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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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Tell you what, let's just start with restricting the normalisation of behaviour that results in serious assault. We can think about "untoward" :rolleyes: behaviour from there.

What we are talking about here is men being given the nod and the wink that it's okay when being served drinks to sexually assault their server. You think that kind of positive reinforcement ends at the door? That it doesn't change how the man objectifies other women he comes across? That his impulses aren't going to be trained in the direction of what has been normalised from him?

If you do think that, you don't know much about how psychology works.

Can you spot the difference between individuals putting on a display and the interaction between members of the public and the "performers"? Can you spot the difference between that and a "performance" that pretends that it is actually for real?

You want to talk about "rights" now? How about the right to expect you can live your life in peace without society presenting you as a sex object that others have the right to use as they see fit?

Absolute fucking balderdash.

I don't think it ends at the door at all, that's why I acknowledged what you said.

Would you ban boxing? Do you think glorifying violence might result in serious assaults on the streets? The fact some cunt might assault someone isn't reason to restrict other peoples behaviour.

"How about the right to expect you can live your life in peace without society presenting you as a sex object that others have the right to use as they see fit?"

How about the right of people to do what they want with their bodies? be that selling sex or violence?
If I want to sell my body that's got nothing to do with anyone and my they like.

To be clear here, you three are saying prostitution should remain illegal?
But as you say yourself, you got talking to her over a period of time. I doubt you hit on her the first time you clapped eyes on her.
No but it wasn't long. Less than a week. If you get a certain look or smile, or realise from conversation that there could be something going on, you'd be daft not to pursue it.

And there are more subtle ways to engage someone than "hows about me and you later?" :D
Aren't we? Wtf? No, 'we' are not getting sidetracked. The way that you address someone shows what kind of esteem you hold them in. Son.

Not really, calling me son implies you're my father. if you'd called me boy then it'd imply you thought i was quite young, that'd be fine if I was quite young. 19 say...not a problem.
No but it wasn't long. Less than a week. If you get a certain look or smile, or realise from conversation that there could be something going on, you'd be daft not to pursue it.

And there are more subtle ways to engage someone than "how about me and you later?" :D

Are you saying that because you and Mrs Spy happened upon each other and both noticed the chemistry and both acted on it, then hitting on people while they work is always okay?
Okay this is getting silly now. Some of us are trying to make larger points about a larger issue, while some others are trying to apply the arguments to specific and local occurrences.

This is usually the point where the discussion veers off into personal insults, so I’m stepping back now.
you said
the post you quoted consisted of the words 'young girls'. the only possible conclusion is that you believe young girls to be an insult.

another conclusion could be that i thought you were implying i was a nonce...again...nambla rambler?

still derailing, you sort of lost it about the time you were fixing your watch didn't you? to get back to the point.

We allow people to sell their bodies for violence, boxing etc....why don't we allow people to sell their bodies for sex? Both normalise violence and sexual objectification respectively.

If you want to ban martial arts and boxing too then that's consistent but you keep avoiding it.
Are you saying that because you and Mrs Spy happened upon each other and both noticed the chemistry and both acted on it, then hitting on people while they work is always okay?
It wasn't Mrs Spy (she was a punter in the bar when I hit on her), but of course not. I'm saying it's not always out of order (though I'm not sure what the definition of "hitting on" is). If it means a gentle approach after exchanging signals, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all just because it happens in her workplace.

If you've assumed I meant "girl" in some derogatory way I can only apologise and use "woman" from here on. For the record I simply meant that a 19 year old is very young and possibly naive and it's obviously exploitative to have a 19 year old anywhere near an event like this.

Now if we could get back to why we have a double standard when it comes to selling our bodies for sex/violence that'd be good.
If you've assumed I meant "girl" in some derogatory way I can only apologise and use "woman" from here on. For the record I simply meant that a 19 year old is very young and possibly naive and it's obviously exploitative to have a 19 year old anywhere near an event like this.

Now if we could get back to why we have a double standard when it comes to selling our bodies for sex/violence that'd be good.

So you don't think that a 19 year old should be allowed to wait on tables or that they shouldn't be allowed to be a prostitute? At what age do you think women should be 'allowed' to do these things?
Prostitution is not illegal in England you ignorant prick.

