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'Needle spiking' in UK nightclubs wtf?

Here is the actual study that I posted the article about that got everyone's back up.

You can pour over it and dismiss it if wish. But I can't see how you can go so ballistic about the posting of a study EXACTLY about the subject of the thread

Sigh. Nobody went ballistic. Chill the fuck out.
I'm not saying drink spiking doesn't happen as it clearly does, but sometimes you need to identify how widespread it really is in reality before you get whole swathes of people to alter their behaviour and basically have less fun in their life over a worry that, whilst being devastating if it did happen, is very very unlikely to happen.
Whole swathes of women alter their behaviour every single day.

When other women say that something bad has happened to them, over and over, we tend to listen, to them rather than some guy saying otherwise. That's how we survive. Except, sometimes we don't because it's never quite enough to protect us all, all the time. No matter what we do to protect ourselves, how we monitor our own behaviour, women and girls are still being harrassed and belittled, and raped and murdered.

We've had a long time of being told this and that didn't really happen, or it wasn't so bad. Fuck. That.

Maybe it's a very small number of cases. BUT this is a really emotive subject for a LOT of women. I'm sure you can guess why.

So please, tread carefully.
Here is the actual study that I posted the article about that got everyone's back up.

You can pour over it and dismiss it if wish. But I can't see how you can go so ballistic about the posting of a study EXACTLY about the subject of the thread

I read the article. I have a few points.

The article is from 2007. That's 14 years ago. I would definitely argue that it is out of date with regards to the prevalence of drink spiking.

The article makes a suggestion that at least one woman who was admitted and tested was raped.

The article admits that some of those tested
likely spiked with additional units of alcohol.

I don't agree with the methodology used. They had 75 people present at the a&e allegding spiking. Therefore they should have tested everyone who presented, not a selection of them .

The article further presents evidence that spiking may be prevalent at two local premises, which is useful information.

Overall I think it's a better study than the last one, but it is flawed due to the testing inconsistency and is probably out of date with regards to prevalence of spiking.
Yes, because your responses were the typical dismissive responses with a hint of misogyny.
They did a bit. Definitely a few people got the right old hump.
I was called an arsehole and it was suggested I log off and sit in the corner and think about what I've done lol.
For fucks sake please start taking on board what people are saying. At the moment it's like you're stood there with your hands over your ears going ' LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU'
All I was doing was trying to suggest that drink spiking with drugs is perhaps not as prevalent as people worry about, backed up by an empirical study, and perhaps anecdotal evidence here from a poster.
I accept the study is out of date mind you.

I was just suggesting that people don't get consumed by anger and worry over this shit as there is a possibility its being exaggerated by the media.

Like the injecting people with drugs - isn't that possibly a media hype?

Maybe its a bit like when they used to show alien invasion films on telly in the old days and flying saucer sightings would go through the roof. Because its on people's minds.

Yes I totally accept that women negotiate a daily course of harassment and awful behavior from men, but we are talking about women being drugged in bars by strangers which I think is mercifully rare.

However I do accept that people plying other people with alcohol for nefarious reasons, including giving stronger drinks than expected, does go on all the time. Often for sexual coercion reasons and its a totally evil practice
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All I was doing was trying to suggest that drink spiking with drugs is perhaps not as prevalent as people worry about, backed up by an empirical study, and perhaps anecdotal evidence here from a poster.
I accept the study is out of date mind you.

I was just suggesting that people don't get consumed by anger and worry over this shit as there is a possibility its being exaggerated by the media.

Like the injecting people with drugs - isn't that possibly a media hype?

Maybe its a bit like when they used to show alien invasion films on telly in the old days and flying saucer sightings would go through the roof. Because its on people's minds.

Yes I totally accept that women negotiate a daily course of harassment and awful behavior from men, but we are talking about women being drugged in bars by strangers which I think is mercifully rare.

However I do accept that people plying other people with alcohol for nefarious reasons, including giving stronger drinks than expected, does go on all the time. Often for sexual cohersion reasons and its a totally evil practice
Thanks for reassuring me, D'wards. It's made me feel so much better now you've explained it all to me :thumbs:.
Thanks for reassuring me, D'wards. It's made me feel so much better now you've explained it all to me :thumbs:.
Lol you can defo see signs of the aging population on u75 by their little retorts.
That's well late 80s early 90s when we wuz young
The thing is sexual assaults and rapes are dreadfully underreported. So you can't say it's rare because we just don't know. What is reported is a known tip of the iceberg, the actual numbers could be much much higher. You might think it's rare because you're going off reported cases. As women, we all have friends or colleagues it's happened to. It might have happened to us.

Ultimately, no woman can safely assume it's a rare occurrence.
The thing is sexual assaults and rapes are dreadfully underreported. So you can't say it's rare because we just don't know. What is reported is a known tip of the iceberg, the actual numbers could be much much higher. You might think it's rare because you're going off reported cases. As women, we all have friends or colleagues it's happened to. It might have happened to us.

Ultimately, no woman can safely assume it's a rare occurrence.
I totally accept that. Let's be friends, as Jack White suggested in the noughties.

