Hardly getting over it.
Care to show me some examples of this heinious crime I'm supposed to have committed (real examples, that is, not examples where, if you're drunk, you can interpret my words as meaning what you accuse me of ).becky p said:
You have to be a bit dubious about the motives of some of these people who seem unable to debate without throwing out all kinds of puerile little jibes.
Violent Panda seems to spend 25 hours a day on here telling people what they can and can't say!
I wonder if he has a secret fetish for dressing up in uniforms.
I had my fill of wearing uniforms in the British army 20-odd years ago, thanks all the same. Anyone who fetishises wearing uniforms has never had to spend time in shirts so itchy you have to iron the inside just to flatten down the fibres enough to make wearing them bearable!