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UK reaction / response to the invasion

It's tale of two halves.

The UK has been in Ukraine since 2015, on an op called OP ORBITAL - we've trained them, and bought huge quantities of rifles, ammunition, CBRN gear, GPS and communications gear for them.

In addition we've provided them with around 2500 of our own anti-tank weapons from our war stocks and used our people in Ukraine to train them on how to use them - and we did so before the war started, meaning they weren't just dumped at the border with Ukr having little ability to move them to where they needed to be.

The UK provided, for years regular and persistent signals and radar intelligence gathering, both above Ukr in the form of RC-135 and Sentinel, and SIGINT on the ground.

The UK did, with the US, the public warnings that Russia was going to invade.

The refugee stuff - shit.
Come on Badgers elaborate!
Would send troops and more importantly logistics to support the people of Ukraine.

Nobody wants war. That is not even a question. However, if our beshitted government (awash with Russian money, not least of all the Disgraced Prime Minister de Pfeffel Johnson) are genuine about sanctions and their support of Ukraine then there is a fuck load more to do.

Rest assured I do not want this to escalate, nobody decent does.

If the best we can do (which we do for so many awful countries already) is just send missiles and munition, then what are we preaching?

Although a 'democracy' a long way a way manufacturing and delivering said weapons is perhaps encouraging the people who use them.
Def off topic but I wonder what widespread weapons ownership and training will do for Ukraine's postwar society. Esp when vz's feet of clay become more apparent
Would send troops and more importantly logistics to support the people of Ukraine.

Nobody wants war. That is not even a question. However, if our beshitted government (awash with Russian money, not least of all the Disgraced Prime Minister de Pfeffel Johnson) are genuine about sanctions and their support of Ukraine then there is a fuck load more to do.

Rest assured I do not want this to escalate, nobody decent does.

If the best we can do (which we do for so many awful countries already) is just send missiles and munition, then what are we preaching?
I my (very non-expert opinion), blustercunt's repeated assurance that the UK state will not fight in any capacity in Ukraine against the Russian invasion is one of the few occasions on which he has done the right thing.
You want to send UK troops into Ukraine so obviously you understand it very well indeed. :rolleyes:
Fucking keyboard warrior 🙄

Just sit back and do nothing? Some faux sanctions and hot air from corrupt politicians?

A presence of troops from UK and EU would make Russia think their military might is not the bully it is.

There is rebuilding to deal with and a massive need for logistical organisation/etc.

What do you suggest?

Strongly worded letter?
Pithy sanctions that don't effect the London economy?
Pretend is isn't happening?
Thought's and Prayers?
Fucking keyboard warrior 🙄

Just sit back and do nothing? Some faux sanctions and hot air from corrupt politicians?

A presence of troops from UK and EU would make Russia think their military might is not the bully it is.

There is rebuilding to deal with and a massive need for logistical organisation/etc.

What do you suggest?

Strongly worded letter?
Pithy sanctions that don't effect the London economy?
Pretend is isn't happening?
Thought's and Prayers?

What happens when the UK troops you want to send in come under fire, or are with civilians who come under under fire. Should they engage the Russians or just step back, like the useless UN genocide-enablers have done on countless occasions.

Sending in troops who don’t fight the Russians isn’t going to “make Russia think their military might is not the bully it is”. I really don’t think youve thought this through.
Clearly, you're more optimistic than me about the ability to engage without escalation.
I have no love for war and less for military.

Also the British army have a bad (justified) record in a lot of conflicts. However they are one of the best/disciplined in the world. I do know that is a low bar 🙄

Do you think the current sanctions will do anything?

If not then leave Ukraine to disappear?
What happens when the UK troops you want to send in come under fire, or are with civilians who come under under fire. Should they engage the Russians or just step back, like the useless UN genocide-enablers have done on countless occasions.

Sending in troops who don’t fight the Russians isn’t going to “make Russia think their military might is not the bully it is”. I really don’t think youve thought this through.
So what do you suggest?

As I asked.
I have no love for war and less for military.

Also the British army have a bad (justified) record in a lot of conflicts. However they are one of the best/disciplined in the world. I do know that is a low bar 🙄

Do you think the current sanctions will do anything?

If not then leave Ukraine to disappear?
The sanctions make complete sense to those governing the neoliberal state; the very worst outcome they can contemplate is excluding a nation from their class' global thievery. But assessing the effectiveness of sanctions is separate from the issue of nuclear super-power engagement.
The sanctions make complete sense to those governing the neoliberal state; the very worst outcome they can contemplate is excluding a nation from their class' global thievery. But assessing the effectiveness of sanctions is separate from the issue of nuclear super-power engagement.

If I was a betting person I think once the initial brutality of this is over the sanctions will slowly slip. Have already heard some moaning from businesses about the impact on them here. Money will win out over political will again.

Also Badgers I totally get what you're saying, but effectively you'll be inflaming (I won't say starting as Russia would have done that) WW3, leading to fuck knows what.

The grim reality is there's not much more we can do militarily atm. Maybe fund/arm an insurgency long term if that happens.
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