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Have you had your booster jab (jag) ?

Have you ? Please change votes when you do ...

  • Not yet

    Votes: 27 9.5%
  • Yes - Pfizer

    Votes: 169 59.7%
  • Yes - Moderna

    Votes: 78 27.6%
  • Yes - Oxford / Astra Zenicac

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • Yes - other vaccine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not having one

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • comedy option ...

    Votes: 4 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Unnecessary (for the imunocompetent)?
I image that we will end up with annual shots like flu. Hopefully the Omicron variant is as mild or milder than the initial results show, but I expect another more virulent variant will come along at some point.
I image that we will end up with annual shots like flu. Hopefully the Omicron variant is as mild or milder than the initial results show, but I expect another more virulent variant will come along at some point.
flu shots are not given to everyone and not every few months, this will have to end up the same.
Was given Moderna for my booster after originally having 2 AZs. Floored again like I was my first AZ jab. Got up yesterday to pee and nearly fainted and then threw up. Crawled back to bed and slept again till 12 noon when I woke up in a pool of my own sweat. Managed to get up and shower this time and grab something to eat and take more paracetamol. Managed to stay awake for about 6 hours before falling asleep again.

Feel a bit more human this morning. Just got a headache (hopefully, yet to get out of bed) and sore arm.

Those that don’t get side effects from this stuff I envy you. I probably should have booked it for before now but was busy at work and felt I could t take more time off because of jab reaction. I think I’ve had more time off work with covid jab side effects than I have actually been off ill in the last 5 years or so.

I’m meant to be cooking the dinner later. 🤞
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Felt quite rough yesterday (Moderna on Thursday), fluey and achy, though nothing too major. Luckily feeling a lot better this morning. I think it was similar to the pfizer side effects I had.

Was given Moderna for my booster after originally having 2 AZs. Floored again like I was my first AZ jab. Got up yesterday to pee and nearly fainted and then threw up. Crawled back to bed and slept again till 12 noon when I woke up in a pool of my own sweat. Managed to get up and shower this time and grab something to eat and take more paracetamol. Managed to stay awake for about 6 hours before falling asleep again.

Feel a bit more human this morning. Just got a headache (hopefully, yet to get out of bed) and sore arm.

Those that don’t get side effects from this stuff I envy you. I probably should have booked it for before now but was busy at work and felt I could t take more time off because of jab reaction. I think I’ve had more time off work with covid jab side effects than I have actually been off ill in the last 5 years or so.

I’m meant to be cooking the dinner later. 🤞

Oh dear hope you feel better!
Youngest Q has had her booster today, I didn't even know it was booked until she dropped into the conversation last night.
"Dad I need you to run me to the vaccination centre" She's had Pfizer so 3 x Pfizer for her.

On the downside Pollyanna our Son's G/F has caught the lurgy probably the feared Omicron off one of her patients probably whilst working on Boxing Day, she is isolating at home showing no symptoms (caught by routine testing apparently)
Mrs Q spent 20 mins on the WhatsApp earlier offering commiserations but Pollyanna as always was massively upbeat about the whole thing. Since she is a nurse on the Cardiac Unit she is more worried about the patient than herself.
Why so few AZ boosters on here? Is it cos the booster must be different to the first two and AZ was the main one..?
There is no rule that the booster must be different, it has been different for people who had AZ the first time, and there has been a lot of Moderna around in the last month or so, so plenty of people who had Pfizer the first time around will have ended up with Moderna this time. But for example my mother has had Pfizer for all three of the jabs she has been given so far.

Rather, as far as I know the AZ vaccine is simply not part of the UK booster programme at all. Perhaps there are some exceptions if people arent allowed the mRNA vaccines for a specific health reason, eg allergies to some ingredients, but I've not heard much about that either.
Anyone else had like a dead arm/cramp feeling appear in their jabbed arm 10 or so days after the jab. It feels like that sort of feeling but I didn’t have that pain until as I say seemingly 10 days later.

