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I million workers come to UK: defacto open borders?

chilango said:

Arguing for individual liberty and freedom from restriction of movement by the state is ONLY liberal?

So all libertarians are liberals?

No thats not what i'm saying but arguing that the rights of individuals are more important than the interests and views of the majority is.

Are all Libertarians Liberals the clue is in the words....
Fruitloop said:
Well yeah, from a dogmatic marxist point of view that is more or less the case.

I think that it's not dogmatic to argue that policies should be decided by the majority view and interest.

It hardly makes me Joe Stalin does it...
tbaldwin said:
I think that it's not dogmatic to argue that policies should be decided by the majority view and interest.

It hardly makes me Joe Stalin does it...

majority of who/what?

what are yer boundaries?

how do you know its a majority?

whose policies?

etc etc.
chilango said:
majority of who/what?

what are yer boundaries?

how do you know its a majority?

whose policies?

etc etc.

1 Everybody over 18.

2 There not set by me....But its not a bad idea.

3 Counting

4 Let the people decide.

5 I put my faith in the majority deciding policies not in any minority no matter how benevolent they may appear to be at first.
tbaldwin said:
1 Everybody over 18.

2 There not set by me....But its not a bad idea.

3 Counting

4 Let the people decide.

5 I put my faith in the majority deciding policies not in any minority no matter how benevolent they may appear to be at first.

Thats more or less the system we have.

A system that is "creating an unprecedented flood of immigrants" or whatever...
chilango said:
Thats more or less the system we have.

A system that is "creating an unprecedented flood of immigrants" or whatever...

No its not the system we have. At the moment we have a limited democracy.

The UK still has unelected judges and the house of lords and the whole parliamentary system needs reform.

At the moment the views of the majority on crime redistribution of wealth and immigration are not reflected by the people in power.

In my Opinion All MAJOR issues should be decided on by a majority vote not just by a vote of represenatitives.
tbaldwin said:
No its not the system we have. At the moment we have a limited democracy.

The UK still has unelected judges and the house of lords and the whole parliamentary system needs reform.

At the moment the views of the majority on crime redistribution of wealth and immigration are not reflected by the people in power.

In my Opinion All MAJOR issues should be decided on by a majority vote not just by a vote of represenatitives.

too simplistic. every is issue can be reduced to yes/no? who asks the questions? cos clearly any referenduma style vote is clearly loaded by whoever gets to set the set the question. innit.
tbaldwin said:
I am on the Left in that i want to see a radical redistribution of wealth and power internationally.
Of course for someone with your narrow mind because i dont agree with your views on public spending,crime and migration. You want to write me off as a BNP member Daily Mail reader etc etc etc...It stops you from having to think.

You're a bullshitter. Furthermore, you wouldn't know real socialism if it came up and kneed you in the nads.

It stops you from having to think

You never think, balderdash. If you do think, your thinking is along one-dimensional and reactionary lines. You also project your awful politics onto other posters (like me), while disavowing any connection to them yourself. Whereas I have based my comments about you on the evidence you have presented to me; all of which is nationalistic, reactionary and as right wing as one can get. The BNP also want a redistribution of wealth...though they want to redistribute of wealth among certain groups...like you.

To tell the truth, you're more than a bullshitter, you're wind up who delights in posting ever-so-controversial threads for 'discussion' and when anyone tries to unpack yoour 'argument' you accuse them of being "Liberals" or worse. You're an intellectual lightweight who hides his real prejudices behind a veneer of socialism. Your constant crapping on about immigrantion is no different to the rantings of the Monday Club in their heyday. You constantly demand "evidence" and "proof" from other posters but refuse to oblige when the same is asked of you.

Fuck off and die, cretin and take your simplisitic bigotry with you.
I've just read on Guardian CIF that Noam Chomsky is critical of mass migration, that it has a detrimental effect on social structures, leading to a decline in unionism and wages for the unskilled classes; ie. he regards it as a neo-liberal economic tactic to drive down wages for the unskilled.

never hear the No Borders lot quoting that bit of the Chomsk
treelover said:
I've just read on Guardian CIF that Noam Chomsky is critical of mass migration, that it has a detrimental effect on social structures, leading to a decline in unionism and wages for the unskilled classes; ie. he regards it as a neo-liberal economic tactic to drive down wages for the unskilled.

never hear the No Borders lot quoting that bit of the Chomsk

You'll also find that he accepts that the phenomenon will occur, indeed his parents were part of one wave of mass-migration from central Europe to the USA.