I did try and leave and read me book but it didn't grab me tbh. The Thursday Murder Club. You saw it everywhere upon publication but some pals have said its average. So I'm not sure if I'll persist.

Sorry about that just trying to lighten the mood with a bit of levity
BTW I don't have the energy to bear more grudges than high court judges so if i encounter some of you on other threads I'll act normal innit
All I was doing was trying to suggest that drink spiking with drugs is perhaps not as prevalent as people worry about, backed up by an empirical study, and perhaps anecdotal evidence here from a poster.
I accept the study is out of date mind you.

I was just suggesting that people don't get consumed by anger and worry over this shit as there is a possibility its being exaggerated by the media.

Regardless of whether the scale of it is being exaggerated or not, I don't think you quite grasp what it feels like to lose control of your body for reasons unknown.

I'm male, and I was spiked at a student halls party - "only" alcohol. I was apparently getting on rather too well with a girl the host of the party had been trying to get off with (I had no designs on her at all but she was funny and had a cool hat), so whilst I was off pontificating away, he was apparently topping my drink up with vodka whenever I wasn't looking. Predictably I got utterly shitfaced in a way I didn't even think was possible, threw up all over the shop and passed out (I was banned from the halls as a result). The people I went to the party with thought this was funny (they saw it happening and didn't tell me until the day after when I asked what the fucking fuck happened) and I could never forgive them for it. Boys will be boys, eh?

About a year later, a female friend of mine was spiked at a club with what they think was rohypnol (I wasn't present for this one, only heard it second hand). She couldn't drink alcohol so was always just on coke or whatever, then started being all woozy. Told the friends she was with that something was fucking her up before she basically passed out. She'd been sexually assaulted before (pre-uni, through spiking via booze in her drink) so, to put it crudely, knew the drill. She was lucky this time, as was the assailant who made themselves scarce. Her boyfriend was the sort of fella who wouldn't hurt a fly, but who moved in circles that would take a... dim view of anyone engaging in this sort of behaviour.

Friends shouldn't let friend's drinks go unattended or unwatched, end of. Spiking isn't fun regardless of gender, age or scale and even if no other assault happens as a result it can leave serious psychological scars. Spiking happens because the world is full of cunts. It sucks that we have to look out for it, but everyone should be looking out for it even if it's only a statistical rarity.
Regardless of whether the scale of it is being exaggerated or not, I don't think you quite grasp what it feels like to lose control of your body for reasons unknown.

I'm male, and I was spiked at a student halls party - "only" alcohol. I was apparently getting on rather too well with a girl the host of the party had been trying to get off with (I had no designs on her at all but she was funny and had a cool hat), so whilst I was off pontificating away, he was apparently topping my drink up with vodka whenever I wasn't looking. Predictably I got utterly shitfaced in a way I didn't even think was possible, threw up all over the shop and passed out (I was banned from the halls as a result). The people I went to the party with thought this was funny (they saw it happening and didn't tell me until the day after when I asked what the fucking fuck happened) and I could never forgive them for it. Boys will be boys, eh?

About a year later, a female friend of mine was spiked at a club with what they think was rohypnol (I wasn't present for this one, only heard it second hand). She couldn't drink alcohol so was always just on coke or whatever, then started being all woozy. Told the friends she was with that something was fucking her up before she basically passed out. She'd been sexually assaulted before (pre-uni, through spiking via booze in her drink) so, to put it crudely, knew the drill. She was lucky this time, as was the assailant who made themselves scarce. Her boyfriend was the sort of fella who wouldn't hurt a fly, but who moved in circles that would take a... dim view of anyone engaging in this sort of behaviour.

Friends shouldn't let friend's drinks go unattended or unwatched, end of. Spiking isn't fun regardless of gender, age or scale and even if no other assault happens as a result it can leave serious psychological scars. Spiking happens because the world is full of cunts. It sucks that we have to look out for it, but everyone should be looking out for it even if it's only a statistical rarity.
Can you point out where I've said that spiking "only" alcohol isn't bad? I think I've said the exact opposite and said this is far more likely to happen to you. This is what you should watch out for.

Also I never said drug spiking doesn't happen, just that it maybe appears its happens far less than the press make out.

People should still not leave drinks unattended when off for a boogie or a gypsy's kiss, but don't let it stop you going out altogether. Or give you too many negative thoughts in general.

Keep yourself safe and be sensible but don't let fear of crime dominate your actions and comings and goings.

How many parents will be completely shitting themselves every time their daughters go out drinking and dancing now?

History is littered with moral panics about shit that, with hindsight being 2020, were highly exaggerated.
If you're using 'gypsy's kiss' as cockney rhyming slang for, well, anything, I think you have spectacularly misjudged it's appropriateness on urban.
stdP sorry this happened to you too. It's really not very funny to be on the receiving end of it.

I'm lucky, my spiking events were in 1994 and 2005 or 2006, nothing more recent. And I wasn't assaulted after either, although the second one I was lucky as I left the party and walked home alone.
I know Gypsies and Travellers are subjected to daily persecution. A web spun by the government and reactionary shitcunts.
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