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Autumn Booster ? 2023 edition [please change vote as you get jagged]

Having a Autumn Booster - 2023 edition

  • No - not qualified

    Votes: 29 25.4%
  • No - not having one

    Votes: 9 7.9%
  • Yes - AstraZenica

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - Pfizer [any version]

    Votes: 57 50.0%
  • Yes - Moderna [any version]

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • Yes - Sanofi [any version

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - other vaccine [please specify]

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • Yes - still waiting to make / attend appointment / go to walk-up centre

    Votes: 15 13.2%
  • Comedy option

    Votes: 3 2.6%

  • Total voters
If you’re diabetic you’ll get both jabs and all prescriptions free. So not worth pretending you’re not if you are.
I was classed as "diabetic" because of a single test 4 years ago.
I was "normal" within a few months - having lost about 10 kilos
I tested OK again 2 years later when I was 20 kilos lighter.
I am now 26 kilos lighter than when I was diagnosed.
But I'm happy to play along with it to get free jabs.
Please can we stop using the johnsonian jab?
I find there are some words and phrases which produce an almost visceral sense of revulsion when you try to say them. Someone will say something and there'll be this impulse to shout "BORIS JAB BORIS JAB BORIS JAB YOU CUNT". Thank goodness that powerful sense of inhibition kicks in to stop you saying it out loud.

Anyhow I noticed just now that round the site of the flu jab I had on Thursday there's a quite pronounced pink colouration. I'm a bit concerned by it. It's really showing up the vile pallor of the ageing flesh around it.
I was classed as "diabetic" because of a single test 4 years ago.
I was "normal" within a few months - having lost about 10 kilos
I tested OK again 2 years later when I was 20 kilos lighter.
I am now 26 kilos lighter than when I was diagnosed.
But I'm happy to play along with it to get free jabs.
Someone gave you an assumed diagnosis based purely on being overweight? and you further assume that it is a simple matter of weight reduction that changes that diagnosis?
Someone gave you an assumed diagnosis based purely on being overweight? and you further assume that it is a simple matter of weight reduction that changes that diagnosis?
Are you suggesting I have a malfunctioning pancreas ?

I suspect at some point in the future I will set myself up with static bike /VO2MAX / ECG and will also use a CGM occasionally and will see what's really going on.

Apparently in Switzerland they consider you "cured" after 5 years.
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There's no 'yes no idea' option

So yes, flu in left arm and coronavirus in right arm. I now know what it's like to have a reaction to the coronavirus jab :mad:

slight ache in my right arm :(
Got the injection today, Pfizer. Please can we stop using the johnsonian jab?

I tend to use jag, rather than jab, but both ime predate that particular pratt.

i don't think 'jab' as a word is particularly johnsonian - i'm sure it was in common use for the flu vaccination before the uk was infected with either covid or johnson. think 'jag' is a scottish / north of england word.

(or isn't that what you meant?)
Had Pfizer (with new variant) yesterday morning right arm and flu left arm. My partner had both in his right arm.

I'm not familiar with Jag either, it's jab around here. Like Puddy_Tat and farmerbarleymow say it's probably a part regional valuation, I've not heard it from the Yorkshire people I know.
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I hope my COVID protection is good.
BIL here as usual Monday and niece and 8 yr old have COVID AGAIN....
1 week after booster is maybe cutting it fine....
I hope my COVID protection is good.
BIL here as usual Monday and niece and 8 yr old have COVID AGAIN....
1 week after booster is maybe cutting it fine....
You can pay for a test to see how your immune system has responded - not exactly cheap but not horrendous either. Best wait another few weeks to give your system a chance to mount the response to the vaccine.

Pfizer for me earlier

Edit, feel fine, been working this evening and forgot I’d had it till I saw the thread
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Had my flu and Moderna Covid shots yesterday morning. In and out the vaccine centre within twenty minutes.

Initially, the pain in my flu arm was more than in my Covid arm - however, within a few hours, the flu pain subsided to just a little nerve tingle along my forearm but the Covid site pain got significantly worse.

Apart from that, all was fine and I had an easy evening and went to bed.

About 5am, the shivers hit and I woke-up shaking and shivering despite being warmly tucked-up in bed. The electric blanket went-on and after an hour or so, the shivers subsided.

Now I'm fully up and sunk a few coffees, I'm still not feeling that great - Not shivery but joint pain, particularly knees and shoulders and a significant but nonspecific meh feeling and its sore when I try and lift my Covid arm, so no straightening-up slates after the storm today! I'll be taking it easy/keeping warm and will see if I can do a WFH tomorrow if it isn't significantly settled in the morning. Which from past experience might have happened as iffy-effects from previous shots have largely cleared in the 24-48hr range.

One weird thing, a few minutes after my Covid shot, my blood sugar sensor, in the same arm karked - It still had a few days to run but with a loud beep, it announced a fault and flatly refused to reconnect to my phone. Later-on, I activated a new one in the other arm and it has held fine. Last year, my work Mac keyboard died the moment I came back from the vaccine centre - Wooo..! :bigeyes:
Well didn't manage to get jabbed before i went away because life happened but got double vaxxed at the local pharmacy last night.

Probably the least painful injections i've ever had and the pharmacist really put me at ease. No symptoms yet except a slightly sore covid arm/shoulder and possibly feeling a bit more cold than normal.
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