disgusting disgusting words from the Israeli ..
BUT, danny, by ANY stretch of the words, the Israelis are NOT 'inflicting a holocaust on the palestinians' are they? there has been a war for land which the isrealis ( funded by the US) have won and they have clearly pushed out many palestinians ( many arabs though remain in israel in 'freedom' ) .. to talk though of holocaust is to confuse scale massively .. and risk equating the Israle with Hitler ..
you've never fucing been there have you son.
nor for that matter it would appear have you ever read either aorund the subjigation of the jews in pre ww2 germany or their treatment there in.
why is it so hard for you to understand? It's that they are jews behaving as facists isn't it. It makes you unable to compute the factors for you facist means nazi means hitler means anti jew.
The visable child of 5 logic is all to plain to see, time and time again with you.
Think of the settlers in Israel, as the Israeli equverlent to the White supremacists of the USA you know KKK ayran nation that sort of thing.
except they are allowed to carry guns and have almost never been brought to task for their murders, theift abuse.
Think every story you've ever heard with pure spite and prejudice retold by a tory about travellers then arm them... and they don't leave and indeed get govt money to stay and to increase their site further...
you say there's not a systemic murder of palestinians by industrial methods.
We call it ethnic cleansing these days to allow the holocaust to merely remeber one period in time...
however regardless of name any systematic attempt by a state or it's agents to errdicate and entirely remove all cultureal physical and literal reminders of a group of peoples is genocide. whatever fucking frame of refference you need to use to equate that in your ming ethnic cleansing, holocaust, massicare, slaughter etc etc etc which ever vitrolic rhetoric you need to use to get it though your skull that this is an attempt by a powerful militarised nation to utterly crush, wipe out and extinguish another group of people who were in the territory first.
more over you say it's not a comparitive scale really ... how many displaced palestinians are there again still living in permenant tempory accomiditation for the longest period of time?
you're right it would be utterly fair to say that since the exidous there has been no comparible disporia of peoples within judeic history which is comparable to what has happened to the palesitnians...
the closest proximity there would be would be the holocaust but in compartive terms the holocaust was shorter, and the world stepped in and stopped it...
It's been going on since 1948 we are in 2008 thats sitxy fucking years.
the holocaust didn't last 60 fucking years did it. with systemic touture murder beatings abuse children being taken families deleiberately destroy property stolen, land stolen water cut of well posioned... sixty years...
and yet again you and you aloof festishism for dismissing any poltical meaning to anything which isn't in your agenda portrays you ina a terrible light...
utterly disgusting behaviour....