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Mentally ill people to get 'job coach' visits...

Tbh, I think capitalism won't be overthrown/replaced in my lifetime, and maybe never will. But I do agree with you. It doesn't have to involve dickhead employers, it could be volunteering or community work/mutual aid or anything. Unfortunately I don't leave the house for my job and end up feeling very isolated at times, especially since my work feels very precarious at the moment. But I'm stuck with it unless I can find anything else that provides money. If I don't have anything to do that provides a structure, i get very depressed and unbalanced so I'd rather stick with that even though recently it's been quite shit. :(
I worked one-to-one with a wheelchair user in his own home for 25 years and was paid via Independent Living.

I pretty much worked on my own that whole time as there was a workforce of two, and I was on duty when my colleague was off and vice-versa.

It was fine for a number of years until my boss's mental health deteriorated and went off a cliff during the pandemic, whereby he turned into a paranoid recluse who never went out. Going into work was a fucking nightmare as his flat had become an unsafe environment for moving and handling, Health & Safety purposes and was crammed with cheap crap that didn't work properly. My colleague was utterly useless as he sided with my boss who, in fairness, was suffering with severe depression. But, in my opinion, we weren't supporting him but colluding with him.

Anyway, I'll spare you the details but suffice to say I managed to somehow extricate myself even though I think I was quite institutionalised and fearful. I think it's important to be in the right job whereby you feel supported and nurtured and valued, because I felt totally isolated and I was working every week, I didn't even stop during the pandemic as I was deemed a key worker (which I felt very resentful about at the time!).

Even if you don't go out to work, it's still a good idea to go out every day anyway. I live on my own and I do it, otherwise I'd easily just end up inside my own head.

Good luck to you, hope you find what you need.
Like given in terms of understanding
I don't necessarily know whether I want 'capitalism to be overthrown' these days tbh, I have probably moved a bit to the right of the average urban75 politics poster (economically rather than socially that is) and I don't necessarily see whatever would replace capitalism, as a good thing.

But in terms of my needs, I have been working from home since 2018 (in the same job) and tbh would ideally like a job in which I went to the office 2-3 times a week or something for a change of scenery, the new project we've started has left me feeling totally lost as we are doing it without basically, any support and I'd actually like to be able to go ask someone about it. I feel like when I was walking to work regularly was probably the time in my life when I felt like I was most sorted and stable. The problem too is as well as being completely WFH and having too few hours (due to the cutbacks that have been made) is that this job is 100% corporate bullshit and not that beneficial for society at all in my opinion. I don't want to say too much and end up doxxing myself, especially as it is about work and I don't know who's reading.

But I'd say that taking someone that's been out of the workforce for ages for mental health reasons and putting them into my current workplace would be a horrible idea even though it's WFH and therefore theoretically 'easy' just because there is so much shit going down in the company right now :(
Also it's come up earlier in the thread too but this is slightly off topic - as someone who doesn't currently work, claim benefits, draw a pension, or live off an inheritance or other non work related income - I prefer the term "economically inactive" over unemployed or housewife (or other gender neutral term for such).

Probably an issue for a different thread however.
And what jobs could anyone who's severely ill enough to be admitted to hospital do, exactly?

I heard something from Kendall about work from home options. She hasn't got a clue, which has been clear for
at least a decade. Looking at her previous views on benefits during the Tory years.

Tbh, I think capitalism won't be overthrown/replaced in my lifetime, and maybe never will. But I do agree with you. It doesn't have to involve dickhead employers, it could be volunteering or community work/mutual aid or anything. Unfortunately I don't leave the house for my job and end up feeling very isolated at times, especially since my work feels very precarious at the moment. But I'm stuck with it unless I can find anything else that provides money. If I don't have anything to do that provides a structure, i get very depressed and unbalanced so I'd rather stick with that even though recently it's been quite shit. :(

Climate change will wreck capitalism, in fact it already is in places like Florida. Big insurers have pulled from the state, so home insurance
is hard to come by and very expensive.

Work from home isn't for everyone, I just wish we had universal basic income so people had the basics covered
without the DWP breathing down people's necks. Structure and routine are important for mental health. Not sure politicians
get that when they start making noises about new policies.
Worst part is, there is at least one new Labour MP with direct experience in this sector, who could be asked about how to get those with life long mental ill health into work. Kendal is the worst of this Labour Party with her Tory ideas.
But in terms of my needs, I have been working from home since 2018 (in the same job) and tbh would ideally like a job in which I went to the office 2-3 times a week or something for a change of scenery, the new project we've started has left me feeling totally lost as we are doing it without basically, any support and I'd actually like to be able to go ask someone about it. I feel like when I was walking to work regularly was probably the time in my life when I felt like I was most sorted and stable. The problem too is as well as being completely WFH and having too few hours (due to the cutbacks that have been made) is that this job is 100% corporate bullshit and not that beneficial for society at all in my opinion.

