Had my flu and Moderna Covid shots yesterday morning. In and out the vaccine centre within twenty minutes.
Initially, the pain in my flu arm was more than in my Covid arm - however, within a few hours, the flu pain subsided to just a little nerve tingle along my forearm but the Covid site pain got significantly worse.
Apart from that, all was fine and I had an easy evening and went to bed.
About 5am, the shivers hit and I woke-up shaking and shivering despite being warmly tucked-up in bed. The electric blanket went-on and after an hour or so, the shivers subsided.
Now I'm fully up and sunk a few coffees, I'm still not feeling that great - Not shivery but joint pain, particularly knees and shoulders and a significant but nonspecific meh feeling and its sore when I try and lift my Covid arm, so no straightening-up slates after the storm today! I'll be taking it easy/keeping warm and will see if I can do a WFH tomorrow if it isn't significantly settled in the morning. Which from past experience might have happened as iffy-effects from previous shots have largely cleared in the 24-48hr range.
One weird thing, a few minutes after my Covid shot, my blood sugar sensor, in the same arm karked - It still had a few days to run but with a loud beep, it announced a fault and flatly refused to reconnect to my phone. Later-on, I activated a new one in the other arm and it has held fine. Last year, my work Mac keyboard died the moment I came back from the vaccine centre - Wooo..!