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Ukraine invasion memes and viral content

Also true.

Interesting snippet in Private Eye though about a journo writing an opinion article in a US magazine before the invasion about how the Kremlin warmongering was being overstated by gullible western hacks (he'd just written similar in the Daily Mail).

"One point made in his American piece but oddly missing from the Mail article ran thus: 'In a phone conversation with one of the authors last week, a senior editor at a major British mid-market tabloid agreed that 'this invasion stuff is probably all nonsense'. But fuck it, print away. 'Boris needs this to run and run."
correction run this issue apparently it wasn't the Mail but another paper.
Warning it contains some war footage of damaged buildings and people injured

The show's final episode is set on Feb. 24, the day that Russia invaded Ukraine, with Masyanya coming home to find her friend Lokhmaty, who is Ukrainian, has passed out drunk in her room so that he does not have to watch the news. Masyanya and her friend, Hryundel, spend the rest of the episode shielding their friend from the terrible news by making sure he stays away from the internet — while privately discussing how Putin, whom they refer to as the “mad czar” and “fuhrer,” has destroyed their country and the future of their children. Hryundel blames Putin’s tyrannical actions on the political apathy of people like Masyanya, who prefer not to discuss politics and allow men like Putin to “swell up.”

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