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Have you had your booster jab (jag) ?

Have you ? Please change votes when you do ...

  • Not yet

    Votes: 27 9.5%
  • Yes - Pfizer

    Votes: 169 59.7%
  • Yes - Moderna

    Votes: 78 27.6%
  • Yes - Oxford / Astra Zenicac

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • Yes - other vaccine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not having one

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • comedy option ...

    Votes: 4 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
to be honest im not that bothered, i am not gonna be going out much between christmas and 2nd of January tbh. However, I booked myself a tour of a local attraction I've not visited and would like not to worry about covid for that
I had my booster yesterday (Pfizer). Feeling crappy this evening. Coughing and feel chesty like when I have a cold, sore throat. not sure if this common, I didn’t feel like this after the other two vaccines. I’m wondering if I’m getting a cold of my toddler. Negative lateral flow test but I’ve booked a pcr.
Waiting for pcr result but lateral flow tests are showing positive. But, but, I just got the booster, just! It can’t be so! I can’t get covid during the holidays surely that kinda crap should happen during work time.
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A (senior to me now) colleague who I have previously liked and respected, and who has previously slagged off her anti-vax sister on teams calls, has decided not to have a booster. I can't explain why, except that she's fed up with everything and wants to get covid, to get natural immunity.

Myself and M, ( the only two people on the call senior enough to give her grief) did weigh in. She didn't care.

Fuck's sake.
A (senior to me now) colleague who I have previously liked and respected, and who has previously slagged off her anti-vax sister on teams calls, has decided not to have a booster. I can't explain why, except that she's fed up with everything and wants to get covid, to get natural immunity.

Myself and M, ( the only two people on the call senior enough to give her grief) did weigh in. She didn't care.

Fuck's sake.
Pandemic fatigue is a real danger I reckon. So many people are now not being as careful as last year. I wonder how many who skipped family gatherings last Christmas are meeting up this year, just when the situation seems more dangerous than ever with the virus. January hospital admissions are going to be bad :(
My Pfizer booster may have made me feel a bit weary, but wine masked it ... it was all local - like the flu jab - and I regretted choosing my right arm for that one - I suppose my body had to work on FOUR sets of antibodies for more biotopes with that ...
The jag ratio's currently approx 2:1 Pfizer to Moderna ...

Locally, just over 60% boostered already. [slightly better than the 'county' rate and also the UK's overall rate].
Same sort of better figures also applies to the two previous doses.
Yesterday was surprisingly rough for me, though I still managed to get things done, but today (day 3) I feel almost normal again. Should be able to sleep on my arm again tonight too.
I wonder what the difference is between people who have a reaction to the vaccines and those that don't. I had two AZs and didn't have any reaction to them at all. Followed by a Moderna Booster and flu jab on the same day which did make me feel a little strange on the first night so I popped a paracetamol and slept well and felt fine.

The persons giving me each of the jabs assured me I would certainly have side effects. After not having any I decided not to trust their judgement.

But there are people who have had side effects from all these, what is different about them compared to me I wonder?

When I last had a flu jab, the person giving it to me made a point of saying there was no active flu in the jab, everything was dead and couldn't give me flu.

Anyhow interesting to wonder why some get side effects and others dont.
I popped into my local pharmacy to pick up a prescription and they happened to have 4 spare jabs going, so I took one right there on the spot. Was in and out in 5 mins.
All the pharmacies here have signs saying there are no walk in jabs though :(
All the pharmacies here have signs saying there are no walk in jabs though :(

Oh that sucks. You could still try your luck though. The one I went into said they were crazy busy last week, and then suddenly this week they were quieter. And the guy who gave me the jab told me to tell anyone else looking for a jab that I knew to pop in ASAP as he didn't want to waste the last 3 shots. But it still said you had to book at the sign on the door though.
I wonder what the difference is between people who have a reaction to the vaccines and those that don't. I had two AZs and didn't have any reaction to them at all. Followed by a Moderna Booster and flu jab on the same day which did make me feel a little strange on the first night so I popped a paracetamol and slept well and felt fine.

The persons giving me each of the jabs assured me I would certainly have side effects. After not having any I decided not to trust their judgement.

But there are people who have had side effects from all these, what is different about them compared to me I wonder?

When I last had a flu jab, the person giving it to me made a point of saying there was no active flu in the jab, everything was dead and couldn't give me flu.

Anyhow interesting to wonder why some get side effects and others dont.

I wondered on the reason too. I had the virus itself at the start of the pandemic, and it was fairly bad. Then I felt nothing from my first booster 12 months later (AZ). This second booster almost 10 months later (PZ) did have side-effects.
Just got moderna (first & second were pfizer). Back to the hindu temple, they've got a good set up there. No queue, was done in about 10 mins.
The persons giving me each of the jabs assured me I would certainly have side effects. After not having any I decided not to trust their judgement.

But there are people who have had side effects from all these, what is different about them compared to me I wonder?

Yeah, that first bit is nonsense and not what anyone should be saying.

There's a fair bit of stuff kicking about explaining why some people have effects and some don't, articles have been posted on here.
Not sure what emoji, or combo, that deserves, tbh.
What are they like?

They had covid in January this year, got both jabs without prompting, then they went to uni in September, asked if they should get the booster and sorted it all out. Then fell at the final hurdle! TBF they couldn't have been better through the whole last 18 months though.

Lots of her peers haven't got the jabs at all though (British born Asian Muslim background) and are full of conspiracy as the reason why, which she's scathing about!
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