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Who *hasn't* had covid?

Have you had covid-19?

  • Haven't had covid-19

    Votes: 112 53.8%
  • Had covid-19 once

    Votes: 63 30.3%
  • Had covid-19 more than once

    Votes: 19 9.1%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
Haven't officially had it

Had something in February 2020 which might just have been covid before it was fashionable

Had something in September last year - got a negative PCR test, but it was from the dodgy lab that gave out a lot of false negatives.

still haven't officially had it - although have had some sort of low level crud the last couple of weeks. very slight cough, headaches, general all over crappy feeling. not sure if it's worth a covid test...
One thing I noticed, having done many tests to check if a previous coldy/fluey thing was Covid, is how quickly a positive line comes up!

No hanging about waiting for the full 15 minutes there...

(This may be old hat to a lot of you).
One thing I noticed, having done many tests to check if a previous coldy/fluey thing was Covid, is how quickly a positive line comes up!

No hanging about waiting for the full 15 minutes there...

(This may be old hat to a lot of you).

I was surprised too. I literally got my phone out to set a timer and bang! There was the line.
while i hope you feel chipper right quick, be prepared not to for a while. when i got it (jan/feb last year) i was woozy for months after.
I'm still coughing and feeling snotty (sorry if TMI!).
I'm still coughing and feeling snotty (sorry if TMI!).

there is no TMI when it comes to coronavirus! :D

while i had it, it was like the worst flu i ever had. okay that's bad, but just drink lots of water and ride it out. but i was tired for weeks afterwards, and worse than either of those, i was in a constant daze. i don't know how i got through work a year ago spring. one of my workmates lost his sense of taste though, at least that didn't happen to me!
Does it matter? Not to say it doesn't but more wondering - how far along the road are we to where Covid is just another fluey thing?
We're probably there tbf but having been genuinely scared by how ill it made me when I had it, I don't think that's a particularly good thing. And I didn't even get Long Covid.
there is no TMI when it comes to coronavirus! :D

while i had it, it was like the worst flu i ever had. okay that's bad, but just drink lots of water and ride it out. but i was tired for weeks afterwards, and worse than either of those, i was in a constant daze. i don't know how i got through work a year ago spring. one of my workmates lost his sense of taste though, at least that didn't happen to me!
I honestly don't think I've ever had proper flu.

This was kind of tantamount to food poisoning or tonsillitis - much worse than a really bad cold. Terrible fatigue, plus cold symptoms x 10.

I did lose my sense of smell and taste for a few days, but realised it had come back when Paddy the Cat had an exceptionally smelly session in his litter tray :D. Never thought I'd be relieved to smell that. (You did say no such thing as TMI with coronavirus, right? :D).

One of the worst things was the stomachache. Didn't have a dodgy stomach, fortunately, just an unpleasant stomachache which went after a few days.

I sincerely hope it's made me immune for a few months.

Fortunately, I got it after my partner's birthday meal, meeting up with my brother and his family, and going to Wimbledon, three days in succession. The journeys on public transport, including a particularly hairy journey on a packed Jubilee line, were almost certainly responsible.

If I'd got it before then I would have been furious!
Does it matter? Not to say it doesn't but more wondering - how far along the road are we to where Covid is just another fluey thing?
we've all had many fluey things but having a bout of real flu is horrible and takes ages to fully recover from

It would be great if covid would just be a fluey thing and not a bout of long lasting fatigue or worse
I’m always behind the cool kids…

View attachment 384677

That brings back unpleasant memories
Not so much of the covid, had it twice, once so mild I barely noticed it, the other time so bad I thought my head was going to explode or eyes pop out...the bad memories though of being locked inside waiting for the damn thing to change to single again. It was so disruptive with the kids routine, school runs, work, things like getting shopping etc. The sense of freedom of a finally single line!!!!
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