:


(Source: as stated in image)

Sudesh Amman, who was released from prison a few days ago, after being sentenced to three years and four months imprisonment at the Central Criminal Court on 17 December 2018 after pleading guilty to possessing and distributing terrorist documents.
Due for release in August see law pages pdf- would it be extraordinary if it turns out in some future release of documents in 70 years time that Boris asked them to let some one out early to ramp up the rhetoric for harsher sentences...


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Because it added more information about what happened. Can't see why it's being singled out. It's just adding information to the story as it became available.
How is it adding more information about what happened? It's as relevant as being told the star signs of the attacker and his victims afaics.
Sure somehow the spending cut that lead to the closure of that police station is down to Labour, jermey corbyn, remainers and the current london mayor

Don' know if this is confirmed, looks about right though.

That particular region got a bit hammered in those cuts - Streatham went (along with Clapham and the HQ on Clapham Road), and Croydon lost Norbury and South Norwood. They were going to sell of Gipsy Hill as well, though that somehow hung on (possibly because they realised how big the gap would look on a map).
I found it horrible on twitter it took about 5 minutes for anti Jeremy Corbyn and Sadiq Khan tweets to start.
I tweeted about it because I was on a bus in streatham just after it happened and straightaway had a load of right wing racists in my mentions, all with a hard-on for the (at that time, suspected but not confirmed) terror aspect of it. No thought for the victims. Only what political capital they could make out of it. Cunts.
It shows that he randomly attacked someone who just happened to be cycling past rather than a particular target.
But that doesn't help us understand what happened. For example you could say just the same thing about the random stabbings in Edmonton some years ago. What do women cyclists have that other people don't have that might stop them being known to their assailant?
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Pretty shit terrorist. Tried to get us to hate our neighbours. Sold his life cheap and won’t be meeting his imaginary friend. I’m sorry for the people who have been injured physically and mentally by his selfish stupid actions. Sorry for the people who pulled the triggers and everyone in that decision chain who had to take his life. Let’s not know or, if we do, forget his name and move on.
Is this an new tactic? The released early and do an attack. A lot of Islamaloonery seems to be aimed at changing the way society operates, it seems pretty clear that early release will go for terror people and probably much harder/indeterminate sentences for what may be relatively minor offences will be the reaction. Thus creating more injustice and more angry young Muslims to continue the cycle...
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Not at all. I seek, as I'm sure we all do, an understanding of what happened. Saying that certain classes of people can only ever be attacked at random on the basis of er no evidence whatsoever doesn't add to that understanding.
I think you’re right in that it’s understandable that the news reports would give it a passing mention but posting it on here seems like an effort to give her stabbing more relevance than others because of her mode of transport which is actually immaterial.
Well done to the Police for shooting this scumbag dead.

Looks like Boris is going to be making changes to the way terrorists are going to be released in the future now.

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