Oh, and as far as I recall (and I've read only about half of Chomsky's output, so I may be wrong) he's never made an argument supporting the strengthening of border controls, although he has argued that border controls are often a tool of capital. :)
treelover said:
I've just read on Guardian CIF that Noam Chomsky is critical of mass migration, that it has a detrimental effect on social structures, leading to a decline in unionism and wages for the unskilled classes; ie. he regards it as a neo-liberal economic tactic to drive down wages for the unskilled.

never hear the No Borders lot quoting that bit of the Chomsk

Maybe because it's totally self-evident? I have a lot of time for old Gnome, but I didn't need him to tell me that.
nino_savatte said:
constant crapping on about immigrantion is no different to the rantings of the Monday Club in their heyday. .

That sentence shows so much about you and your shallow politics and bigoted mind.
The Monday club were Nationalist Tories who argued for National Conservatism. I'm an International Socialist who argues for International and Socialist solutions, to the problems they thought could be fixed by a return to the days of empire.
And you are a twat who struggles to see the difference.

I believe in reparations to developing countries they like you had very little interests in the consequences of economic migration/imerialism on developing nations.
Like you they probably thought it was good and right to spend more and more money on a very small minority of privelleged people.
tbaldwin said:
That sentence shows so much about you and your shallow politics and bigoted mind.
The Monday club were Nationalist Tories who argued for National Conservatism. I'm an International Socialist who argues for International and Socialist solutions, to the problems they thought could be fixed by a return to the days of empire.
And you are a twat who struggles to see the difference.

I believe in reparations to developing countries they like you had very little interests in the consequences of economic migration/imerialism on developing nations.
Like you they probably thought it was good and right to spend more and more money on a very small minority of privelleged people.

You're no Internationalist. If you were an Internationalist you wouldn't keep crapping on about "borders" and "immigration". You're a statist, if anything at all.

As for your 'socialism', I'll take that with a tonne of salt.
nino_savatte said:
You're no Internationalist. If you were an Internationalist you wouldn't keep crapping on about "borders" and "immigration". You're a statist, if anything at all.

As for your 'socialism', I'll take that with a tonne of salt.

I keep crapping on about the International consequences of Economic Migration: that you can not understand the difference between that and the position of the monday club says more about you than it does me,nino.

My Socialism opposes the free movement of capital and labour....Yours sort of does and it sort of doesnt....In a very Liberal nationalist sort of way....
tbaldwin said:
I keep crapping on about the International consequences of Economic Migration: that you can not understand the difference between that and the position of the monday club says more about you than it does me,nino.

My Socialism opposes the free movement of capital and labour....Yours sort of does and it sort of doesnt....In a very Liberal nationalist sort of way....

You're no Internationalist if you support the concept of borders. You're just another capitalist lackey; an unreconstructed statist.

There are more holes in your 'socialism' than in a wheel of emmenthal cheese.
nino_savatte said:
You're no Internationalist if you support the concept of borders. .

That is a very interesting point nino. Well for you anyway.....

You seem to be mixing up supporting International Capitalism in its worldwide effort to extract the greatest profit with something called International Socialism. Which opposes the free market and believes in regulation and replacement of International capital.
Easily done....Especially by Liberals.
tbaldwin said:
That is a very interesting point nino. Well for you anyway.....

You seem to be mixing up supporting International Capitalism in its worldwide effort to extract the greatest profit with something called International Socialism. Which opposes the free market and believes in regulation and replacement of International capital.
Easily done....Especially by Liberals.

Sorry but you're still a capitalist lackey if you support the idea of borders and migration controls.

You're no socialist and you're certainly no internationalist.
nino_savatte said:
Sorry but you're still a capitalist lackey if you support the idea of borders and migration controls.

You're no socialist and you're certainly no internationalist.

Of course i support the idea of borders and immigration controls...

Your idea of the free movement of people is utter nonsense.
You think that people should be free to go whereever there money takes them?
Does that include everybody...Child Molesters etc?
tbaldwin said:
Of course i support the idea of borders and immigration controls...

Your idea of the free movement of people is utter nonsense.
You think that people should be free to go whereever there money takes them?
Does that include everybody...Child Molesters etc?

You're no socialist and you're no internationalist. You're a statist.
nino_savatte said:
You're not an internationalist, but you are a fucking liar.

The evidence seems to suggest that its you that's the liar nino......Not to mention a stuck up bigot......
So nino do you support the right of everyone to go whereever they want based on their ability to pay?
tbaldwin said:
So nino do you support the right of everyone to go whereever they want based on their ability to pay?

I support the right of everyone to go whereever they want based on their ability to move (which is not always financially based...most refugees do so with no/little money). Obvioulsy money makes it (and everything else) easier but...
tbaldwin said:
The evidence seems to suggest that its you that's the liar nino......Not to mention a stuck up bigot......

Your 'evidence' is non-existent. You're a fantasist.

You're neither a socialist nor an internationalist.
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