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Kirstie Allsopp discussion


Funnier than he thinks he is.
Allsopp defends flying apart from children

Years ago the boards would be seething, handing out parenting advice and questioning the fact that she flies at all not just that she flies business class.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of flying in a different class to your kids and relying on flight staff to babysit your brats for you, she comes over as a complete and utter cock in her comments.
You have to think 'what if everyone else was doing it?' unless you are a massive bellend.

Can you imagine a flight where all the parents were in one half of the plane and the kids were in the other? I mean, it would be bliss for one half of the plane but I'm struggling to work out which, since one half would contain Kirstie Allsopp.
I'm not in bloody First Class, half the time I'm with the kids, and the rest of the time in Premium Economy, about four rows in front.

My kids aged 9 and 11 are quite capable of looking after themselves, and so they should be at this age, it would be pathetic if they weren't.

She's probably a terrible person and everything, but she's right that sitting in a seat for a few hours and watching videos on an iPad or whatever should not be beyond the capabilities of an average 10-year-old. IME, airline passengers that age are often a lot easier and more pleasant to deal with than their entitled parents.
My Dad worked for an airline when I was a kid and it meant that we got cheap flight tickets, but it often meant being on standby and not knowing if you’d fly till the last minute. When we did get on the flight we’d all often be split up all over the cabin. Think I flew in a seat on my own many rows back from my Mum, Dad and little brother for the first time when I was 8 and it was great :thumbs:
Polar opposite of sleeper trains here where parents will pay for a bunk for the kid while suffering in hard seat hell themselves.
I've no time for her, but this is manufactured outrage. Given her kids' ages, they don't need to be sat next to a parent. The idea that crew are expected to act as babysitters is ridiculous. How much attention does a 12 year old need on a plane?

When the four of us book on one of the cheapo airlines without allocated seating, I usually pay to reserve a seat with leg room (because I'm tall), and the others go where they're allocated. They don't need me sat with them; they're old enough to read a book or listen to music etc. without my supervision. If there's a problem, they can find me.
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I like sitting with my kids. I enjoy spending time with them. They're 18 and 22 now, but even when they were children I mean. But on the handful of times we've flown, the airlines have often completely disregarded the fact we're booking as a family and spread us around the plane seemingly at random. (I suspect I don't fly with the same airlines as Ms Allsop. Indeed, I don't even know what "Club class" is. Is that different from 1st class or business class? - the distinction between which I'm also not clear about.)

However, as something I'm going to give a fuck about this "story" is extremely far down my list of things I feel I need an opinion on. It appears to be of the order of "someone who is on TV has said something on social media. Some other people have said some other things".
I've no time for her, but this is manufactured outrage. Given her kids' ages, they don't need to be sat next to a parent. The idea that crew are expected to act as babysitters is ridiculous. How much attention does a 12 year old need on a plane?

A 12 year old toff though? Toffs are raised to believe they can demand anything at any time and a minion will come running. Anything but the love and attention of their parents of course, that gets rescinded at c. 6 months old.
A 12 year old toff though? Toffs are raised to believe they can demand anything at any time and a minion will come running. Anything but the love and attention of their parents of course, that gets rescinded at c. 6 months old.

Then a spell in economy will do the little shits good!
A 12 year old toff though? Toffs are raised to believe they can demand anything at any time and a minion will come running. Anything but the love and attention of their parents of course, that gets rescinded at c. 6 months old.
Imagine what kind of person Reese-Mogg could've been if he'd traveled to Costa del Sol in 1970's economy class?

Still a cunt, to be fair.
Not the rest of the passengers though, who will have to listen to those increasingly shrill demands for a caviar blini.
And the cabin crew who have to pay extra attention to children if their unaccompanied. Flight attendants, your nanny in the clouds. Fuck her and her kids.
Such a non story. I bet loads of rich parents do this.

Why spoil kids in business class when they haven’t worked for it and you could spend the money saved on doing even better fun stuff together on holiday. They’ll just grow up entitled shits. Loath as I am to say it, I’m with Allsop on this. They’re in Premium economy anyway. That’s not exactly a hardship. Ffs.
I bet loads of rich parents do this.

They do, so much so that BA has a specific policy in place to deal with any issues, the thrust of which seems to be if the kids are playing up the parents will be made to sit with them in economy. So if you see a young kid who's parents are sat up front, tell the staff that the kids is being outrageous and you get to swap seats with the parents :thumbs:
BA didn’t used to allow this, but then they realised they could make a lot more money if the parents were allowed to abandon their kids in favour of the champers and complementary soap.

Perhaps they realised that during an evacuation, parents who do this are unlikely to bother running back to get their kids, so it’s not a safety issue.
Why would you not want to travel with your kids? Unless of course your kids were twats, in which case they shouldn't be inflicted upon the travelling public at all.
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