Hardly getting over it.
MC5 said:This is getting tiresome.
I wondered why I felt sleepy.
MC5 said:This is getting tiresome.
ViolentPanda said:You should check in your own underwear, as you seem to be the only person irritated.
becky p said:
So you assume that baldwin meant the shit coming out of ninos arse!
MC5 said:This is getting tiresome.
Knotted said:Spineless twat. You didn't even defend your pall when he was banned.
ViolentPanda said:He's big enough and ugly enough not to need me to defend him.
As for "spineless twat", you think your (unsurprisingly incorrect) opinion of me means anything? Think again.
I'm surprised that someone like yourself, who obviously has such easily offended sensibilities, would use a word like "twat", though.
I suspect this indicates that your original offendedness was a pose, a posture that enabled you to whine about another poster. You do strike me as the type of pussilanimous poster who'd do that sort of thing.
ViolentPanda said:I wondered why I felt sleepy.
The most recent statistics show that 380,000 people emigrated from Britain for a year or more, of whom over half were British citizens.
nino_savatte said:Innit? I'm sure it won't be long before baldwin and/or durutti start another immigration thread.
nino_savatte said:Popular destinations include Australia,
ViolentPanda said:He's big enough and ugly enough not to need me to defend him.
As for "spineless twat", you think your (unsurprisingly incorrect) opinion of me means anything? Think again.
I'm surprised that someone like yourself, who obviously has such easily offended sensibilities, would use a word like "twat", though.
I suspect this indicates that your original offendedness was a pose, a posture that enabled you to whine about another poster. You do strike me as the type of pussilanimous poster who'd do that sort of thing.
nino_savatte said:He's so easily offended but is quite handy at dishing out insults. Funny how he's embraced a fool like baldwin...considering that he comes across as being so articulate.
ViolentPanda said:IMO there are plenty of posters who are pro-borders, some of whom articulate a well-reasoned (though perhaps rather instrumental) argument for their position. There are others who don't, and the problem with not being able to reasonably articulate why you hold a particular position is that it leaves you open to people thinking that you hold that position because of ignorance.
nino_savatte said:He's so easily offended but is quite handy at dishing out insults. Funny how he's embraced a fool like baldwin...considering that he comes across as being so articulate.
nino_savatte said:What's this Knotted geezer saying?
I'll bet it's more of the same shite.
Wow, is that supposed to be a cutting quip?Knotted said:Well I might be overestimating your spinelessness but in that case I'm overestimating your intelligence.
Ever met him?The one thing nino is not is big and ugly...
You keep harping on about projection, don't you...hmmmm.He's a little lost inadequate who follows you around like a lamb.
No, of course you're not offended.I'm not offended by what he said, I'm never offended. On a board like this, if you call someone racist and you mean it, then you are looking for a fight. A real fight.
It's about respect, knotted, something I fear you have difficulty comprehending. I respect quite a few posters (ones with similar ideologies to mine as well as ones with opposing ideologies) enough that I don't feel the need to "ride to the rescue" if they're having a hard time with an arsehole.Obviously nino is just flinging the word around for effect. But you could have said something to him. It needn't have affected your games with baldwin.
MC5 said:Interesting that, as a friend of mine has just emigrated from the UK to Australia and got married to his girlfriend (an Aussie citizen originally from Canada) on the beach in Sydney this Easter.
Now, he was worried about his immigration status. Having spoken to a solicitor, they have told him that as his girlfriend is an Australian citizen the authorities would be abusing her human rights if they didn't allow her to live with the person she loves.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it Howard.
The sad thing is that is another friend who has decided to up sticks from the UK and settle elsewhere in the world.
However, on a positive note, I can now get free bed and lodgings for a holiday in both Australia and Spain. Whoopee! I might not come back either.
Knotted said:If Panda doesn't believe me:
See how nino has taken your casual insult and turned it into an all encompassing attitude. Surely you are not so libertarian as to feel no responsibility.
ViolentPanda said:Wow, is that supposed to be a cutting quip?
If so it has about the same sharpness as a butter knife.
ViolentPanda said:Surely you're not such a prick that you believe I'm going to bite on your decontextualised dreck?
nino_savatte said:Aye, things don't seem to be getting better (as promised by Blair through his use of that dreadful D:Ream song), they seem to be getting worse. No wonder people are leaving in their numbers for other countries.
Knotted said:I'll expand for you. The fact that your reasoning skills are excellent makes me overestimate your ability to judge peoples' characters and intentions. You're really quite poor at the latter.
becky p said:Are you based in the UK nino?
becky p said:Are you based in the UK nino?
ViolentPanda said:Anyone anile enough to base a conclusion on the limited sample you'll have been able to garner, will generally have drawn a conclusion that is not "worth the paper it is written on".
ViolentPanda said:I'll simplify that for you: Grow up, and try a bit (quite a bit) harder.
ViolentPanda said:Are you based on the planet Earth, becky?
(seeing as we appear to be having a "let's ask irrelevant questions" moment)
becky p said:Are you talking out of Uranus again!
What makes you think that I implied that, because I didn't, did I? I merely stated that you'd have a limited sample.Knotted said:What makes you think that's the only sample I have?
I don't want you to do anything.I'm not going to trawl the archives, though if that's what you want.
Loose what, an arrow from my bow, a sharp word from my tongue?And don't try to debate stats with me. You'll loose.
I'd prefer you to continue playing with yourself, you seem to be enjoying it so much.I thought you wanted me to play with strawmen.
becky p said:Are you talking out of Uranus again!