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I million workers come to UK: defacto open borders?

chilango said:
I support the right of everyone to go whereever they want based on their ability to move (which is not always financially based...most refugees do so with no/little money). Obvioulsy money makes it (and everything else) easier but...

Including murderers and child molesters. And bosses exploiting workers?
tbaldwin said:
Including murderers and child molesters...
Fatuous bollocks.

Are you so bereft of anything approaching a point that you have to resort to that tired old crap?
And bosses exploiting workers?
Bosses exploit workers everywhere, in case you hadn't noticed.
Let's look at the phrase "economic migration"; I think the keyword in that phrase is "economic" and that should tell one about the root cause of such migrations: [late Western] capitalism, which is aided by the maintenance of the nation-state, which, in turn, act as the lapdogs to the multi-national corporations: the real empires.

No internationalist in their right mind would support such the perpetuation of such a system; and no internationalist would call for further border controls when the nature of internationalism is to work for the abolition of the nation-state. To lay the blame on "economic migrants" for the economic malaise of a nation-state is scapegoating, pure and simple.

Internationalists don't moan and groan about "open borders", they bemoan the fact that there are borders and these borders are partly responsible for the condition the world is in today.
treelover said:
I really don't like these constant accusations inferring people support the BNP, etc, because of their views on immigration, its lazy and unproductive. The unprecedented scale of immmigration the UK faces, both legal and illegal, is such that new thinking has to be done on the left if it is not to leave the field open for groups like the BNP. I'm not sure what the amswer is yet, maybe the IWCA approach? , but i do know that shrill accusations of 'wacist' are no help at all.

Hmmm, you say that but some of the views expressed on the subject are open to question. Indeed, many of those who claim to be "socialist" are nothing of the sort.

How many times have we heard "Talking about immigration isn't racist"? Those who constantly bleat that mantra are trying to limit the terms of debate to a narrow anti-immigration agenda which carries with it, the germs of xenophobia and racism. Sorry but it's true.

Too many of you blame immigrants and immigration for your problems when the real culprit goes unnoticed by you and your ilk.
Too many of you blame immigrants and immigration for your problems when the real culprit goes unnoticed by you and your ilk.

Ilk? what the fuck have mouses got to do with anything apart from the fact that they are more electable than the SWP?:D

Interesting use of the word ilk there.Please elaborate do you mean workers or the underclass? Is Ilk anyone who does not agree with your ie massess of racsist phantasms or maybe you mean the very people that are supposed to be revolutionaries for your movement.The great unwashed? Your heads so far up your arse your brain lacks oxygen. Still i am sure mummy and daddy will pay for if ninoweenos operwation:D
brasicattack said:
Too many of you blame immigrants and immigration for your problems when the real culprit goes unnoticed by you and your ilk.

Ilk? what the fuck have mouses got to do with anything apart from the fact that they are more electable than the SWP?:D

Interesting use of the word ilk there.Please elaborate do you mean workers or the underclass? Is Ilk anyone who does not agree with your ie massess of racsist phantasms or maybe you mean the very people that are supposed to be revolutionaries for your movement.The great unwashed? Your heads so far up your arse your brain lacks oxygen. Still i am sure mummy and daddy will pay for if ninoweenos operwation:D

I think mr savatte must he having a rare day off! 22,000 posts in four years!:D
Take pity on him he is beyond parody.;)
brasicattack said:
Too many of you blame immigrants and immigration for your problems when the real culprit goes unnoticed by you and your ilk.

Ilk? what the fuck have mouses got to do with anything apart from the fact that they are more electable than the SWP?:D

Interesting use of the word ilk there.Please elaborate do you mean workers or the underclass? Is Ilk anyone who does not agree with your ie massess of racsist phantasms or maybe you mean the very people that are supposed to be revolutionaries for your movement.The great unwashed? Your heads so far up your arse your brain lacks oxygen. Still i am sure mummy and daddy will pay for if ninoweenos operwation:D

The plural for the word "mouse" is "mice".

You clearly have trouble with the idea that someone can come along and challenge your ideas on immigration. This is the quality of response that I have come to expect from your lot.
becky p said:
I think mr savatte must he having a rare day off! 22,000 posts in four years!:D
Take pity on him he is beyond parody.;)

I noticed that you've offered nothing beyond agreeing with baldwin's lies.
A question for all our anit-immigrationists...

You realise that thousands of [white] British leave this country every week for places like Australia, The US and Canada don't you? You also realise that Britain is not a 'crowded' island? I mean, are the Highlands crowded? The Pennines? Dartmoor?
nino_savatte said:
You realise that thousands of [white] British leave this country every week for places like Australia, The US and Canada don't you? You also realise that Britain is not a 'crowded' island? I mean, are the Highlands crowded? The Pennines? Dartmoor?

