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Streatham "terrorist-related" attack, people stabbed 02.02.2020

Can't read any of that, except that it says Lambeth in the top right.

Any chance of a summary?
Full text:

7 February 2020

Dear resident,

Following Sunday's terror attack in Streatham we wanted to update you on the latest situation and Lambeth Council's response to the incident. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families and we wish them a speedy recovery.

Streatham HIgh Road is now open to business and Streatham Tate Library has returned to normal operating hours.

Streatham residents, businesses, schools and the faith community have pulled together as one in the wake of this shocking incident. During the incident, Streatham businesses played a heroic part in looking after the affected people and Streatham librarians ensured the safety of hundreds of people. We thank them all for their community spirit.

However, it was a traumatic experience for both witnesses and people living in the area, especially children.

Victim Support is available for anyone who was affected by the incident on Streatham High Road. The free 24-hour service is available on 08 08 16 89 111. Alternatively, email lambethcommunitysafety@lambeth.gov.uk with your contact details and you will be directed to appropriate services for you or your children.

The council is continuing to support the emergency services and other institutions in the wake of the incident. We are liaising with schools, businesses and faith groups to help manage disruption and to ensure fear does not win. Streatham is a fantastic place to live, work and have fun. This incident will not change that.

We are especially grateful to the emergency services whose immediate response saved the lives of many others.

Lambeth is one of the most diverse places in the country. People from every community have made this city and area their home. We will not allow a terrorist to spread fear among us or curtail our freedoms. We stand united.

Cllr Jack Hopkins, Lambeth Council Leader
Detective Chief Superintendent Simon Messinger, Lambeth Borough Police Commander
Cllr Mohammed Seedat, Lambeth Council Cabinet member for Community Safety
Saleha Jaffer, Chair, Faiths Together in Lambeth
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Full text:

7 February 2020

Dear resident,

Following Sunday's terror attack in Streatham we wanted to update you on the latest situation and Lambeth Council's response to the incident. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families and we wish them a speedy recovery.

Streatham HIgh Road is now open to business and Streatham Tate Library has returned to normal operating hours.

Streatham residents, businesses, schools and the faith community have pulled together as one in the wake of this shocking incident. During the incident, Streatham businesses played a heroic part in looking after the affected people and Streatham librarians ensured the safety of hundreds of people. We thank them all for their community spirit.

However, it was a traumatic experience for both witnesses and people living in the area, especially children.

Victim Support is available for anyone who was affected by the incident on Streatham High Road. The free 24-hour service is available on 08 08 16 89 111. Alternatively, email lambethcommunitysafety@lambeth.gov.uk with your contact details and you will be directed to appropriate services for you or your children.

The council is continuing to support the emergency services and other institutions in the wake of the incident. We are liaising with schools, businesses and faith groups to help manage disruption and to ensure fear does not win. Streatham is a fantastic place to live, work and have fun. This incident will not change that.

We are especially grateful to the emergency services whose immediate response saved the lives of many others.

Lambeth is one of the most diverse places in the country. People from every community have made this city and area their home. We will not allow a terrorist to spread fear among us or curtail our freedoms. We stand united.

Cllr Jack Hopkins, Lambeth Council Leader
Detective Chief Superintendent Simon Messinger, Lambeth Borough Police Commander
Cllr Mohammed Seedat, Lambeth Council Cabinet member for Community Safety
Saleha Jaffer, Chair, Faiths Together in Lambeth
Must cost tens of thousands to stick 3 armed cops on one terrorist for days. Yet no money for prison to do rehabilitation.

Smells like private prisons is gonna be an easy sell to the public.

A mobile surveillance team would likely be eight strong. For 24 hours it'd need three teams. So you're looking at c. £3K per day, per suspect. And that's just labour costs.
Get an idiot under active surveillance to commit a terror thingy ( and for future ref, we get to decide what terror is going forward) and boom tough draconian laws.

How about actual fucking rehabilitation in prison? Get social workers in there and fix people.

But that’s not the plan is it?

