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Ukraine invasion memes and viral content

NEAF ceased to exist quite a few years ago - maybe 6 or 7 (where does the time go). The last I knew was the account was 1 person. If it's the same person, I recently dropped him off my social media as he's gone a bit tanky. Shame as he's canny enough as a person.
I knew FRFI were involved, but not that it was just him (the one I knew was a her) nor that FRFI now stands for Fight Racism, Fondle Imperialism.
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I knew FRFI were involved, but not that was just him (the one I knew was a her) not that FRFI now stands for Fight Racism, Fondle Imperialism.
I've not been involved for about 6 years so I had no idea the one (formerly) anarchist admin had brought frfi into it.
I left a comment under that post but went back and deleted cos I honestly can't be arsed with their nonsense :D
Portugal have arrested the Rabbi who verified Abramovitch's heritage for Portuguese citzenship

I find that far too simplistic. Yes, of course, it was disgusting how countries like Hungary and Poland behaved in 2015.

But 2015 was only called a 'migrant' crisis in the English speaking world whilst in mainland Europe, it was always referred to as the refugee crisis. And anyone who was in Germany at the time will know that it was indeed a very real crisis. Having to find living space, food, clothes etc for tens of thousands of incomers in a short window of time will always be a crisis, just as accommodating the million(s) of Ukrainians fleeing over the coming weeks will be just the same. The "quickly absorbed" is also very questionably - it has only really been a week since masses of people have started to leave the Ukraine. Yes, at first people are very friendly, but when a few more millions come and school gyms will have to be turned into sleeping quarters etc, I am sure there will be plenty of racism against them, too, unfortunately.

I remember people applauding Syrians refugees and giving them presents when they first arrived in Germany, and locals really coming together to help, so I am finding this supposed dichotomy between Syrians refugees being treated badly, Ukrainians on the other hand as great, really a bit tiring.
Russians now selling McDonald's food on the Russian equivalent of ebay.

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