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Autumn Booster ? 2023 edition [please change vote as you get jagged]

Having a Autumn Booster - 2023 edition

  • No - not qualified

    Votes: 29 25.4%
  • No - not having one

    Votes: 9 7.9%
  • Yes - AstraZenica

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - Pfizer [any version]

    Votes: 57 50.0%
  • Yes - Moderna [any version]

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • Yes - Sanofi [any version

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - other vaccine [please specify]

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • Yes - still waiting to make / attend appointment / go to walk-up centre

    Votes: 15 13.2%
  • Comedy option

    Votes: 3 2.6%

  • Total voters
Jesus. So that was my 4th one and I've had numerous other vaccinations over the years and never have I had one that caused anywhere near that much pain (or any really). Northing till evening then it got sorer and sorer. Woke in the night and it just felt like it was throbbing and I couldn't get back to sleep. Took all the painkillers and a sleep aid, which worked and its back a just a dull ache this morning.

WTF is that about?
Two nurses have just come into the office with a wheely trolly offering flu and covid jabs so I got both. Don't know which booster for Covid, mind. I'll just wait for both arms to sting and the 5G to get its upgrade.
I forgot about this thread.

Couple of weeks ago Monday I had a Pfizer in one shoulder and a flu jab in the other.

No side effects and the nurse was very quick, one done grab next syringe other done, all done thank you very much! :)
I went for my flu jab at my GP a couple of days ago and asked the nurse whether I was also eligible for the Covid one - am asthmatic but not sure whether it's bad enough to count as severe. She wasn't sure either but told me to ask at the chemist across the road who were doing Covid vaccinations that day. I was the only one there and as soon as I mentioned Covid jabs they immediately said yes, I could have one, and didn't even ask whether I was entitled to it or not.

I still feel very tired and headachey two days later but very glad to have had it done.
I went for my flu jab at my GP a couple of days ago and asked the nurse whether I was also eligible for the Covid one - am asthmatic but not sure whether it's bad enough to count as severe. She wasn't sure either but told me to ask at the chemist across the road who were doing Covid vaccinations that day. I was the only one there and as soon as I mentioned Covid jabs they immediately said yes, I could have one, and didn't even ask whether I was entitled to it or not.

I still feel very tired and headachey two days later but very glad to have had it done.
I case your Intrested the green book (bible for jabs in the UK) says for asthmatics only if you've had 2 doses of oral steroids in the last 24 months.
I've got covid again (third time) likely from the massive Palestine march up in London last weekend.. plus train/tube/friends etc. Started feeling bit ill start of this week.

I had it only in January this year before and a booster in June as I'm on a Moderna trial. I'm surprised I got it again tbh (so I didnt test, assumed it wasnt covid) but it's clearly a very contagious strain. I thought it was just a cold until yesterday when I suddenly lost my taste and smell after 4 days of just being a bit ill but not too bad... I'd even been out in Bristol the night before thinking I was better. Woops. Just resting up and taking it easy and hoping it passes soon tbh.
I've got covid again (third time) likely from the massive Palestine march up in London last weekend.. plus train/tube/friends etc. Started feeling bit ill start of this week.

I had it only in January this year before and a booster in June as I'm on a Moderna trial. I'm surprised I got it again tbh (so I didnt test, assumed it wasnt covid) but it's clearly a very contagious strain. I thought it was just a cold until yesterday when I suddenly lost my taste and smell after 4 days of just being a bit ill but not too bad... I'd even been out in Bristol the night before thinking I was better. Woops. Just resting up and taking it easy and hoping it passes soon tbh.
What's going around at the moment is Covid. A friend of mine still has the cough sitting on his lungs. I felt like my lungs were bubble wrap with it. It's just really strong and I imagine the vaccines are playing catch-up every time.
I realised I wasn't going to get COVID vaccines this year and then I got a comedy option - would I like to do a trial of dosing people with COVID, Flu and Shingles vaccines at the same time. So I have had some of them, and I may get some more at other appointments over the next few months. Getting them done through medical trials at least has the advantage that if you do get COVID (I managed to during my last trial) they are really interested :)
Similar here, although I'm just doing a 'flu one this time around.
Last covid trial was for Moderna's new variant covid vaccine, and some friends are on another covid vaccine trial that's about half done.
Somewhat unbelievably, I've still never had Covid. I'm in the 'at-risk' group so have always got texts from the NHS well ahead of most. Long may it last like this coz if I get it I'd be in a spot of bother. I had TB a few years back and have been operating on limited lung capacity since they jabbed a hose into me.
I realised I wasn't going to get COVID vaccines this year and then I got a comedy option - would I like to do a trial of dosing people with COVID, Flu and Shingles vaccines at the same time. So I have had some of them, and I may get some more at other appointments over the next few months. Getting them done through medical trials at least has the advantage that if you do get COVID (I managed to during my last trial) they are really interested :)
update on this - apparently they aren't unblinding the trial until the end of the year! Pretty sure I've had something but no idea what. So I went and got an MMR jab at my GPs to make up for the uncertainly.
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Got another booster next week. I've kind of lost track of the whole thing, just get them when they tell me I need to. Interestingly, all the options this time were in GP surgeries rather than in chemists etc like the last few, not sure why really.
Is it covid jab time? I had forgotten all about it. They've never told me anyway, even though I am on the 'danger' list (or whatever they call it).
I have been feeling very weird lately.
Is it covid jab time? I had forgotten all about it. They've never told me anyway, even though I am on the 'danger' list (or whatever they call it).
I have been feeling very weird lately.
I got a text from my GP last week with a booking link in it. Might be worth checking with yours.
Got my Covid jab (# no idea, lost track) yesterday and my arm is really sore -- kept waking up in the night when I rolled onto it. Definitely the worst reaction I've had. (Also very shivery yesterday afternoon.)
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