You do realise what an utter twat you are nino. You do realise that most immigrants don't actually settle in the scottish highlands etc. They come to the most overcrowded areas in one of the most densely countries in the world.

You do realise that taking skilled workers from developing countries means those countries development is held back dont you?

You do realise that despite your attempts to portray arguements against economic migration as Racist that a majority of Black,Asian and White people are all against mass immigration,dont you?
tbaldwin said:
You do realise what an utter twat you are nino. You do realise that most immigrants don't actually settle in the scottish highlands etc. They come to the most overcrowded areas in one of the most densely countries in the world.

You do realise that taking skilled workers from developing countries means those countries development is held back dont you?

You do realise that despite your attempts to portray arguements against economic migration as Racist that a majority of Black,Asian and White people are all against mass immigration,dont you?

This rather sums up the general tone of your 'arguments' baldo: you are too content to base your anti-immigration spiel on simplicities and the specious notion that we live on a 'crowded' island. And again, you dish out the same tired rhetoric about "skills" and you also ignore my perfectly valid point about the numbers of people emigrating from Britain each week. I guess any consideration of that point would further undermine your position.

I'd ask you to think about that but thought isn't possible in your case. You'd much rather try and smear me.
Nino. Your erm er Point about White migrants leaving the UK. What point are you TRYING to make? Do you think that changes my views on economic migration?
tbaldwin said:
Nino. Your erm er Point about White migrants leaving the UK. What point are you TRYING to make? Do you think that changes my views on economic migration?

You really are a thick fucker, aren't you? You can't tell the truth, you never post any evidence for your theses but demand that others give you proof. So much for fair play - huh?
ViolentPanda said:
Even piss-weak arguments top the diarrhoea that you post, you sad class warrior manque.

When it comes to talking shit you and nino are way out in front.......
I think it's great for all these people to come here, experience a bit of the varied cultures here, earn some dosh and then either settle down here or go home with a broader worldview. Having lived in several different countries myself I think it's only fair to extend the courtesy of welcoming other nationalities to the UK. Makes us all better off. :)
tbaldwin said:
Including murderers and child molesters. And bosses exploiting workers?

Wot Garry Glitter?

We EXPORT childmolesters!!

As for bosses...they can move wherever the hell they want anyway, and even if they couldn`t their factories could...and do.

That really is a shit argument.

Incidentally, would you stop skilled workers like myself LEAVING the UK?

Cos 100s of thousands (if not more) of us are....
chilango said:
Incidentally, would you stop skilled workers like myself LEAVING the UK?

Cos 100s of thousands (if not more) of us are....

This is a point that I've already tried to put to balder. He won't deal with it.
chilango said:
Incidentally, would you stop skilled workers like myself LEAVING the UK?

Cos 100s of thousands (if not more) of us are....

This is a point that I've already tried to put to balders. He won't deal with it.
goldenecitrone said:
I think it's great for all these people to come here, experience a bit of the varied cultures here, earn some dosh and then either settle down here or go home with a broader worldview. Having lived in several different countries myself I think it's only fair to extend the courtesy of welcoming other nationalities to the UK. Makes us all better off. :)

Depends what you mean by all? Economic migration means taking skilled workers from poorer countries. A shortage of skilled workers leads to more poverty and death in those countries. But if by all you mean all apart from people left behind in those countries. Then you have to look at who benefits from more people coming into richer countries, is it people competing for jobs and housing or is just ALL the people who can maximise profit out of immigration?.
tbaldwin said:
Economic migration means taking skilled workers from poorer countries.

No it doesn`t.

Thats only one element amongst many.

But its the only element that fits your argument.

A shortage of skilled workers leads to more poverty and death in those countries

No its doesn`t.

Untrammeled capitalism, corrupt government and western corporate greed do.
chilango said:
No it doesn`t.

Thats only one element amongst many.

But its the only element that fits your argument.

No its doesn`t.

Untrammeled capitalism, corrupt government and western corporate greed do.

1 So what is it...It doesnt? Or its only one element?
2 You think that taking nurses from countries like South Africa wont lead to any deaths?
tbaldwin said:
1 So what is it...It doesnt? Or its only one element?
2 You think that taking nurses from countries like South Africa wont lead to any deaths?

1/ Economic migration means skilled workers leaving poor countries for richer ones. It ALSO means skilled workers (such as myself) leaving rich countries for poor ones. But it also means unskilled workers moving, and bosses, and retirees and...

2/ If there was proper investement in South Africa's health service it wouldn`t be an issue. Whay is there not enough investement? That ain`t a decision made by the migrants, but by the bosses and politicians who DO have enough money and capital available...how come?
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