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Will you be getting a private covid vaccination?

NHS has been pretty good for me, I think I had 4 covid jabs so far, the last with a flue jab toward winter last year.

I haven't come across anyone at work with covid for a long time now, it seems to perhaps have burnt itself out and touch wood I seem to have avoided getting it thus far.

Long may it continue.
I have previously been on the danger list, but the doctor told me not to bother this time. The rules on the first post here seem to suggest just being over 50 with a weakened immune system isn't enough anymore, or am I reading that wrong.
I have previously been on the danger list, but the doctor told me not to bother this time. The rules on the first post here seem to suggest just being over 50 with a weakened immune system isn't enough anymore, or am I reading that wrong.
If you have a weakened immune system you can still get an nhs one (see post 8). If you don't have any medical conditions it is aged over 75 for a free nhs one though. However anyone can now get a private one but expensive (i'm not doing it).
they wanted to know whether I'm on steroid tablets to demonstrate weakened immune system and apparently the tablets have to be a certain strength to qualify.
I got a free covid vaccine shot 6 weeks ago, my 8th dose so far.

I was getting my vaccinations up to date prior to going onto Rituximab treatment, which is gonna kill the B cells part of my immune system which respond to vaccines, hence better to get some extra protection while I still could.
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