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Autumn Booster ? Have you had yours ? [plse change vote when you do]

Have you ? [not multiple choice, but you can change it]

  • No

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • Yes - AstraZeneca

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Yes - PfizerBNT

    Votes: 68 39.3%
  • Yes - Moderna

    Votes: 61 35.3%
  • Yes - other vaccine

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • only having the Flu one

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • not having either

    Votes: 12 6.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
got mine this afternoon (pfizer) and flu jab yesterday - feel ok at the moment

well organised vaccination centre in the broad street mall at reading - it was there this time last year, so think they have got the hang of it by now.

yesterday's flu jab (at a pharmacist in wokingham) was a bit of a shambles - they were doing mix of covid and flu so the nurse (or whatever) doing the jabbing didn't know what anyone wanted until they got in, and for one reason or another they had got more people booked per hour than they could cope with (not quite sure what had led to this) so had to wait over half an hour after appointment time.

for covid, i have now had AZ (first two), moderna (last year's booster) and pfizer (today)

this means i should get a good 5G signal on all networks, doesn't it?

Booked in for 18th, already had a flu jab as was at the docs for something else. Had booster + flu last December and felt rough after, plus having one in each arm made it hard to sleep...
Both jabs always leave me with not only pain and bruising on the arm, but also underarm pain for about a week. It's as if it's in the tendons or muscles of that area.
Had mine on Thursday. Was a bit rough for a couple of days. Arms still sore.

It was the flu (I usually have the flu jag but couldn’t get it last year due to the pressure on the NHS) plus Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron. Whatever the fuck that is.
Had mine on Thursday. Was a bit rough for a couple of days. Arms still sore.

It was the flu (I usually have the flu jag but couldn’t get it last year due to the pressure on the NHS) plus Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron. Whatever the fuck that is.

Spikevax is the name that Moderna uses.
I hadn't got myself organised but a call to my GP surgery and they are going to do a flu jab in one arm and a covid booster in the other. Good to get them both done I think.

The receptionist I spoke to, I asked what the booster was? She replied it is the viser. What I asked, I never heard of a visor. Oh, do you mean the Pfiser? Yes she said that is what I was saying visor!
Sitting, waiting to have mine. Spikevax Moderna Bivalent. Which apparently as I read about it, isn't the same as Moderna. But I ticked Moderna on poll.

As my husband just pointed out, I've had the full house of covid vaccines... I forgot to wear mask, as did everyone else. There's a sign on the door saying entry prohibited if not wearing a mask. 😂 Even the volunteer isn't wearing one. Or the "vaccinators“
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So, in the end I had the Pfizer-bivalent, not Moderna (which is what the form said I was going to have). They ran out of Moderna, so Pfizer it was. Therefore I haven't yet had the full set. My arm stings already! Instant reaction.
Yep, yesterday morning, Pfizer; felt fine, certainly well enough to go see Wet Leg in the evening and have a bit of a bop.
All masked when I had mine too.

Edit: actually our flu jabs were in the pharmacy and no masking up there (apart from me)
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Had mine in a pharmacy as well. Everyone masked. (This is in Whitechapel where public mask wearing is now an ultra-minority activity).

I'd had the previous booster in the same place. On that occasion there was one woman who was clearly choosing not to wear one. I recall a guy having a little bit of a go about it.

I'm sure there are some people who don't give a shit but that's not everyone. I think there are a much larger number who are still quietly concerned but don't like to 'stand out' by expressing it or doing anything different. It's become one more thing to be silently and privately stressed about on top of all the others.
I have mine booked for tomorrow (covid). Bit dubious given the lack of effectiveness of the last ones plus got unpleasant reaction to some of the previous ones.
I have mine booked for tomorrow (covid). Bit dubious given the lack of effectiveness of the last ones plus got unpleasant reaction to some of the previous ones.

What do you mean by the lack of effectiveness?

They have been very effective in reducing severe illness & death.
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