That sounds a bit shit and like pretty poor management, frankly.

Even though my team are WFH, for some of them their jobs involve community visits, and we have supervision and team meetings F2F, plus a brief weekly Zoom meeting just to make sure that no-one's struggling to manage their caseload and to share tips and ideas.

Corporate bullshit is a pain in the arse though. We don't suffer from that, thankfully.
I know this sounds outlandish, but maybe offering people more support so they don't end up in a psych ward in the first place might be better for the economy?

Mrs Frank is off sick on account of mental health atm. The mental health issue has been entirely caused by bullying from management where she works.

She works for the NHS. On a psychiatric ward.

We need to stop being cunts to people, not think of new and exciting ways to do it.
Climate change will wreck capitalism

Yes I firmly believe this will happen much sooner than any of us realise. Like, within the decade. The whole government agenda just feels 30 years out of date at the worst possible time. Wasting tens of billions on snake oil like carbon capture.

Not that what comes after capitalism / war will be much nicer- quite the opposite probably- but decades of struggle and adaptation lie ahead. This fiddling about at the edges targeting the most vulnerable in society just feels like witless cruelty in the void where ideas for the future should be.


On fonts, there was an administrator at my work who insisted on using comic sans for e-mails for three years. I think she was the subject of much 'report post' activity by colleagues (not by me) and for the last few months of her time reverted to standard Calibri. I think her smarmy standard "go well" e-mail valediction went down like a pot of cold diahorrea with most, as well.

Then one day she wasn't there. I assume she just retired or found another job, rather than being bundled into a grey Moskvich outside her building by two men at 5 in the morning, never to be seen again.
Yes I firmly believe this will happen much sooner than any of us realise. Like, within the decade. The whole government agenda just feels 30 years out of date at the worst possible time. Wasting tens of billions on snake oil like carbon capture.

Not that what comes after capitalism / war will be much nicer- quite the opposite probably- but decades of struggle and adaptation lie ahead. This fiddling about at the edges targeting the most vulnerable in society just feels like witless cruelty in the void where ideas for the future should be.


On fonts, there was an administrator at my work who insisted on using comic sans for e-mails for three years. I think she was the subject of much 'report post' activity by colleagues (not by me) and for the last few months of her time reverted to standard Calibri. I think her smarmy standard "go well" e-mail valediction went down like a pot of cold diahorrea with most, as well.

Then one day she wasn't there. I assume she just retired or found another job, rather than being bundled into a grey Moskvich outside her building by two men at 5 in the morning, never to be seen again.
Oh yeah I think a war is on the way but I don't think there's going to be some socialist utopia at the end of it - the opposite probably
That sounds a bit shit and like pretty poor management, frankly.

Even though my team are WFH, for some of them their jobs involve community visits, and we have supervision and team meetings F2F, plus a brief weekly Zoom meeting just to make sure that no-one's struggling to manage their caseload and to share tips and ideas.

Corporate bullshit is a pain in the arse though. We don't suffer from that, thankfully.
I agree with that. We have a zoom meeting once a month :facepalm: I thought I was gonna get a call about the new project but nope. I will avoid saying much more to avoid doxxing myself lol
Yes I firmly believe this will happen much sooner than any of us realise. Like, within the decade. The whole government agenda just feels 30 years out of date at the worst possible time. Wasting tens of billions on snake oil like carbon capture.
Tbh when I saw the weight loss jab thing my first thought was it's of a piece with that. Like that he's trying to flog off some snake oil supplement whose director has given him £££
Oh yeah I think a war is on the way but I don't think there's going to be some socialist utopia at the end of it - the opposite probably

I'm not necessarily sure a world war is guaranteed but we're in the foothills of civilisational collapse for sure. What comes after will be shaped in the decades of adaptation. The contours of it will only become clear long after everyone on here is away, a boffin finds urban's hard drive in some old cupboard, and amuses themself by getting AI to replicate all our posting styles and re-animate urban from decades of tumbleweed.
Yes I firmly believe this will happen much sooner than any of us realise. Like, within the decade. The whole government agenda just feels 30 years out of date at the worst possible time. Wasting tens of billions on snake oil like carbon capture.

Not that what comes after capitalism / war will be much nicer- quite the opposite probably- but decades of struggle and adaptation lie ahead. This fiddling about at the edges targeting the most vulnerable in society just feels like witless cruelty in the void where ideas for the future should be.