My bad, I should be more precise. It's illegal to advertise though isn't it, the organisers of this event are skirting as close as they can to hiring prostitutes and running a bait and switch sort of scam instead.

No need to be rude, you cunt.
another conclusion could be that i thought you were implying i was a nonce...again...nambla rambler?

still derailing, you sort of lost it about the time you were fixing your watch didn't you? to get back to the point.

We allow people to sell their bodies for violence, boxing etc....why don't we allow people to sell their bodies for sex? Both normalise violence and sexual objectification respectively.

If you want to ban martial arts and boxing too then that's consistent but you keep avoiding it.
if you wanted to complain about being called a nambla rambler you should have quoted that post and not the one mentioning young girls. in the future you might like to remember it makes more sense to everyone if you do that, auld man.
I don't think it ends at the door at all, that's why I acknowledged what you said.

Would you ban boxing? Do you think glorifying violence might result in serious assaults on the streets? The fact some cunt might assault someone isn't reason to restrict other peoples behaviour.
I dislike boxing and wouldn’t go to see it, but my dividing line for legality is the point you can pay to do something yourself that would otherwise be assault. I can’t pay for the right to beat someone up and not should I have that right.

"How about the right to expect you can live your life in peace without society presenting you as a sex object that others have the right to use as they see fit?"

How about the right of people to do what they want with their bodies? be that selling sex or violence?
If I want to sell my body that's got nothing to do with anyone and my they like.

To be clear here, you three are saying prostitution should remain illegal?
That has been my consistent position over the years, yes. I mean, with subtleties about who is committing the crime.
So you don't think that a 19 year old should be allowed to wait on tables or that they shouldn't be allowed to be a prostitute? At what age do you think women should be 'allowed' to do these things?

Poor wording on my part. I meant that society doesn't allow it in that it's seen as shameful, it's a restricted practice, etc...Women can do as they please. That's my point.
I dislike boxing and wouldn’t go to see it, but my dividing line for legality is the point you can pay to do something yourself that would otherwise be assault. I can’t pay for the right to beat someone up and not should I have that right.

That has been my consistent position over the years, yes. I mean, with subtleties about who is committing the crime.

No I don't like boxing either. That's an important distinction, but other people can pay to see you beaten up.

Also, we've never had a practice of people paying to beat other people up, not in any numbers anyway. We do have a long history of prostitution. Is it realistic to think it's going to disappear at any point?

what subtleties?
oh jesus, you know i'm talking about prostitution but carry on willfuly misunderstanding me.
You said:

If you've assumed I meant "girl" in some derogatory way I can only apologise and use "woman" from here on. For the record I simply meant that a 19 year old is very young and possibly naive and it's obviously exploitative to have a 19 year old anywhere near an event like this.

Now if we could get back to why we have a double standard when it comes to selling our bodies for sex/violence that'd be good.

'Event like this'.

So you're saying that the women were employed as prostitutes, yes?
You said:
So you're saying that the women were employed as prostitutes, yes?

Did you not read my earlier post? I'm saying it would be be better if prostitution were fully legal and events like this could recruit people without havign to use bait and switch tactics and ambiguous job descriptions.

I'm, saying that the organisers wanted prostitutes, couldn't hire them legally so instead they hired hostesses and turned a blind eye to the abuse going on.
No I don't like boxing either. That's an important distinction, but other people can pay to see you beaten up.
No they can’t. They can pay to see you take part in a fight that regulators have a responsibility to ensure is fair enough not to present undue risk, and where they have a responsibility to stop it if it goes too far.

I can’t just pay one desperate person to beat up another desperate person.

You might think this difference is unimportant. It is not. It is the heart of the matter.

Also, we've never had a practice of people paying to beat other people up, not in any numbers anyway. We do have a long history of prostitution. Is it realistic to think it's going to disappear at any point?
Ah, so being able to pay to engage in an assault is to be justified on the basis of tradition...

what subtleties?
For a start, there is little point in criminalising to one forced by economic coercion into offering themselves for the assault. The criminal is the one taking advantage of their economic power.
Did you not read my earlier post? I'm saying it would be be better if prostitution were fully legal and events like this could recruit people without havign to use bait and switch tactics and ambiguous job descriptions.

I'm, saying that the organisers wanted prostitutes, couldn't hire them legally so instead they hired hostesses and turned a blind eye to the abuse going on.
you're not making this any better for yourself, you know.
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