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Israel/Gaza: UK crackdown and backlash

“We have obtained new powers”


At least its a distraction from them violently strip searching children.
And yet as nino_savatte posted about here, the right ignores actual extremists when it suits them:

text spoilered below

Central London Anti-Fascists

The Palestine march was never going to march near the Cenotaph on the
11th, BUT, there is an #Antisemitic group who are marching to the
Cenotaph. Every year the violent, Jew hating, Israel hating National Front,
march to the cenotaph.

Where is the outrage at them?

But yeah, it's very worrying that the Establishment are
barreling towards the imposition of a miserable, oppressive regime in which empathy itself is considered suspicious and extreme.

Well said.
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Part of the reason for her anger is that her husband, Rael, is Jewish. “The Jewish community is our community,” she said. “My husband is a proud Jew and Zionist.

“He’s lived in Israel. We have close family members who serve in the IDF. My children will be raised with a strong sense of Jewish values and their Jewish heritage. We enjoy Friday night dinners at our mother-in-law’s.”
I happen to consider the idf a terrorist organization.

Sadly I don't have anywhere near sufficient Arabic to add the words "but only the political wing" under the text on the Hamas flag.

Why would you want to fly the flag of a bunch of oppressive Right-wing brutes?

Indeed, why would you want to fly any flag?
Why would you want to fly the flag of a bunch of oppressive Right-wing brutes?

Indeed, why would you want to fly any flag?
Have you heard of the concepts "humour" and "nuance"? Try looking them up and giving them a go. They make communication more entertaining and more realistic.
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zionists don't kill on the streets of the UK
islamists do
More by luck than judgement

In April 1947, two Stern Gang terrorists, a man and a woman, attempted to blow up the Colonial Office in Whitehall in the centre of London. They planted a bomb containing 24 sticks of explosives at Dover House, headquarters of the Colonial Office, but it failed to go off because it was not fused correctly.

In June 1947, two months after the attempted bombing of the Colonial Office, a Stern Gang cell operating in Italy posted 21 letter bombs to senior British politicians and cabinet members including Prime Minister Clement Attlee, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin and Chancellor of the Exchequer Stafford, Cripps as well as Winston Churchill. Most of the letter bombs were intercepted, but some reached their intended recipients and failed to go off.

Full article

Coat bomb and explosive prosthesis: British intel files reveal how the Zionist Stern Gang terrorized London
Er, no. It's the Zionists who have a problem with free speech, not the Left.
If I suggest a change to a sentence that starts "The political classes’ consensus is that...", am I describing a) my opinion, b) Freedom Press's opinion, or c) the political classes' consensus?

Anyway, I started this thread because I was interested in hearing perspectives from broadly socialist/anti-racist positions on this issue, if any passing mods feel like doing a touch of suppressing free speech by kicking the rightwing troll off this one as well I'd have no objection to that.
Ugh, so sick of this shit from the government: 'Look how supportive we are of the Jews, we're going to shut down totally reasonable protest in their name' Fuck you, fascists.
Innit. And it's so clearly counter-productive too. This kind of repression just feeds public hostility to Israel, while calling attention to its stranglehold over the MSM. Such tactics are bound to backfire spectacularly, and soon.
Video doing the rounds on football pages of some presumably right-wing football lads attacking a "Hamas supporter" at the Palestine marches and talk of "roll on next weekend" so that's happening now 🙄
Innit. And it's so clearly counter-productive too. This kind of repression just feeds public hostility to Israel, while calling attention to its stranglehold over the MSM. Such tactics are bound to backfire spectacularly, and soon.
Yeah, that's the heart of what angers me - it spurs people in this sort of 'Oh the Jews want to end freedom of speech, the Jews think any criticism of Israel is antisemitism, they think everything's antisemitism' line of thinking.
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