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The Ashes 2010/11

lol Mr.W.Swinton might get some feedback for that.Every Aussie likes to think we will flog the arse off the happless poms and sometimes plans go astray lol,what plan

I've just found a more up to date quote from Mr Swanton:

To use the Australian vernacular, we're stuffed. This was a dark day for Australian cricket. Large chunks of the crowd went home early because Boxing Day had become such a debacle. This was the day the urn was lost. Fat ladies in the Barmy Army are already singing their lungs out. Every additional run for England today is another nail in Australia's coffin. Another dark day and it really will be lights out.

Will Swanton The Daily Telegraph
i've been having a go at people on other forums for coming out with shit like "oh, it would be typical england for us to throw it away now".

well, i'm not saying that england have never thrown away a match before, but come on. we've been pretty good for about 6 or 7 years at least now. being good one minute and shit the next isn't something exclusive to england. unless you're the best team in the world (and not even then, sometimes), every team collapses inexplicably, chucks the odd game away, struggles abroad etc. ditto in football. being inconsistent is common to pretty much every team in the world in every sport apart from the very best and the very shittest.
Well yeah, the idea that losing is some kind of exclusively English trait is ludicrous. Look at, say, Australia to choose a completely random example.

The persistent belief that we're not very good at things we're actually quite decent at is more of a national characteristic
What the fuck is Ponting doing now? Fine him, suspend him, end his fucking career for him. He does this ALL the time and never gets pulled up for it
What the fuck could he say? 'Oh, you may have your video replays and hot spot, but my wicket-keeper reckons Pietersen hit it, even though the bowler didn't even appeal. On that basis I demand you overturn the decision.'
What the fuck could he say? 'Oh, you may have your video replays and hot spot, but my wicket-keeper reckons Pietersen hit it, even though the bowler didn't even appeal. On that basis I demand you overturn the decision.'

As everyone knows, all Australian wicket keepers tell the truth always and aren't massive cheats in any way whatsoever. So basically, it was out
Apparently Warne's criticising the booing of Ponting. Another massive twat who thinks fans can't see when someone's fucking around with the spirit of the game they like to tell everyone their country is sworn to defend against all these other nations who cheat.

Fuck. Off.
All the Aussie fans failing to watch has made my web stream a lot less choppy, so cheers for that ye faithless of the Antipodes
Boycott yesterday morning:

"I'm very disappointed with what I've seen this morning...
England have put them in, it can only be to play for a draw, there's nothing in this pitch that says you should get bowled out - it's slow, slow as old boots... turgid. ...
"A draw will do this Test. I can't see how England are going to win this, I really can't, even at this stage -"
[Aggers: We've only had 12 minutes"]
"Yep, well, I'm supposed to know what I'm talking about, that's why I'm an expert. that's why you do commentary, and I can't see any way. This looks flat, nothingness..."
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