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Israel/Gaza: UK crackdown and backlash

If they do go ahead I do wonder what mood the rank and file will be in. Not like they haven't been known to have sympathies with the right, whatever the orders from above they might be on edge/hysterical enough to push things on the day.

I know I am biased, but I doubt it. There has been a lot of people taken away from their normal jobs / had days off cancelled in order to police this, JSO and other aid requirements - and that always is annoying - but many of them and the command team have done those demos already and they know what they were actually like.
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I get the impression the Met dont want to stop the demos (might be wrong)....pressure from government is pushing them into this corner
What gives you that impression? Obv the Met isn't a single homogenous group and different people will be thinking different things, but seems to me like Rowley's been asking for the go-ahead to get nastier for a while now.
What gives you that impression? Obv the Met isn't a single homogenous group and different people will be thinking different things, but seems to me like Rowley's been asking for the go-ahead to get nastier for a while now.

He hasn't - hence all the pressure to try and get him to crack down.
I know I am biased, but I doubt it. There has been a lot of people taken away from their normal jobs / had days off cancelled in order to police this, JSO and other aid requirements - and that always is annoying - but many of them and the command team have done those demos already and they know what they were actually like.

It's the Met, they also know how to shift crowds to provoke confrontations if they want to. All that takes is for a few individual coppers to present their usual, measured approach to anyone they don't like and can't imagine they're any less susceptible to the end of days, 'they're here to destroy our country and piss on the cenotaph' rhetoric than both the Tories and the rest of the Right seem to be at the moment.
He hasn't - hence all the pressure to try and get him to crack down.
Where are you getting this from? Looking at coverage of it, I'm seeing stuff like:
Sir Mark said his officers are limited by legal definitions of extremism and that he would support a review into the definition and how it should be policed.
"There is scope to be much sharper in how we deal with extremism within this country. The law was never designed to deal with extremism, there's a lot to do with terrorism and hate crime but we don't have a body of law that deals with extremism, and that is creating a gap."
He said lawyers from the Crown Prosecution Service are working in the police operations room to help identify offences.
"We've got these big protests and some of what goes on there, people do find it upsetting and distasteful and sometimes people give an instinctive view that must not be legal.
"But there's no point arresting hundreds of people if it's not prosecutable, that's just inflaming things.
"We will robustly enforce up to the line of the law. We're going to be absolutely ruthless, and we have been, and you'll see many more arrests over the next week or so."
Or this:
Police will deploy new tactics to arrest “troublemakers” breaking the law and “chase people down” at protests in London this weekend over the attacks in Israel and Gaza, the Met Commissioner said on Thursday.
Sir Mark Rowley said his officers would use “sharper interventions to make arrests in big crowds” and use analysis of social media and retrospective facial recognition to identify and detain extremists committing hate crimes or supporting banned terror organisations such as Hamas.
He also vowed to do “everything we possibly can to take dangerous people off the streets”.
The promise of swifter, more robust police action came as Sir Mark disclosed that “70 to 80” suspects have been arrested in the capital over hate crimes linked to the turmoil in Israel and Gaza with most of the offences targeting Jewish people and a further “chunk” directed at Muslims.
He also revealed counter-terrorism officers are examining around 250 potential terrorist offences involving “really toxic” material posted online and warned that of a growing risk that some extremists could be “provoked” into carrying out an attack.
He added that the challenge faced by police was “unprecedented” and insisted that his officers were “constantly trying to deflame tension” despite unable to intervene over some distasteful conduct because laws passed by Parliament give a “very wide leeway for the right to protest”.
Both those read to me like him saying he wants to take a more aggressive approach but he's limited by what the law allows. What makes you think he's saying anything different?

Anyway, this odd aren't-the-met-lovely-really diversion aside, I do think it's worth taking a moment to appreciate how funny it is that the establishment are managing to get themselves this whipped up into a frenzy over the idea that people might use Armistice Day to commemorate victims of a conflict and call for a ceasefire. Real reverse "you can't fight in here, this is the war room!" energy.
According to a comrade in Unite, their coach for this Saturday has been cancelled by the company, who claim they did so on police advice. I presume it was a Unite coach, so thoroughly 'respectable'.
According to a comrade in Unite, their coach for this Saturday has been cancelled by the company, who claim they did so on police advice. I presume it was a Unite coach, so thoroughly 'respectable'.
This type of behaviour is quite common for police services, there really needs to be national discussion on police overstepping the mark, because they do, whilst then also abjectly failing people that need their help.
I’ve been watching children about 7 years old burnt having chest compressions on their burnt bodies. As a father it disgusts me.
Weak, shit cunt thinking racist Zionist wankers.
Fuck off with your crocodile tears for your sermon on the mount shit.
I can give you 632 reasons why any one of you cunts ain’t going to heaven.
There's only one reason why no one's going to heaven
The only realistic way physical confrontations happen on Saturday would be Fash attacking the PSC march, not PSC v poppy people. If you want to do anything to stop that, police should focus their efforts on the fash.
The only realistic way physical confrontations happen on Saturday would be Fash attacking the PSC march, not PSC v poppy people. If you want to do anything to stop that, police should focus their efforts on the fash.
Will they equal the nearly 600 arrests of fash seen in the early 90s when the fash mobilised to oppose the bloody Sunday march?
This story seems so a slavering DM dream that I'm inclined to believe it's bullshit Poppy seller veteran, 78, is 'punched by pro-Palestine protesters'. Lefties may be :rolleyes: at poppies, but they are not, as the DM imagine, so full of hate that they would beat up an 87-year-old geezer over it. My money is on him being jostled by the volume of the crowd but I find it hard to believe anyone actually attacked him.

