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Have you had the SECOND covid jab yet?

Have you had your SECOND jab yet?

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I had the Pfizer oddly early (17/2) as I’m only 49 and have no underlying conditions (there seemed to be a sudden surplus in the area and a lot of blokes in my position got the call).

A friend has booked his second AZ but they now seem to have run out of Pfizer locally so it’s not possible for me to book. That’s fine by me - I’m happy to wait as II’m not vulnerable and one jab gives good protection anyway.
Had my first (Pfizer) about eight weeks ago but not heard anything about my second yet. A friend who went to the same vaccination centre the day before me has his second one next week. Assume the difference is due to supplies as he got AZ 🤷‍♀️.
Had my first (Pfizer) about eight weeks but not heard anything about my second yet. A friend who went to the same vaccination centre the day before me has his second one next week. Assume the difference is due to supplies as he got AZ 🤷‍♀️.

I got given a card with my next appointment date when I had the first one? Pfizer too.
Just had my second Astra-Zeneca this morning and previously had the sino-pharm

so three vaccinations total


From what I'm hearing your Sino one might be as good as a sugar pill anyway.

But really just an excuse to post Johnny Thunders

yes I’m 64, SE London had 2nd AZ 2 weeks ago called by my GP - a bit weird as had first at St Thomas Hospital.
I had a date in May to go back to Tommy’s but they contacted me last week to go and have it then as they were ‘moving all dates forward‘ for 2nd dose. So I told them I’d been done already - didn’t want 3 lots!
If my workplace continues to arrange weekly lateral flow tets for everyone (and how long this lasts remains unclear), my plan is to stop bothering, after I've had my second jab (late May??)

Is the above idea bad and wrong though?? :confused:
If my workplace continues to arrange weekly lateral flow tets for everyone (and how long this lasts remains unclear), my plan is to stop bothering, after I've had my second jab (late May??)

Is the above idea bad and wrong though?? :confused:

Well imo it's dumb and irresponsible because there is no evidence afaik that one can not transmit virus even after being vaccinated.

The vaccine is not 100% effective.
20% of people that have covid 19 are asymptomatic.

And....as you can get free lateral flow tests delivered to your door - why would you,?

Even with booster jabs and numbers remaining lowish- this ain't going away it will have to be managed and pzrt of that will be to be tested regularly.
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