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Israel/Gaza: UK crackdown and backlash

Has he tried to do that, though - "set himself up as an authority on racism"? Or is he just trying to make a point about how Jewish people are perceived in contemporary British society and politics?

I think most of what he's tried to do is build a second career off the back of 'I saw this on Twitter' pontificating mixed in with incredibly ignorant and un-curious 'I reckon' conclusions. That it's worked is a testament to the absolute bone idleness of the British media class, they're far happier to position that bloke off the telly as a revered authority than they are to look for - or read anything by - people who actually have in depth knowledge and considered opinions.
Interesting history of Gaza and the lengths the zionists go to for influence Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins and nany others.


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Has he tried to do that, though - "set himself up as an authority on racism"? Or is he just trying to make a point about how Jewish people are perceived in contemporary British society and politics?
He's written a book on it. TBF 'I wrote the book on it' is generally taken as shorthand for 'I'm an authority on it'.
Has he tried to do that, though - "set himself up as an authority on racism"? Or is he just trying to make a point about how Jewish people are perceived in contemporary British society and politics?
It’s a bit of both really. The latter I think he’s better on than the former, though, let’s face it.
I dislike the not-so subtle implication that were it not for her J00 husband, her attitude to all this might be different.

I think she would have anyway, given the Tories taste for using us to bludgeon people they don’t like over the head, in this case the lefties and Muslims that she hates
I'm getting tired of the media calling this a pro Palestinian march. Although for Palestinians it is, it is by and large an antiwar march.
anti ethnic cleansing march ...and for a free palestine and all that entails.... but agree "pro palestine" is a ridiculous way of framing it, unless you want to say everyone else is anti-palestine, which in fact may well be the case
I'm getting tired of the media calling this a pro Palestinian march. Although for Palestinians it is, it is by and large an antiwar march.
I would characterise it as a Palestinian solidarity march. I think that's what most of the people marching would understand it as.
Perhaps, as a Buddhist, Suella Braverman thinks that the people of the Gaza Strip are being punished for the wrongdoing that they committed in previous lives.

Perhaps Suella Braverman is the punishment inflicted on the people of Britain for the wrongdoing they committed in their previous lives.
But the cunts do keep reminding their viewers, at the start of every news broadcast, that “Hamas are recognised as a terrorist organisation in the UK”
In previous Gaza wars, the IDF has justified destroying buildings housing the administrative apparatus of the territory on the grounds that Hamas runs the administration.

BBC news reports are now stating, when giving casualty figures, that the health ministry, which provides the figures. is run by Hamas. This could be seen as pointing a finger, so to speak.
I think most of what he's tried to do is build a second career off the back of 'I saw this on Twitter' pontificating mixed in with incredibly ignorant and un-curious 'I reckon' conclusions. That it's worked is a testament to the absolute bone idleness of the British media class, they're far happier to position that bloke off the telly as a revered authority than they are to look for - or read anything by - people who actually have in depth knowledge and considered opinions.

He also writes fuck-awful kids books.
Had he been Signals attached to the Paras, he would would wear a maroon beret with a Signals cap badge. Only Paras would wear a Para cap badge.

It can be a bit complicated, but if he is wearing that beret despite never having been a Para, he's a Walt.
There are so many about. Imposters I mean. Usually right mouthy bastards
anti ethnic cleansing march ...and for a free palestine and all that entails.... but agree "pro palestine" is a ridiculous way of framing it, unless you want to say everyone else is anti-palestine, which in fact may well be the case

It's a way of dividing people into pro Palestine or Pro Israel. They are trying to gaslight people into thinking everyone on the march is anti Israeli.
God, it's even got to the point where my dad is worried about taking our son into town to hear my choir concert tonight (2 miles and 4 hours from the march) and he's normally really rational and not worried about this crap. I think he's just been reading too much Daily Telegraph. :(
Walts! Walts fucking everywhere! :)

Did you see:

BTW the way the way to tell 'SAS' Walts is ask them which was their parent regiment. A blank look speaks volumes. :)
:thumbs: That's a useful tip, cheers.
I can't understand the mentality of these Mitty types continuing their impostures in the smartphone era - surely they must realise there's a good chance of them being photo'd, and then being put up online and found out?
Perhaps they are not very bright.
So if the fash turn up to cause some mither, no doubt the Daily Mail etc will be defending our brave patriotic hoolies lads defending our glorious dead from those hate marchers marching against war on Armistice day.
Slightly awkward for Yaxley-Lennon given his claim that veterans had asked him to assemble a crack division of fash pissheads patriotic heroes to repel the hate marchers
Blimey, AFN, there's a name I've not heard for a while.
Is it that interesting? It looks like a picture of a bloke in a stripy top. I'm not going to watch some random video with no context, can you say what's interesting about it?
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