On fonts, there was an administrator at my work who insisted on using comic sans for e-mails for three years. I think she was the subject of much 'report post' activity by colleagues (not by me) and for the last few months of her time reverted to standard Calibri. I think her smarmy standard "go well" e-mail valediction went down like a pot of cold diahorrea with most, as well.

Then one day she wasn't there. I assume she just retired or found another job, rather than being bundled into a grey Moskvich outside her building by two men at 5 in the morning, never to be seen again.
I think it would be a better car than a Moskvich.
I once went on a course about teaching adult literacy, and it was said that it was helpful to put things in Comic Sans for learners.
Sans-serif fonts are often thought to be clearer/easier to read, as well as better for people with dyslexia (and are dealt with better by screen readers too from an accessibility POV) but comic sans is horrible. Arial or whatever would do the job.
Mrs Frank is off sick on account of mental health atm. The mental health issue has been entirely caused by bullying from management where she works.

She works for the NHS. On a psychiatric ward.

We need to stop being cunts to people, not think of new and exciting ways to do it.
I'm pretty sure that my current health issues have been mostly caused by a few years of staffing cutbacks leading to running around like a headless chicken every day 45 hours a week...had a fall ( was moving too fast as usual) and it kicked off this problem (plus being 61) which has now put me on sick for almost 3 months, grappling with the NHS and terrified as it looks like i will have to wade into the benefits arena...we have to stop treating people like working robots.
I'm not necessarily sure a world war is guaranteed but we're in the foothills of civilisational collapse for sure. What comes after will be shaped in the decades of adaptation. The contours of it will only become clear long after everyone on here is away, a boffin finds urban's hard drive in some old cupboard, and amuses themself by getting AI to replicate all our posting styles and re-animate urban from decades of tumbleweed.
I genuinely hope I'll be dead before that happens.
The 'comic sans is great for dyslexia / learning difficulties' is a complete myth. Some people with learning difficulties find it helpful but actual research hasn't found a general benefit. Similar with OpenDyslexic - I'm sure I've come across at least one study that found it worse than some 'normal' fonts for legibility,

The basic rule is a sans serif font at decent size (12 point plus) with good contrast in terms of colour of font and background.
. The contours of it will only become clear long after everyone on here is away, a boffin finds urban's hard drive in some old cupboard, and amuses themself by getting AI to replicate all our posting styles and re-animate urban from decades of tumbleweed.

Would AI generate endless threads with 'Time is Up' at the end or post links from Twitter with no content/argument/ideas?? If not we should let it take over now so we can all watch.
The 'comic sans is great for dyslexia / learning difficulties' is a complete myth. Some people with learning difficulties find it helpful but actual research hasn't found a general benefit. Similar with OpenDyslexic - I'm sure I've come across at least one study that found it worse than some 'normal' fonts for legibility,

The basic rule is a sans serif font at decent size (12 point plus) with good contrast in terms of colour of font and background.
Speaking as a dyslexic, I find OpenDyslexic harder to read than most normal fonts. Comic sans is no easier or harder, but well, it's Comic fucking sans.

The most important thing for me is white space, large blocks of text are just unreadable. Background colour can help as well, things with less glare are easier to read.
<sigh> Having had a lot of experience around mentally ill people being in hospital, from a personal and (to a lesser extent) professional perspective, I cannot think of anything more obviously abusive and counterproductive than this idea.

Quite apart from the inappropriateness of sending lay people into a psychiatric unit, whose occupants are very likely to react with "Oh, so I can't get any help for my disorder, but there are resources to push me into a job that I probably won't be able to stick for long". And, having encountered some of the kind of people likely to end up doing this work, I strongly suspect that they'll quite possibly undo any good work that might (ideally, ha!) be being done therapeutically.

If the Government REALLY wanted to do something around mental health and work, the only way to do it is to start by resourcing the MH system properly. Too many people end up in hospital after years of the can being kicked down the road, inept and clumsy handling of patients, and a chronic lack of resources to deal with early interventions. Many of them feel betrayed and let down...so having someone breeze in and briskly suggest they write a CV or something is going to go down like a bucket of cold sick. Which, no doubt, will go down on the paperwork as "uncooperative - withdraw benefits".

I really cannot understand how our governments, of whatever stripe, can be so comprehensively ignorant of what needs to be done to improve mental healthcare, or the benefits doing that would have. I suspect it's largely because it would be a long-term project (plenty of those people in acute units will have had difficulties for YEARS), and they're only interested in Quick Wins.

It's obscene.
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