Ditto some papers making a lot of hay that Protestors 'surrounded poppy sellers' Charing Cross pro-Palestine sit-in sees protesters surround poppy sellers because, maybe... those poppy sellers were in the middle of the station where they were protesting? Note how no protestors in the photo are in any way interacting with the poppy sellers.

Just when I thought the poppy-fetishists couldn't get more annoying.

Honestly I have nothing against buying a poppy and usually do, but these fuckers...
I dont know what you're on about Boris Sprinkler and i don't think instagram is the answer, was asking you who you were addressing with your post about the sermon on the mount and cunts and heaven and so on.

Increasingly fascinated in a kind of private way by people who take recourse to the word Zionist.
Would like to sit them each down and ask them in detail over a cup of tea what they mean by that word.
You for instance. What do you even mean who the fuck were you talking to. But its an irrelevance, never mind.
I hope families aren't put off going to the next one. Can't see a load of a TSG wading into a group of toddlers in pushchairs. I might have underestimated them though.
This story seems so a slavering DM dream that I'm inclined to believe it's bullshit Poppy seller veteran, 78, is 'punched by pro-Palestine protesters'. Lefties may be :rolleyes: at poppies, but they are not, as the DM imagine, so full of hate that they would beat up an 87-year-old geezer over it. My money is on him being jostled by the volume of the crowd but I find it hard to believe anyone actually attacked him.
Wouldn't rule it out, purely on the grounds that's what he said happened, though he describes getting hit from behind and then the side so it's possible he's filling in the gaps. But yeah, the bigger issue by far is how events/non-events/semi-events like this are being swept up into Braverman's frothathon. DM and others cranked up to respond to the sanctity of the poppy, saintly veterans and the like. Who, of course, the government don't normally give a shit about the wellbeing of. Gee, propaganda.
Yeah, we just don't know... the other thing is that may or may not be what he said, we know DM just makes shit up sometimes. It just seems a little too perfect a fit for their prejudices. Obviously if there is evidence someone deliberately attacked him, those people are twats and should be done for assault.

But yes, there is clearly a concerted campaign in the media to set ceasefire protests against 'British Values'.

I've also been reflecting on the 'oh, why don't these people focus on OTHER injustices and massacres, just Israel, huh?' and I think there is a good reason for that. Russia is not our ally. China is not our ally. Whereas our government makes a big deal of being an ally to Israel and is condoning the current massacre, so it's extra pertinent that people protest here because we have a government that might feasibly have influence with Israel. I mean, they won't use it, but if we're in a country declaring itself Israel's ally there is a particular reason to protest Israel's actions above those of other countries.
I dont know what you're on about Boris Sprinkler and i don't think instagram is the answer, was asking you who you were addressing with your post about the sermon on the mount and cunts and heaven and so on.

Increasingly fascinated in a kind of private way by people who take recourse to the word Zionist.
Would like to sit them each down and ask them in detail over a cup of tea what they mean by that word.
You for instance. What do you even mean who the fuck were you talking to. But its an irrelevance, never mind.
I certainly think we should avoid taking digs at any side in this conflict on grounds of their religion. Yes, when anyone uses their religion to justify dehumanising the other, uses it to justify violence, but not at the level of cheap digs. I mean, maybe there is a time and place for an analytical discussion of religion in this conflict, alongside other factors, but not as a series of one liners. Having said all that, I'm slightly confused by the reference to the Sermon on the Mount. Not as in wanting to discuss it further, but confused still.
bimble Who? The Israeli government who are dropping the bombs on people who are in a cage. The US and other states who are supporting this.
Who obviously have some misguided idea about what it is to be human but seemingly have some larger plan. Of which they get to decide the rules for everyone else. Or have you not noticed what’s going on?
The instagram link is precisely because it is telling a story that has no airing on television channels or other large media.
The propaganda spun in the news and parliaments of other western countries this is the same. The idea that people marching for peace are extremists.
The issues with Zionism are complex and multiple. Is it settler colonialism?
I am not conflating Zionism with Judaism. The 10,000 Jews that shut down Nyc in recent days to protest for peace do not either.
bimble Who? The Israeli government who are dropping the bombs on people who are in a cage. The US and other states who are supporting this.
Who obviously have some misguided idea about what it is to be human but seemingly have some larger plan. Of which they get to decide the rules for everyone else. Or have you not noticed what’s going on?
The instagram link is precisely because it is telling a story that has no airing on television channels or other large media.
The propaganda spun in the news and parliaments of other western countries this is the same. The idea that people marching for peace are extremists.
The issues with Zionism are complex and multiple. Is it settler colonialism?
I am not conflating Zionism with Judaism. The 10,000 Jews that shut down Nyc in recent days to protest for peace do not either.
ok got it, its just the israeli government who is not going to heaven. And also the US. That makes sense. Let's ignore the sermon on the mount bit cos that was just bizarre. You carry on but if you've no clue what a word means, even to your own mind, perhaps best to try to find other words, and not go for "Zionist cunts" : Find another way to express yourself. Just an idea. I'm not really able to engage seriously here atm just pop in and marvel at the most egregious weirdnesses.
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Apparently the far right are organising a counter protest this Saturday and the Met think they are a bigger threat in terms of public order. Stay safe folks.👍🏽
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