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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

TBF he is not wrong about the film thing, it’s bad enough how Hollywood airbrushes us out of that war (or outright steals things) but their contribution really is almost completely ignored.

Apart from “Enemy at the Gates” (and even that was almost entirely Western cast) how many other English language films have told any of the stories of what happened there?
The Russian filum T34 came out recently. Very poignant propaganda in hindsight. Shite movie tho
One of the early Call of Duty games had some Stalingrad and assault on Berlin missions. Does that count?
Aye. Didn't the first Nazi zombies have a Russian character in it? I never played it but recall some count dracular sounding character called Nikolai booming out of the teenagers bedroom for weeks.
I was reading today about Russian soldiers going to war and running out of fuel and food before even meeting any opposition.

It was a book about WW1 so looks like things haven't changed much…

So that implies aims are now a full occupation of Lunhansk and Donetsk regions right (as opposed to current LNR/DNR)? That surely takes us no closer to a settlement...
So that implies aims are now a full occupation of Lunhansk and Donetsk regions right (as opposed to current LNR/DNR)? That surely takes us no closer to a settlement...

From the Ukrainian POV I would agree, they're not going to want to allow this. But they may start getting pressure from EU/NATO to try and bring this all to a halt if Russia has pulled back from total occupation. It's a huge back pedal by the Russians for domestic consumption and I would imagine the UA will look at pushing them harder and harder as long as the lethal aid doesn't dry up.
From the Ukrainian POV I would agree, they're not going to want to allow this. But they may start getting pressure from EU/NATO to try and bring this all to a halt. It's a huge backstep by the Russians and I would imagine the UA will look at pushing them harder and harder as long as the lethal aid doesn't dry up.

Sure, I fully get the general point that this is a massive egg-on-face moment for them. I mean in terms of the wider outcomes of the war... Donetsk includes Mariupol, and - forgive the abstraction of that tragedy - it is not going to be too difficult for Ukraine to say 'we will never give up Mariupol'.
It means they will focus their troops down south. But ukraine can do the same. This is an admitted loss of a battle.

By their own rationale the deployments in the north are a distracting activity... Presumably they will keep up activities there, though possibly they'll focus on areas that are easier in terms of supply. But getting a bit into strategy speculation here, which wasn't really my point. More that I don't think this should give any hope for imminent ceasefire.
My feeling is that the penny has dropped with Western leaders, but it takes time for the backstage discussions necessary for a harmonious announcememnt of heavy weapons donations. It's quite a big escalation. And it's good for it to look like a firm resolution. People have learned that Putin acts when he perceives the West to be divided. So I'm not disheartened by a short period of silence. Putin's next massacre will arrive any day now. It would be good to use that as a platform for a Nato escalation.

Zelensky always asks for more than he can get, in the expectation he'll be met halfway. He knew a no fly zone was impossible, but he kept asking for it, on and on and on, and he was given a decent supply of missiles which his people made excellent use of. Without the amazing success rate of those missiles, everyone would be talking about giving in.
First paragraph, last sentence - could you be any more flippant when talking about hypothetical mass murder during an actual war?!

eta - first paragraph, last two sentences really. I mean, ffs.
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By their own rationale the deployments in the north are a distracting activity... Presumably they will keep up activities there, though possibly they'll focus on areas that are easier in terms of supply. But getting a bit into strategy speculation here, which wasn't really my point. More that I don't think this should give any hope for imminent ceasefire.

I agree, if I was UA I'd be positively encouraged to keep fighting. The RuA are digging in up North now apparently and have been for a few days.
From a Russian pov one potential advantage of this is in terms of presentation to strategic partners. The rhetoric around liberation and restoration of territorial integrity is certainly more palatable within Chinese political philosophy, India don't know.

e2a: which is not to say that it will be convincing, just that that is a potential factor.
He went on to compare the treatment Russia had received with the controversy surrounding Rowling’s comments on transgender people. “Recently they cancelled the children’s writer Joanne Rowling because she – the author of books that have sold hundreds of millions of copies worldwide – fell out of favour with fans of so-called gender freedoms,” Putin said.

Putin should fill in for Farage when he can't do this show on kGB News.
This is good news right? It’s a massive climb down . Is that one word idk.

See above - they still want to occupy the full extent of Luhansk and Donetsk regions... So in all likelihood a change of strategy rather than a realistic prospect for an end to the conflict.
See above - they still want to occupy the full extent of Luhansk and Donetsk regions... So in all likelihood a change of strategy rather than a realistic prospect for an end to the conflict.
Yeah but still, we never intended to take the capital? We were just enjoying the view of Odessa from the sea? Great.
See above - they still want to occupy the full extent of Luhansk and Donetsk regions... So in all likelihood a change of strategy rather than a realistic prospect for an end to the conflict.
If I were Ukraine I wouldn't settle. And I wouldn't expect NATO to support my attacks on Russian-stolen territory.
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