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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

He was convicted of lying to Congress. It is utterly irrelevant if what he lied about was illegal or not. The offence was lying to Congress.
What was the consequence of him lying to Congress? Loads of people lie to Congress, most aren't charged. More to the point when was the the last time someone copped a nine year sentence for it?
1. Stone is 67 and has no previous convictions.

2. He lied to Congress about having no contact with Wikipedia in 2016.

3. He then sought to coerce/persuade another a witness, known to him, to back him in the lie.

4. Having contact with Wikipedia is not illegal.

5. The witness offered evidence in court that he did not take any of the so-called threats seriously.

6. Stone was investigated as part of the Mueller inquiry into Russia collusion.

7. The starting gun for the conspiracy was the infamous Steele dossier now widely accepted to be bogus.

8. Off the back of which a cohort of the FBI and other agency actors are alleged to have conducted a whole series of illegal and unconstitutional measures (investigation on going).

9. The attempted Ukraine impeachment farce began the day after the Mueller conspiracy collapsed.

10. Stone's prosecutors were part of the Mueller team.

11. The demand for a sentencing of up to 9 years in jail came just a week after Trump was acquitted.

In short the Mueller inquiry was politically inspired. The Ukraine impeachment trial which began the day after, was entirely political in that the Democrats were unable to say from start to finish what law had been broken. Stone was charged with being part of cover up of Trump's collusion with Russia for which there was never any actual evidence. So in asking for the absolute maximum jail time it is clear that in the eyes of the prosecutors, and those that support them, Stone is basically a proxy for Trump.

Stone is being made to pay the price for the failure to nail Trump. Stone is small fry. So the argument that it is he who is tearing at the 'fabric of democratic society' is simply laughable. In terms of dragging democracy into disrepute it is those on the opposing side who have done all the heavy lifting.
I do love the smell of canned post in the morning...
In this case, Stone went even further into illegal territory and tampered with witnesses and threatened a judge.

As far as I aware the tampering was with one witness and was done by text using his own phone. Stupid? Undoubtedly. But not exactly organised crime is it? Equally the threats against the judge are just as specious. It is alleged he put a photo of the judge next to cross hairs implying assassination awaits. Normally for full dramatic effect the head is literally in the cross hairs. But it wasn't in this case, because it wasn't actually 'cross hairs' at all but a small back round logo of some right-wing group that supported him. So much then for threatening the a judge. Undoubtedly Stone is going to jail. It is the length of the sentence that has the 'banana republic' stamp about it.
One of Trumps foes, Michael Avenatti aka creepy porn lawyer who was also pitched as a possible contender for the desperate Dems to take on Trump in the upcoming elections - has been found guilty of extortion and faces up to 20yrs behind bars, subject to appeal.

2. He walked into a bank.

3. He hit the cashier over the head with an iron bar and stole £30,000.

4. Possessing an iron bar is not illegal.


If he had merely brandished the bar during the robbery the guidelines seem to start at around 5 years which merely underscores the 'political enhancement' in the Stone case.
As far as I aware the tampering was with one witness and was done by text using his own phone. Stupid? Undoubtedly. But not exactly organised crime is it? Equally the threats against the judge are just as specious. It is alleged he put a photo of the judge next to cross hairs implying assassination awaits. Normally for full dramatic effect the head is literally in the cross hairs. But it wasn't in this case, because it wasn't actually 'cross hairs' at all but a small back round logo of some right-wing group that supported him. So much then for threatening the a judge. Undoubtedly Stone is going to jail. It is the length of the sentence that has the 'banana republic' stamp about it.
From that Rolling Stone article:

Are you saying none of that is important Joe Reilly ?

y'see i posted that paragraph above and yet he keeps up the bullshit. threatening the judge in his case is just being "a bit of a dick." this is why i have him on ignore. I've never called for anyone's banning but this might be the one.
And I've asked for his sources but he doesn't want to give them. I wonder why. I think banning altogether might be a bit harsh, though. Perhaps just from Trump-related threads until he recovers :) .
y'see i posted that paragraph above and yet he keeps up the bullshit. threatening the judge in his case is just being "a bit of a dick." this is why i have him on ignore. I've never called for anyone's banning but this might be the one.

Yeah, fuck him and his opinion, let’s ban the cunt if you don’t like his comments even though you’ve got him on ignore.

You sound perfectly reasonable here petee.
y'see i posted that paragraph above and yet he keeps up the bullshit. threatening the judge in his case is just being "a bit of a dick." this is why i have him on ignore. I've never called for anyone's banning but this might be the one.
And I've asked for his sources but he doesn't want to give them. I wonder why. I think banning altogether might be a bit harsh, though. Perhaps just from Trump-related threads until he recovers :) .
I don't think people should be banned from threads. I believe people should be given enough rope to either hang themselves or climb out of the pit they've dug.
I don't think people should be banned from threads. I believe people should be given enough rope to either hang themselves or climb out of the pit they've dug.

In general I agree, but there are site rules:

Do not post up large amounts of cut and paste text. Make things easier for others by summarising the article and including a link to the unabridged version.

