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Israel/Gaza: UK crackdown and backlash

Yeah, that's the heart of what angers me - it spurs people in this sort of 'Oh the Jews want to end freedom of speech, the Jews think any criticism of Israel is antisemitism, they think everything's antisemitism' line of thinking.
Yep. It's absolutely disgusting that Netanyahu and Likud purport to represent Jewish interests. The vast majority of Jews despise them, and view them as a threat.
Innit. And it's so clearly counter-productive too. This kind of repression just feeds public hostility to Israel, while calling attention to its stranglehold over the MSM. Such tactics are bound to backfire spectacularly, and soon.
It's Jewish conspiracy time again.
Oy vey! Now husband has a US cousin telling him to WAKE UP to the PRO HAMAS marches and HAMAS LYNCH MOBS patrolling UK streets looking for Jews to kill. Mate, we live here, I think we know the situation better the US right wing media and social media.

not only does it go nowhere near cenotaph its not even on the same day
interesting to see political policing so clearly played out - home sec tweets police jump

interesting that theyve "asked" to "consider" - organisers will carry on of course - forces home sec to make the decision?
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I know the person in red in this video ( I have met the person who was arrested but I don't know them). It's reinforced my choice to always cover my face on protests now as anything can go viral. At the weekend, so many young people in London did not cover their face and they're all being followed by FIT whilst being baited by police. Digital policing is a really worrying trend
It is on the 11th. Remembrance Sunday is the 12th.
Oh well, you know what I meant...... I think it was always 11.11 on the 11/11.

I honestly haven't had a poppy since my made me wear one as a child so have no idea when national flag shagging day.
I know the person in red in this video ( I have met the person who was arrested but I don't know them). It's reinforced my choice to always cover my face on protests now as anything can go viral. At the weekend, so many young people in London did not cover their face and they're all being followed by FIT whilst being baited by police. Digital policing is a really worrying trend
police have announced "retrospective facial recognition" for all upcoming demos, id presume its a thing always now
enough people giving him grief and calling him out over this so not "ffs urban75" and he's banned off most of the relevant threads already, this one will soon follow
your tolerance for this sort of thing may vary from mine.
I get the impression the Met dont want to stop the demos (might be wrong)....pressure from government is pushing them into this corner

No, policing a demo is one thing, policing a riot is another. Even if organisers call it off loads of people will turn up, and that would be far harder for the police to deal with both on the day and in the fallout afterwards.

Obviously Suella Braverman wants a riot, with all the attendant police brutality and subsequent emergency powers. So a ban looks on the cards I suppose.
Yeah, I 100% agree with that, and I am keeping my fingers crossed the Met doesn't cave into political pressure.

If they do go ahead I do wonder what mood the rank and file will be in. Not like they haven't been known to have sympathies with the right, whatever the orders from above they might be on edge/hysterical enough to push things on the day.
hmm think they find themselves busy with the football lads and other fash marching around the cenotaph..

stirred up by a week's long campaign by braverman and her nationalist bullshit

than the pro palisatine protest that has no need or reason to go near place
No, policing a demo is one thing, policing a riot is another. Even if organisers call it off loads of people will turn up, and that would be far harder for the police to deal with both on the day and in the fallout afterwards.

Obviously Suella Braverman wants a riot, with all the attendant police brutality and subsequent emergency powers. So a ban looks on the cards I suppose.
I think you may be right on the money there. Go on about hardliners and disorder, discourage the moderate people who won't do anything out of line, and increase the likelihood of disruptive hardliners turning up so you can go 'See, we told you, it was disruptive hardliners all along'.
I’ve been watching children about 7 years old burnt having chest compressions on their burnt bodies. As a father it disgusts me.
Weak, shit cunt thinking racist Zionist wankers.
Fuck off with your crocodile tears for your sermon on the mount shit.
I can give you 632 reasons why any one of you cunts ain’t going to heaven.
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not only does it go nowhere near cenotaph its not even on the same day
interesting to see political policing so clearly played out - home sec tweets police jump

interesting that theyve "asked" to "consider" - organisers will carry on of course - forces home sec to make the decision?
the cops have to explicitly ask the Home Sec to make a banning order, she can't do it off her own bat.
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