I won't take any lessons from someone who can't even construct a sentence properly.
Thank you you expose yourself for what you really are.This is because of your white middleclass background which means your ego has been constucted in a way in which it means does not allow you to have conversations with people from different social and racial backgrounds.Great comment as it really does expose the fact that there is no difference between your mentality , and that of a neo-con, tory grandee etc etc as you are using an artificial social, racial and hierarchical construct from which to conduct your discousre. ( Even looks like balders does with the lesser poster tip, thats a shame)
I assume he doesn't have the brain cells to explain, but I am not going to waste time trying to decipher his ramblings
Well you posted twice on that exact topic instsead of trying to contribute to the issue at hand.Now that is sad.guinessdrinker? more like intellectual brewers droop
Here's a piece of advice: never come to the keyboard when you've been drinking.
Heres a piece of advice nino; get a life full stop. Then you might be able to comment on the issues that affect the lives of millions with some real insight .