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Stabbings in Leicester Square 12/08/24

It appears to be the little girl that was attacked and the mother was injured trying to defend her. Absolutely horrific and feels connected to the Southport atrocity if only in a 'this is how bad things are now' kind of way. Hopefully random stabbings of little girls doesn't become a trend, I know my daughter has been deeply frightened by both events. We'll have to wait to see if this is severe mental illness or some kind of online radicalisation (incel/Tate-type stuff seems most likely but there are other possibilities).

The name looks Romanian, which will get some of the idiots excited, but I also suppose people will be being more careful online after last week's arrests.
"Romanian" screams the headline on the Daily Mail website. apparently, he has a 4-year-old daughter in Manchester but was homeless.
This is awful :(

The prosecutor told the court that Mr Pintaru allegedly placed the girl into a headlock and stabbed her eight times. She was taken to hospital with serious injuries.

The girl sustained injuries to her face, shoulder, neck and wrist during the attack, the court was told.

She remains in hospital and is likely to go undergo plastic surgery as a result of her injuries, the court heard.
It appears to be the little girl that was attacked and the mother was injured trying to defend her. Absolutely horrific and feels connected to the Southport atrocity if only in a 'this is how bad things are now' kind of way. Hopefully random stabbings of little girls doesn't become a trend, I know my daughter has been deeply frightened by both events. We'll have to wait to see if this is severe mental illness or some kind of online radicalisation (incel/Tate-type stuff seems most likely but there are other possibilities).

The name looks Romanian, which will get some of the idiots excited, but I also suppose people will be being more careful online after last week's arrests.
What kind of "radicalisation" would cause a man to stab an 11-year old girl? There are no "radicals" suggesting that anyone should do such things.
Let me put it this way: when has a man ever been walking home late at night and seen a woman and worried that she might attack him?

Or when has a woman ever been walking home late at night and seen a woman and worried that she might attack her?
And how often are men worried their partner/ex/sister/daughter is going to kill them? Also going to post this on the main violence against women thread.

What kind of "radicalisation" would cause a man to stab an 11-year old girl? There are no "radicals" suggesting that anyone should do such things.
I think you might be unfortunately naive here. I think the kind of radicalisation that led to the Ecole Polytechnique attack in 1989, Elliot Rodger, Alek Minassian, and the 2014-15 Portsmouth stabbings is depressingly likely to lead to something like that.
I think you might be unfortunately naive here. I think the kind of radicalisation that led to the Ecole Polytechnique attack in 1989, Elliot Rodger, Alek Minassian, and the 2014-15 Portsmouth stabbings is depressingly likely to lead to something like that.
As far as I know, these were attacks on adults, and not children.
No, it is clearly bullshit to state that someone stabbed a girl because they were "radicalised". There is no ideology that thinks that all girls should be killed.
go on then, explain why it is clearly bullshit - show me the thought process and lay out for me the argument behind your assertion.
go on then, explain why it is clearly bullshit - show me the thought process and lay out for me the argument behind your assertion.
No, the burden of proof is on the person who asserts that something exists. If you are asserting that there is an ideology that advocates that girls should be stabbed, then provide evidence for it.
No, it is clearly bullshit to state that someone stabbed a girl because they were "radicalised". There is no ideology that thinks that all girls should be killed.
there is at least one which thinks that it doesn't really matter if they are killed. but for some peculiar reason you think the sort of men who'd do this sort of thing would also be rather careful about the ages of girls they stab. that's really strange.
I am not aware that
What kind of "radicalisation" would cause a man to stab an 11-year old girl? There are no "radicals" suggesting that anyone should do such things.
Which particular radicals are suggesting that men stab grown women?
Well, we'll find out one way or another at the trial, won't we. Islamic fundamentalists terrorists have long advocated going for the easiest targets so it's not impossible to imagine online mysogyny combined with this tactic resulting in the recent tragedies we've seen. However, all is speculation till it comes out in court.
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