Social Workers and similar are not going to work against Ideological terrorists they can and do work nonideological criminals but there are no guarantees. HMPPS does belive in a rehabilitative culture but is working with a pathetic budget couple of Guys who tackled the terrorist were prisoners who had gone through a rehab process so it can work.
But somebody who sincerely believes paradise awaits is not going to be worried by the death penalty.
you wouldn't send a social worker into the H blocks to run a workshop "try not to murder your political opponents"

The problem with these lone-wolf style attacks there's nobody to negotiate with and ISIS don't exactly have any demands we could meet.
“If crimes are committed they must be seen as a disease, and punishment as treatment rather than as social vengeance.” Daniel Guérin
Social Workers and similar are not going to work against Ideological terrorists they can and do work nonideological criminals but there are no guarantees. HMPPS does belive in a rehabilitative culture but is working with a pathetic budget couple of Guys who tackled the terrorist were prisoners who had gone through a rehab process so it can work.
But somebody who sincerely believes paradise awaits is not going to be worried by the death penalty.
you wouldn't send a social worker into the H blocks to run a workshop "try not to murder your political opponents"

The problem with these lone-wolf style attacks there's nobody to negotiate with and ISIS don't exactly have any demands we could meet.
Ideological terrorists. Only people who commit terrorist attrocities are mentally ill. In the old days it was schizophrenics who copped it. Now they are all terrorists. Nah sorry, looks like the same kind of fellas to me. Nothing has changed, the world is not more scary than it ever was, just they got you believing something else.
The man shot dead by Metropolitan Police officers in Streatham High Road at approximately 2.00 p.m. today:


(Source: as stated in image)

Sudesh Amman, who was released from prison a few days ago, after being sentenced to three years and four months imprisonment at the Central Criminal Court on 17 December 2018 after pleading guilty to possessing and distributing terrorist documents.

Streatham terror attack: Inquest to probe attacker's shooting
Judging by the TV pictures on Tuesday It seems to have been a surveillance team ‘armed for their own protection’ that was behind him and killed him. Shortest police firearms course, brought in after the Kenneth Noye case, that allows surveillance officers to carry a hand gun just to immediately protect themselves and the public. This is very different to having full time firearms officers embedded in the surveillance convoy. I wonder if the inquest will hear how many other subjects were being followed that day and how many teams had firearms because there aren’t that many out there. Also how different could it have been if the team behind him just had tasers and sticks?

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Judging by the TV pictures on Tuesday It seems to have been a surveillance team ‘armed for their own protection’ that was behind him and killed him. Shortest police firearms course, brought in after the Kenneth Noye case, that allows surveillance officers to carry a hand gun just to immediately protect themselves and the public. This is very different to having full time firearms officers embedded in the surveillance convoy. I wonder if the inquest will hear how many other subjects were being followed that day and how many teams had firearms because there aren’t that many out there. Also how different could it have been if the team behind him just had tasers and sticks?

Having seen the report on the news, including video of the incident. he was feet from the policeman when he was shot.

On the many occasions standing on the gate armed, had someone come running in with a knife, I would have shot them. Probably whilst shouting at them to halt and raise their hands.
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Great work by the police. Massive fail by the probation service.

Don't see any great work by the police, 9.of them following him and they couldn't stop him shop lifting knives while wearing mock suicide belt and stabbing two people. Then had to shoot him in another Cressida Dick sanctioned assassination...
Was he really such a challenge to 9 armed trained policemen that they failed to cope so badly?
And after they had repeatedly told PS that he was a dangerous bastard who should not be released from prison. AND THEN tried to return him to detention for breaking the terms of his release.

Perhaps they should have put him on a leash, but then some moron like you would have complained about the poor little terrorist’s civil liberties being curtailed.
And after they had repeatedly told PS that he was a dangerous bastard who should not be released from prison. AND THEN tried to return him to detention for breaking the terms of his release.

Perhaps they should have put him on a leash, but then some moron like you would have complained about the poor little terrorist’s civil liberties being curtailed.
I think that you argument isn't enhanced in anyway by personal insults. Also that if they believed he was such a danger they should have been paying sufficient attention in their duty to stop him before he stabbed anyone. It would not surprise me to discover at some future point that the Met had an agenda which this incident fed into.
I think that you argument isn't enhanced in anyway by personal insults. Also that if they believed he was such a danger they should have been paying sufficient attention in their duty to stop him before he stabbed anyone. It would not surprise me to discover at some future point that the Met had an agenda which this incident fed into.
You’re a massive, brainless, cunt.

Hopefully the only person hurt the next time some evil shitbag gets stabby in the streets, will be you.
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