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Israel/Gaza: UK crackdown and backlash

Blimey, AFN, there's a name I've not heard for a while.

Is it that interesting? It looks like a picture of a bloke in a stripy top. I'm not going to watch some random video with no context, can you say what's interesting about it?
Yes, it is interesting. It asserts that various right-wing people and groups who fund West Bank settlers also fund far-right peole in Britain and the USA.
Only just caught up with the fracture between Manchester PSC and PSC national - linking to this article for information purposes, not because I agree with their take on it:
Actual PSC statement is just:
Palestine Solidarity Campaign has repeatedly stated our firm belief that international law makes clear that the deliberate killing of civilians, hostage taking and collective punishment are war crimes. We condemn any such acts no matter who perpetrates them. We have been made aware of social media postings in the name of Manchester PSC which violate these principles. We have required these items be deleted and have suspended the officers of Manchester PSC. The postings are unacceptable, do not reflect the positions of PSC and do not serve the legitimate cause of the Palestinian people and their struggle for justice and liberation.
(Full statement given for reference cos their website keeps breaking.)
I did think the Manchester leadership's stance seemed a bit tone-deaf in the weeks after October 7th, although with everything that's happened since then the focus has switched back to area where there's more common ground. No idea why the Manchester group seems so out of line with national, though.
I just discovered today that no one seems to have complained about the disrespectfulness of the footy being on on Saturday. Also noticed that Millwall are playing at 3pm so with any luck a lot of the fash will have something else to do.
Blimey, AFN, there's a name I've not heard for a while.

Is it that interesting? It looks like a picture of a bloke in a stripy top. I'm not going to watch some random video with no context, can you say what's interesting about it?
Your choice watch or don't watch.
God, it's even got to the point where my dad is worried about taking our son into town to hear my choir concert tonight (2 miles and 4 hours from the march) and he's normally really rational and not worried about this crap. I think he's just been reading too much Daily Telegraph. :(
Keeping the people in a state of fear and unease.
Only just caught up with the fracture between Manchester PSC and PSC national - linking to this article for information purposes, not because I agree with their take on it:
Actual PSC statement is just:

(Full statement given for reference cos their website keeps breaking.)
I did think the Manchester leadership's stance seemed a bit tone-deaf in the weeks after October 7th, although with everything that's happened since then the focus has switched back to area where there's more common ground. No idea why the Manchester group seems so out of line with national, though.

Here is the dogshit statement from Manchester PSC


I wonder if the Manchester PSC also issued unconditional support for the "anti-imperialst resistence" that targeted the Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena in 2017? Or maybe that's too close to home? Easier to cheer on the killing and torture of some 1400 people when they are far away abstractions and just parts of 'the Zionist murder machine' at that.
Yeah, all of that. It's an appalling approach in terms of the politics of all this but, just as importantly (if not more) it's appalling in terms of being human and responding in an honest way. It's the immaturity of this kind of politics, 'this is the side I'm with so by definition I won't be honest about what they have also done'. It's all that follows from having 'lines of argument' rather than being honest, positioning rather than having some fucking principles. Yeah, trots, but not just trots doing that. And it's not actually about dancing to the tune of hostile interviewers, it's about being a moral grownup.

If I reduce it to something as simple as posting on this thread, I'll spend most of my time giving voice to the visceral horror I feel about the murders of the Palestinian people. Even more so given that they are trapped in the kill zone, by Israel, the Americans and the West. And decades of that. I think it's fine to have 'more' sympathy for the Palestinian people in those circumstances, given that there's 'more' historic injustice. But if that leaves you unable to saying something in meaningful words about Hamas and the horrors inflicted on the Israeli people on the 7th, fuck no.

I dont agree he was doing that.

What he was resisting was the line that this all started on 7th October.

He was trying to say their was a context to this violence.

Secondly as I've posted on the main thread about Barnaby Raine he is a anti zionist Jew. Not an easy place to be at the best of times.

For him that State of Israel is an affront to how he sees his Jewishness and what it means personally to him.

For him to be derided here as part of the anti imperialist left etc shows no respect imo of where he is coming from as a Jew.

On Novara media he gave a description of how as a Jew he compared Zionism with a Jewishness that was about universal values/ liberation.

Posted summary of what he said there. As Thought it was important to show their are different Jewish traditions and outlooks.

This isn't just about "Trots"

Post in thread 'Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion' Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion
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