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Have you had the SECOND covid jab yet?

Have you had your SECOND jab yet?

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Where's the option for not yet but I don't expect it for another few weeks? God uh!
I've been going through moments of madness lately I think -- I posted this last night ....

William of Walworth said:
If my workplace continues to arrange weekly lateral flow tests for everyone (and how long this lasts remains unclear), my plan is to stop bothering, after I've had my second jab (late May??)

Is the above idea bad and wrong though??

And the replies I now see this morning make far more sense than what I'd been thinking!

Why would you stop?

Good question. I can't answer it :oops:

Well imo it's dumb and irresponsible because there is no evidence afaik that one can not transmit virus even after being vaccinated.

The vaccine is not 100% effective.
20% of people that have covid 19 are asymptomatic.

And....as you can get free lateral flow tests delivered to your door - why would you,?

Even with booster jabs and numbers remaining lowish- this ain't going away it will have to be managed and pzrt of that will be to be tested regularly.

That's me (correctly) told! -- I've changed my mind and I'll carry on getting tested.

Not really sure at all now, what I was thinking before. Apologies!
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I've been going through moments of madness lately I think -- I posted this last night ....

And thew replies I now see this morning make far more sense than what I'd been thinking!

Good question. I can't answer it :oops:

That's me (correctly) told! -- I've changed my mind and I'll carry on getting tested.

Not really sure at all now, what I was thinking before. Apologies!
No need to apologise! This place is good for thinking stuff through. Much better to ask the question than not, I think, given that we're all working out how this goes and should go.
Had AZ II yesterday...and feel like shit again, already.

Upside: I can now book that cruise to India.
So all this feeling shite with the aches/pains/shivers/headache etc. after AZ; is it an indicator of probable previous infection, or is that just internet bollux?
I'm a temporary TopCat till I get unblinded and find out whether I've had 2 x Janssen or just saline. Think I'll be able to get the single-dose Janssen if it turns out I was in the control group.

Have also been offered vaccines through both the NHS online booking thing and the supported accommodation scheme I live in, so maybe I should try and collect all three of Janssen / Pfizer / AZ for the lols for science
I'm a temporary TopCat till I get unblinded and find out whether I've had 2 x Janssen or just saline. Think I'll be able to get the single-dose Janssen if it turns out I was in the control group.

Have also been offered vaccines through both the NHS online booking thing and the supported accommodation scheme I live in, so maybe I should try and collect all three of Janssen / Pfizer / AZ for the lols for science
I just got unblinded. Turns out i have had the vaccines! I was so sure i'd had the placebo. No side effects at all. What do you reckon?
I just got unblinded. Turns out i have had the vaccines! I was so sure i'd had the placebo. No side effects at all. What do you reckon?
I find out next Weds but I've just had a letter from the ONS infection study saying my latest antibody test was positive. The antibody test I did when I joined the study at the end of January came back negative and I've been doing lateral flow tests twice a week since early March, so that makes me suspect I was given the vaccine (I know it could be coz I was asymptomatically infected at some point though)
not had my 2nd and it's getting close to the 12 week point so I'm a tiny bit impatient now.
just got to keep my eyes on the pfize(r)
Worth contacting whoever arranged for your first jab? Any thoughts people? I'd be tempted but I'm not sure how asking them would be viewed.
I just got unblinded. Turns out i have had the vaccines! I was so sure i'd had the placebo. No side effects at all. What do you reckon?

I had a night of sweats after my first jab on the Novavax trial, and if I'd had to I would have bet on having had the vaccine. Turned out I'd had the placebo. Must just have been a hot night!
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not had my 2nd and it's getting close to the 12 week point so I'm a tiny bit impatient now.
just got to keep my eyes on the pfize(r)
Worth contacting whoever arranged for your first jab? Any thoughts people? I'd be tempted but I'm not sure how asking them would be viewed.
It might be worthwhile. Mine were organised by a provider working for GP surgeries in the area. I got an email saying I would get notified about second jab before end of April.
I think people might have been contacting them to ask when they would hear. I actually got email and second jab on 9 April, 10 weeks after first pfizer.
I had a night of sweats after my first jab on the Novavax trial, and was I'd had to I would have bet on having had the vaccine. Turned out I'd had the placebo. Must just have been a hot night!
One of the nurses in my trial said that tons of people with side effects had had the placebo! I did have a sore arm but assumed that was normal after any jab including placebo.
One of the nurses in my trial said that tons of people with side effects had had the placebo! I did have a sore arm but assumed that was normal after any jab including placebo.

Yeah, hence my skepticism with some of the side effects people have been reporting on other threads post-jab! Loads of evidence that people ascribe all sorts of unrelated stuff to side effects.
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