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Interesting working class politics in fact has been in many interesting places, and not once with the IWCA.

Please expand, without mentioning swans and/or parking meters.
Why? I am quite happy with this formulation;

It hasn't broken out of the leftist ghetto - it IS part of the ghetto. There go it alone thing is just a new way of being vanguardist 'We're small and we know we are'. The other huge contradiction that I have problems with is that the working class never called them in as saviours, and to say that 'all other politics is the middle class left - we must start again' is pure rubbish. The working class (contrary to their formulation) was not invited to their autopsy, in fact it hasn't died at all!! Interesting working class politics in fact has been in many interesting places, and not once with the IWCA.
Im interested to know which "interesting places" you think you can find "interesting working class politics". Projectile film festival?
Too many to mention:cool: :D :D

Ones I have bigged up here include but are not limited to; the Bristolian, Bristol Radical History Group, the IWW, The Right to protest conference, the campaign against criminalising communities, The North Eastern Federation of Anarchist communists, Wombles, Tute Bianche, Disobedienti, Federazione dei Communisti Anarchici, Autonomy and Solidarity, Social Justice, Sivanandan - Institute of Race Relations, NUM, FBU, GMB, T & G, Capital and Class, Historical Materialism, Marxism and the New world order conference, Ian Bone, Antonio Gramsci, Antonio Negri:) Peter Linebaugh, http://contemporary-anarchist.blogspot.com/ Palestinian solidarity, Indigenous North American struggles, North East labour History, Socialist history society, various socialist journals, Friends of Nechayev, European group for the study of Deviance and social control, No more prison...

There's a lot more besides too.
torres said:
Course they are luv, names and groups, stuff you've found on the internet. Stuff you like. That's what the w/c is to you today.

Here petulent child - answer this which youu were asked before;

"Your ultra left '5 yr plan' will get you precisely nowhere with your arrogant opinions. You have achieved nothing in the last 5 years, and will acheive nothing in the next 5. "

Edit to add; you are forgetting basic marxist theory, the distinction between the class in itself and the class for itself...

It's really hard to see where you are coming from at all infact.
You seriously think the Wombles have achieved more than the IWCA for people? And "Marxism and the New world order conference"?
The NUM, FBU, GMB, T & G and IWW are just five out of dozens you've mentioned. How you can put Wombles on a par with the IWCA and those unions, I don't know.
Wow, you really have lost the plot haven't you? Class struggle is everywhere except the struggles engaged in by a group call the Independent working class association and their battles to recompose a confident local w/c. No, the real struggle is uni dons and their historical re-enaction societies. Grow up lad. You're underminingyour own argument with every pointless attack on the IWCA.
mk12 said:
Whereas the Wombles will still be summit hopping and dressing up like fucking idiots.

Paraphrasing Vaneigem - 'those who talk about revolution without fun are talking with a corpse in their mouth'.

Actually the wombles are like that parrot on Monty Python. 'it is a dead parott'... Or are they hibernating? WHo knows? you had better find out.
torres said:
Wow, you really have lost the plot haven't you? Class struggle is everywhere except the struggles engaged in by a group call the Independent working class association and their battles to recompose a confident local w/c. No, the real struggle is uni dons and their historical re-enaction societies. Grow up lad. You're underminingyour own argument with every pointless attack on the IWCA.

No - just you dipstick. There are struggles going on in many places, all the time as you said, the very minor and irrelevant IWCA struggles occur haphazardly and not all the time in their areas, infact, struggle in their areas (wot is it, 3 areas?) is the exception rather than the rule. The class struggle does not hinge on what the IWCA does, far from it in fact. The next cycle of struggle will not come from them so you've backed the wrong horse pal:eek: :D
Attica said:
The next cycle of struggle will not come from them so you've backed the wrong horse pal:eek: :D

But you think it'll come from the Wombles, film festivals, and academic conferences?
Im interested to know which "interesting places" you think you can find "interesting working class politics".

Too many to mention: Wombles...Marxism and the New world order conference...various socialist journals...Historical Materialism...European group for the study of Deviance and social control

Attica said:
No - just you dipstick. There are struggles going on in many places, all the time as you said, the very minor and irrelevant IWCA struggles occur haphazardly and not all the time in their areas, infact, struggle in their areas (wot is it, 3 areas?) is the exception rather than the rule. The class struggle does not hinge on what the IWCA does, far from it in fact. The next cycle of struggle will not come from them so you've backed the wrong horse pal:eek: :D

You are the only person to have mentioned the IWCA on this thread, or at least to have freaked out about them. And certainly no one has argued that anything hinges on them. You however have gave an odd list of mainly instituitonal groups and have told us that this is where interesting w/c politics is happening - i.e at a place one remove at least from the w/c, whilst also telling us that these one-remove groups 'are the working class'. You really do need to think this shit through.
Attica said:
Edit to add; you are forgetting basic marxist theory, the distinction between the class in itself and the class for itself...

I don't think this is marxist theory at all, basic or otherwise. I believe marx once talked about the class in itself when refering to the early stages of industrialisation when the working class was still forming. The fact that the working class has now formed means that it is 'for itself' by definition. That is unless we now live in a classless society - cf RCP/LM, I think this was exactly their formulation if I remember correctly. They were/are consistent at least.
i might have mentionned them too! i ususually do!:rolleyes:

i think attica is alowing his personal dislike of individuals to blind him as to what IWCA are about in theory and have acheived to an extent in oxford ( and sadly oxford alone) ..

that is they have gone a large way to 'destrying P olitics ( with a big P) .. and trying to recreate p olitics, with a small p, from the base .. i am struggling with why Attica disagrees with this strategy .. i suspect it is because he doe snot belive what he seees on the tin and tahtthey are just the same old RA. ignore this . lookk at teh trajectory which is pretty amazing for any left group orpolitical group .. who normally go to the right ( RCP-LM-IoI)

however attica point that this strategy is not sweeping the country, and why, needs to be addressed too
torres said:
You are the only person to have mentioned the IWCA on this thread, or at least to have freaked out about them. And certainly no one has argued that anything hinges on them. You however have gave an odd list of mainly instituitonal groups and have told us that this is where interesting w/c politics is happening - i.e at a place one remove at least from the w/c, whilst also telling us that these one-remove groups 'are the working class'. You really do need to think this shit through.

I have, and you're the one talking shite... They are the working class - warts an' all, the manifestations of the 'for itself'... I did the class in itself stuff when I was growing up 20 yrs ago and more ago, I don't need to be told to go 'back to the class' like a stale old 1960's IS record. I've been there, and I really don't want to wear a donkey jacket and mingle (says he from an old mining town)... What I mean by this is that it is quiant that the IWCA have theoretically discovered working class formation politics, the rest of us have been rethinking and doing for far longer than that though:D :D
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