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Autumn Booster ? Have you had yours ? [plse change vote when you do]

Have you ? [not multiple choice, but you can change it]

  • No

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • Yes - AstraZeneca

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Yes - PfizerBNT

    Votes: 68 39.3%
  • Yes - Moderna

    Votes: 61 35.3%
  • Yes - other vaccine

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • only having the Flu one

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • not having either

    Votes: 12 6.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I had both covid and flu jabs at same time on saturday (and both in left arm) and not had any side effects.
The flu arm is OK this time - maybe because I don't use my left arm so much - last year it impacted my mousing pleasure ...
I'm a bit knackered though - but got to the park OK ...
I've just had my Covid booster in one arm and the flu jab in the other. I suspect I may be sleeping on my back tonight.

I had the Covid booster last Friday and flu jab a fortnight earlier, same arm.

Moderna in sword arm, plus bonus flu in the other one

I had both Tuesday, and the pharmacist gave me the choice of both in the same arm, or in different ones. I went for both in the same arm. Later a friend told me the advice is to have them in different ones, but I'm guessing this might be if you've had a bad reaction previously, I'm not worried anyway.

Only had very mild symptoms of slight headache, general achiness, bit tired, and a slightly achey arm. Not enough to stop me doing anything.
I was fine with both jabs , aside from a little soreness on my arms especially the covid side , until 24 hours after when I felt totally wiped out, a little feverish and achy but that disappeared this morning after a bizarrely vivid dream last night in which Declan Rice had planted bombs on two yachts , one of them with Ngole Kante.
I was fine with both jabs , aside from a little soreness on my arms especially the covid side , until 24 hours after when I felt totally wiped out, a little feverish and achy but that disappeared this morning after a bizarrely vivid dream last night in which Declan Rice had planted bombs on two yachts , one of them with Ngole Kante.
Same here.
Oddly the peakiness was Thursday, but the dreams last night ...
Keep forgetting not managing due to zero headspace during 9-5 hours to book my flu jab to coincide with daughters upcoming GP appt. Work usually do flu vaccine sessions for staff, but I assume you’re just meant to pop along to the COVID booster building now.
Yes - had my booster early this morning.:thumbs:
Don't envisage any issues if my previous vaccinations are anything to go on...
For the record it was the Pfizer vaccine...
Keep forgetting not managing due to zero headspace during 9-5 hours to book my flu jab to coincide with daughters upcoming GP appt. Work usually do flu vaccine sessions for staff, but I assume you’re just meant to pop along to the COVID booster building now.
I think all the jabbing around here is being organised by local pharmacies in community spaces.
I would have had the option of getting my flu jab in the local Pharmacy, but the Hindu temple was well organised and airy.
I was due to have it this coming week, but I currently have COVID (and wishing I had been offered the booster sooner :mad: ) and now I think I have to wait a month before having the vaccine?
I was due to have it this coming week, but I currently have COVID (and wishing I had been offered the booster sooner :mad: ) and now I think I have to wait a month before having the vaccine?
yes, they advise waiting for four weeks.

I do hope that you get better soon.
Had my 4th jab on monday 10th, felt cold/achey for one day, then fine.

Came down with cold flu chesty thing on sunday 16th and have been ill all week and am not better yet.

Finally took a covid test on sunday 23rd and it was fucking positive. I've been busy avoiding all possible infection since the start of lockdown and this first time I've had covid.
Had my 4th jab on monday 10th, felt cold/achey for one day, then fine.

Came down with cold flu chesty thing on sunday 16th and have been ill all week and am not better yet.

Finally took a covid test on sunday 23rd and it was fucking positive. I've been busy avoiding all possible infection since the start of lockdown and this first time I've had covid.
How you feeling now dorothy?
Had my Covid booster yesterday. Given how rough the fella was with his, I was fully expecting the same, so took paracetamol and ibuprofen about 2 hours after having it, then again before bedtime. Was absolutely fine, zero side effects, not even a sore arm. Not sure if that’s the pre-emptive painkillers or what, or the fact it was Pfizer and he had Moderna, but am not complaining!
Got a text from the NHS on Monday asking me to book, but their nearest appointments involve round trips of between 25 & 30 miles to Brighton or Chichester, or a round trip of well over 50 miles for a walk-in site. :facepalm:

Just had a text from my GP, a short walk down the road, and booked for 8.40am on Sat. 5th Nov. for covid & flu jabs. :thumbs:
Just had mine (Pfizer) 10 mins ago. There was no making me wait for 15 mins before I was allowed to leave this time. I spent more time on the car park looking for where Mrs Q had parked than I did in the hall.
The nurse who gave me mine reckons this will be an annual thing from now on.
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