Dunno if it’s related or something else. Goes down to hand. Left arm.
Why so few AZ boosters on here? Is it cos the booster must be different to the first two and AZ was the main one..?

Boosters are mRNA, research shows better response Bahnhof Strasse.

Anyone else had like a dead arm/cramp feeling appear in their jabbed arm 10 or so days after the jab. It feels like that sort of feeling but I didn’t have that pain until as I say seemingly 10 days later.

Dunno if it’s related or something else. Goes down to hand. Left arm.
No, but I was sometimes aware of the injection site for over a month.
Th flu jab gave me an achy arm up to a week later when I carried groceries home.
Anyone else had like a dead arm/cramp feeling appear in their jabbed arm 10 or so days after the jab. It feels like that sort of feeling but I didn’t have that pain until as I say seemingly 10 days later.
No, the sore upper arm went away after a day or so. The symptoms you have sound likely to be unconnected, given they didn't start until ten days later.
Anyone else had like a dead arm/cramp feeling appear in their jabbed arm 10 or so days after the jab. It feels like that sort of feeling but I didn’t have that pain until as I say seemingly 10 days later.

Dunno if it’s related or something else. Goes down to hand. Left arm.
Yes, about the same time after jab and weeks later still hurts a lot, it feels like Its a rotator cuff injury, which I have been telling myself it is even though I dont remember the action that would have caused such, its actually getting worse.
Anyone else had like a dead arm/cramp feeling appear in their jabbed arm 10 or so days after the jab. It feels like that sort of feeling but I didn’t have that pain until as I say seemingly 10 days later.

Dunno if it’s related or something else. Goes down to hand. Left arm.
Can you locate exactly where you had your jab?

If you get your jab into the outside extremities of your deltoid muscle it could possibly hit the axillary or radial nerve and this can cause some temporary issues which will be slow to subside.

Additionally if your vaccination goes in too high it can end up in your shoulder bursa and that can cause inflammation in the joint which can also last for weeks. The other potential complications can be if the injection was delivered too deep and hits the bone.

If it persists it is worth getting it checked out but afaik the only solution once any of the above happens is to just give it time to sort itself out.

I am not a trained medical practitioner or Dr Jazz though, I've just done the vaccination training and been told where not to stick the needle 🙃

Hope it heals for you soon. Just had a full rebuild of my shoulder and it's pain you can definitely live without.

Can you locate exactly where you had your jab?

If you get your jab into the outside extremities of your deltoid muscle it could possibly hit the axillary or radial nerve and this can cause some temporary issues which will be slow to subside.

Additionally if your vaccination goes in too high it can end up in your shoulder bursa and that can cause inflammation in the joint which can also last for weeks. The other potential complications can be if the injection was delivered too deep and hits the bone.

If it persists it is worth getting it checked out but afaik the only solution once any of the above happens is to just give it time to sort itself out.

I am not a trained medical practitioner or Dr Jazz though, I've just done the vaccination training and been told where not to stick the needle 🙃

Hope it heals for you soon. Just had a full rebuild of my shoulder and it's pain you can definitely live without.

Thanks, it's seemed better today, and only really been noticeable much later in the day. I'm going to assume it's jab related for now, but if it keeps on, I will get it checked out. I don't have any other symptoms, such as a weird jaw or breathing difficulties. So I'm kinda thinking it's not heart related, which was my main concern.
Thanks, it's seemed better today, and only really been noticeable much later in the day. I'm going to assume it's jab related for now, but if it keeps on, I will get it checked out. I don't have any other symptoms, such as a weird jaw or breathing difficulties. So I'm kinda thinking it's not heart related, which was my main concern.
I'm sure you'll be fine then. I was fine with my 1st but my second and my booster went into my shit shoulder so I couldn't tell if it was the jab or just me. The week before my booster I'd had my bicep tendon detached and stitched back into my arm, my rotator cuff shaved and my clavicle decompressed. I just thought fuck it, it already hurts, pile it on 😀

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