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Streatham "terrorist-related" attack, people stabbed 02.02.2020

On Streatham High Road the officers watched as Amman went into a households good shop called Low Price Store where he had previously looked in the knife section.
Before a surveillance officer could get into the shop to see what he was doing, he ran out with a large kitchen knife in his hand and ran through the Sunday afternoon shoppers, stabbing a woman and a man. Both survived.
The attack ended 62 seconds from the point Amman left the shop. Outside Boots he turned on two surveillance officers who were running after him shouting: "Stop! Armed police!"
The knife flashed in his hand as he stepped towards them.
It was at that point that both officers opened fire and Amman's troubled life came to an end.

Strange way to assassinate someone.
I think that you argument isn't enhanced in anyway by personal insults. Also that if they believed he was such a danger they should have been paying sufficient attention in their duty to stop him before he stabbed anyone. It would not surprise me to discover at some future point that the Met had an agenda which this incident fed into.
The personal insults are the best bits of Spymaster's argument
Don't see any great work by the police, 9.of them following him and they couldn't stop him shop lifting knives while wearing mock suicide belt and stabbing two people. Then had to shoot him in another Cressida Dick sanctioned assassination...
Yes , it’s almost like they did t have police issued Crystal balls. Everyone can see they should have charged in mounted on their unicorns, and shot the knives out of his hands. Or used their issue time machines to go back to when he was two and cuddle him better.
Was he really such a challenge to 9 armed trained policemen that they failed to cope so badly?
How do you know they were all men. Nothing I have seen suggests this was an all male surveillance team, which would be pretty unusual.

Sounds like you are a massive sexist to me ( Ug say ‘police officers = men’).
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Yeah yeah. You utter dickhead.

Bloke goes on stabbing spree in the streets and gets shot by OB ...

Ricbake: “He was assassinated” :facepalm:


Don’t forget Si, he was not white so therefore incapable of demonstrating full agency or taking responsibility for his actions. You of all people should know what that’s like. Only people like the poster are aware enough to know that only white people can do bad things. Even if his life brings him into so little contact with the police that he doesn’t know women have been allowed to become officers for over 100 years….
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..... officers watched as Amman went into a households good shop called Low Price Store where he had previously looked in the knife section.
Before a surveillance officer could get into the shop to see what he was doing, he ran out with a large kitchen knife ...
Obviously on top of their game - who could possibly criticise the way they have interpreted the chain of events.
- just one job

They weren't issued with tazers, they had had a debate about the bottles and tinfoil he'd bought, he'd been in that shop looking at the knives and if they knew that, presumably they had followed him more closely on that occasion.
I don't have a problem with you believing the police should be unconditionally praised for their action.
But I think somewhere in the establishment hierarchy it had been decided that this outcome or something similar suited their narrative.
I'm entitled to my opinion, your insults say plenty about you and nothing about me.
Obviously on top of their game - who could possibly criticise the way they have interpreted the chain of events.
- just one job

They weren't issued with tazers, they had had a debate about the bottles and tinfoil he'd bought, he'd been in that shop looking at the knives and if they knew that, presumably they had followed him more closely on that occasion.
I don't have a problem with you believing the police should be unconditionally praised for their action.
But I think somewhere in the establishment hierarchy it had been decided that this outcome or something similar suited their narrative.
I'm entitled to my opinion, your insults say plenty about you and nothing about me.
I think that you argument isn't enhanced in anyway by personal insults. Also that if they believed he was such a danger they should have been paying sufficient attention in their duty to stop him before he stabbed anyone. It would not surprise me to discover at some future point that the Met had an agenda which this incident fed into.

How do you know they weren’t issued with Tasers. I’ve not read that anywhere and it would be massively unusual for a team like that not to be carrying some Tasers. Please post the link to where you got that information from as it would be interesting.

You know, I presume, that jobs like this run multiple times every single day. And yet in every other case so far the subject has either not got stabby or has tried to do so and been arrested. Which would be the strategy. Everyone involved wants these cunts locked up rather than more martyrs. So please could you provide your source for saying that in this one case on this particular day the shooting dead ‘suited their narrative’ I’d be really interesting read why this one particular job was different from the hundreds/ thousands of similar ones please.

I presume you do have that information or commentary and haven’t, like made it up?
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Obviously on top of their game - who could possibly criticise the way they have interpreted the chain of events.
- just one job

They weren't issued with tazers, they had had a debate about the bottles and tinfoil he'd bought, he'd been in that shop looking at the knives and if they knew that, presumably they had followed him more closely on that occasion.
I don't have a problem with you believing the police should be unconditionally praised for their action.
But I think somewhere in the establishment hierarchy it had been decided that this outcome or something similar suited their narrative.
I'm entitled to my opinion, your insults say plenty about you and nothing about me.

What insults are those then?
Obviously on top of their game - who could possibly criticise the way they have interpreted the chain of events.
- just one job

They weren't issued with tazers, they had had a debate about the bottles and tinfoil he'd bought, he'd been in that shop looking at the knives and if they knew that, presumably they had followed him more closely on that occasion.
I don't have a problem with you believing the police should be unconditionally praised for their action.
But I think somewhere in the establishment hierarchy it had been decided that this outcome or something similar suited their narrative.
I'm entitled to my opinion, your insults say plenty about you and nothing about me.

This is fucking risible. You clown.

Suited their narrative, blah, blah.
Mi5 appeared at the risk assesment meeting Covertly🙄.
And didnt pass on their intelligence as they didnt trust the probabtion service🙄.
Whats the fucking point of collecting intelligence if its not passed onto decision makers 🤔.
Probabtion service cant. E blamed if tbey had only half the story.
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