Only the unabridged versions from a lot of his posts seem to be from far-right conspiraloon websites. We don't know because he won't tell us.
when Trump gets finally deposed , one way or another

the Us will be like France after the war

everybody was a member of the resistance ..... the loudest , will have a red ring around their forehead, from wearing too tight ,cheaply dyed, made in china baseball caps
Really glad I don't live down there.

NYT said:
In a statement, ICE’s acting director, Matthew T. Albence, said the deployment comes in response to policies adopted by sanctuary cities, which have made it harder for immigration agents to do their jobs

Looks like a move to overcome local resistance from special interest groups. Overkill !

USCBP said:
BORTAC in Iraq
In Iraq, small Border Support Teams work side by side with Iraqi border enforcement personnel. These are made up of two Border Patrol agents and two CBP offi cers, and headed by a Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) agent. BORTAC agents are specially trained in mobile tactical techniques. Teams work side by side with Iraqi border enforcement personnel patrolling the border and conducting sweeps both on the border and at the ports of entry. Iraqi personnel have an opportunity to observe fi eld patrol techniques fi rst hand and work with these elite special operations teams.

1. Stone is 67 and has no previous convictions.

2. He lied to Congress about having no contact with Wikipedia in 2016.

3. He then sought to coerce/persuade another a witness, known to him, to back him in the lie.

4. Having contact with Wikipedia is not illegal.

5. The witness offered evidence in court that he did not take any of the so-called threats seriously.

6. Stone was investigated as part of the Mueller inquiry into Russia collusion.

7. The starting gun for the conspiracy was the infamous Steele dossier now widely accepted to be bogus.

8. Off the back of which a cohort of the FBI and other agency actors are alleged to have conducted a whole series of illegal and unconstitutional measures (investigation on going).

9. The attempted Ukraine impeachment farce began the day after the Mueller conspiracy collapsed.

10. Stone's prosecutors were part of the Mueller team.

11. The demand for a sentencing of up to 9 years in jail came just a week after Trump was acquitted.

In short the Mueller inquiry was politically inspired. The Ukraine impeachment trial which began the day after, was entirely political in that the Democrats were unable to say from start to finish what law had been broken. Stone was charged with being part of cover up of Trump's collusion with Russia for which there was never any actual evidence. So in asking for the absolute maximum jail time it is clear that in the eyes of the prosecutors, and those that support them, Stone is basically a proxy for Trump.

Stone is being made to pay the price for the failure to nail Trump. Stone is small fry. So the argument that it is he who is tearing at the 'fabric of democratic society' is simply laughable. In terms of dragging democracy into disrepute it is those on the opposing side who have done all the heavy lifting.
You've completely lost it. It's not pretty to watch either, most undignified.
Facts lol what like the wikipedia bit? You've always been a worthless oxygen thief, but I used to have respect for Joe.

I once knew a guy, who amid a number of charges, pleaded guilty to stealing his own coat. He lied to the court. For some he ought to have been charged with an additional offence. Absurd of course. As I think you'll agree.

But here you are cheering on federal prosecutors in their attempt to jail a pensioner for 9 years for an offence for which there have been no negative consequences for anyone concerned. Which is just as nutty.

Now, unless he is seen as a stand in for Trump such retribution it makes no sense. But if he is seen as a proxy for Trump then he is being persecuted for the crime of being a political opponent.

At the same time, there are only two contributors who don't subscribe (for very different reasons) to the group think formula on this thread. And yet you want both banned. Cancelled.

Not a hallmark of confidence for all the smug moral superiority on display.

Frankly when putting the Stone affair (as a by product of the failed impeachment/Mueller investigation) together with hysterical rush to bad-jacket opponents on here, it all points to an emerging neo-Stalinist mindset. Which is the last thing we need. You don't agree?

So tell me, when was it the Left decided that the FBI, CIA and dutiful federal prosecutors really were the good guys after all?
I once knew a guy, who amid a number of charges, pleaded guilty to stealing his own coat. He lied to the court. For some he ought to have been charged with an additional offence. Absurd of course. As I think you'll agree.

But here you are cheering on federal prosecutors in their attempt to jail a pensioner for 9 years for an offence for which there have been no negative consequences for anyone concerned. Which is just as nutty.

Now, unless he is seen as a stand in for Trump such retribution it makes no sense. But if he is seen as a proxy for Trump then he is being persecuted for the crime of being a political opponent.

At the same time, there are only two contributors who don't subscribe (for very different reasons) to the group think formula on this thread. And yet you want both banned. Cancelled.

Not a hallmark of confidence for all the smug moral superiority on display.

Frankly when putting the Stone affair (as a by product of the failed impeachment/Mueller investigation) together with hysterical rush to bad-jacket opponents on here, it all points to an emerging neo-Stalinist mindset. Which is the last thing we need. You don't agree?

So tell me, when was it the Left decided that the FBI, CIA and dutiful federal prosecutors really were the good guys after all?

The left doesn't invite me to its meetings anymore after the 'incident' so I couldn't tell you when that decision was made.

Me, I don't think theres any good guys in this (and I actually agree with most of what you say about this backfiring on the democrats) but I don't think for a second trump or any of his cronies are innocent and cant bring myself to feel sorry for stone, pensioner or not.

I don't want you banned either, just marty1 the far right supporter.
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