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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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It’s all shit so none of it is worth changing, then?

No, all of it is worth changing. The firm that owns F1 - Liberty Media - has one woman at board level, in a non-executive capacity; they shouldn't really be boosted in the way that they have been for boasting of how forward thinking they are by effectively sacking a group of other women.

FWIW I would have no problem with this if they'd said they would no longer use grid girls but that the people affected would all be employed elsewhere during F1 weekends - but they haven't said that.
Why isn't the driver a woman, and the eight models men? Ever?
Not that I think everything would be OK if that were the case but the fact is, for better or worse, it's not.
Because the women in motor racing are mainly working in the important role of mechanic and engineer. Let the boys have their fun driving while the women get on with the vital stuff.
It’s worth me saying here that one of the consequences of consumer-capitalism is the objectification of everybody in one way or other (but not in the same way). Everybody is turned into a consumer to market themself and be marketed to.

The solution to the objectification of women is not to promote similar objectification of men. Down that route lies a hideous race to the bottom.
Ah well that's OK then. No problem, girls can just be decoration while the boys race.

Not at all, I highly encourage you all to get your daughters into motorsport simply because it's fucking awesome.

Personally that's out of my budget, whitewater kayaking is in my daughters future.
Because not many girls join the karting circuit.

Male objectification - male backing dancers - Google Search

One thing I've noticed, completely anecdotal so worthless but anyway....

Women on my facebook feed regularly post pics of actors or singers and then proceed to objectify them. Tom Hardy seems to be the hot shiz right now.

I rarely if ever see men doing the same. Not that I have an issue with either sex doing it but it doesn seem like men know very well it's not acceptable.
Get less tedious female friends?

For me, the moment I hear the words 'typical man' I know that we can never be friends.
It’s worth me saying here that one of the consequences of consumer-capitalism is the objectification of everybody in one way or other (but not in the same way). Everybody is turned into a consumer to market themself and be marketed to.

The solution to the objectification of women is not to promote similar objectification of men. Down that route lies a hideous race to the bottom.

I see what you're saying here but I'd far prefer if we attempted to create a a generation that can view this stuff from a step back and remain somewhat aloof. But what the fuck do i know.
I see what you're saying here but I'd far prefer if we attempted to create a a generation that can view this stuff from a step back and remain somewhat aloof. But what the fuck do i know.
The one sure way to end up without meaningful choice over your life is to ignore the implications and consequences of “this stuff”
Are you fucking joking?

Aftershave (advertising us aimed at women as the industry realised more women buy aftershave for men than men buy for themselves):

More yogurt:

Salad dressing:

Cheese spread
Not at all, I highly encourage you all to get your daughters into motorsport simply because it's fucking awesome.

Sadly I have no daughters, but beyond that there's still an issue. It's not going to be enough for a girl to get into karting. She'll have to not only beat the boys but she'll have to be chosen to race in the big events by the men who make such choices. Let's not be naive enough to really think her actual driving ability will be the #1 factor that goes into here selection (or not). If it were, why haven't there been more than five female F1 drivers in the last 60 years? Are all male racers better?
Sadly I have no daughters, but beyond that there's still an issue. It's not going to be enough for a girl to get into karting. She'll have to not only beat the boys but she'll have to be chosen to race in the big events by the men who make such choices. Let's not be naive enough to really think her actual driving ability will be the #1 factor that goes into here selection (or not). If it were, why haven't there been more than five female F1 drivers in the last 60 years? Are all male racers better?

Pretty sure that whoever wins the races gets into the fastest cars. Motorsport is a very equal sport, you need to be physically fit but not neccesarily stronger than your opponent.There's not reason a woman can't be the fastest.

Most drivers are men because the number of boys who join the karting circuit vastly outnumber the girls. There have been a few women drivers in recent years, it is becoming more common but until the numbers of kids in karting reached parity there will alwasy be more boys.
It’s worth me saying here that one of the consequences of consumer-capitalism is the objectification of everybody in one way or other (but not in the same way). Everybody is turned into a consumer to market themself and be marketed to.

The solution to the objectification of women is not to promote similar objectification of men. Down that route lies a hideous race to the bottom.
Ive been saying that and you told me to fuck off so you don’t get to jump on that message now.
No there haven't. The last woman to race in a F1 Grand Prix was in 1982, her name was Giovanna Amati. That was over a generation ago. No way is it just a numbers game.
The last one to race in an F1 race, not the last to drive and test F1. Most recently in 2017 Tatiana Calderón was signed to Sauber development programme.
I''m thinking of danica patrick, i thought she'd raced F1 but she's indycar.

I don't know why you don't think it's a numbers thing. If for sake of argument 95% of the kids are boys and only the fastest of the fastest make it through to get selected then the chances it's one of the girls that only make up 5% is tiny.

Ask yourself this, why would a team not want the fastest driver in it's car? they don't give a monkeys if it's a woman or a man. prob better to have a woman because it's likely she'll weigh less.
The last one to race in an F1 race, not the last to drive and test F1. Most recently in 2017 Tatiana Calderón was signed to Sauber development programme.

I know there are female test drivers, but the last woman to drive in an F1 Grand Prix was over 35 years ago.
Ask yourself this, why would a team not want the fastest driver in it's car? they don't give a monkeys if it's a woman or a man. prob better to have a woman because it's likely she'll weigh less.

So where are the women racing then? In terms of the numbers we really ought to be seeing at least one woman racing every couple of years at least, even if as you say the number of girls in karting is very small.
Don't you think that's shameful though? IMO it's dubious at best. Not one female Grand Prix driver in this whole generation.
So where are the women racing then?

There just aren't enough in the sport. Because their numbers are low it's unlikely that any of them will be fast enough. If more got involved we'd start to see more succeed.If they're not fast enough for F1, like many of the boys too....they'll get offered seats in other motorsports.
I’d wager even the mechanics at the pits are exclusively men also.

So where are the women racing then? In terms of the numbers we really ought to be seeing at least one woman racing every couple of years at least, even if as you say the number of girls in karting is very small.
Danica Patrick was in Indy car, and I think has gone back to it, she was also in NASCAR. Sabine Schmitz comes to mind. Others are in different classes as a quick Google will tell you.

When I was racing karts the only female driver that I ever met was my wife. As a sport it attracted very few women or girls. I don't know why as, in my experience, the only bar was how fast you could drive.

There's women in the pit crew, and Claire Williams is the deputy chief at Williams.

There's not many, but they are, slowly, breaking through.
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