Some developments this morning, nothing dramatic
(taken from Público and El País and TVE)
Rivera of Ciudadanos has said that PSOE would need to form a party with 11 parties which is something that would be bad for Spain (implicit here of course is his reconfirmation of the fact that they won't support a PSOE government) but he also said that he won't form a government with the PP either because 'nothing has changed in Spain' which is a convenient principle to take since a PP+Cs+others government is basically impossible. Instead he suggests that the best thing for Spain would be a minority PP government.
Interestingly the PP now seem to be pushing the line that more elections would be bad because they would be a cause of instability. If one austerity measure was reversed every time a centre-right politician in Spain said 'instability' over the past 24 hours all of Europe would be living under full communism. They have called for PSOE not to form a government with Podemos and to just let them govern.
How curious that Ciudadanos and PP have exactly the same message a day after the elections, it's almost as if Ciudadanos is a vehicle for sheepdogging disaffected right--wingers...
The ERC, leftist Catalan Nationalists, have said that they don't think that Podemos would ever allow a Catalan independence referendum which bodes poorly for their participation in a coalition government, something that would be essential for a PS + Podemos + Nationalists coalition.
César Luena the number 2 of the PSOE has said that the PSOE will oppose the PP forming a government. Expect lots of right-wing whining, as in Portugal.
Pablo Iglesias, well uh he tweeted a rap song late night, titled 'knocking on heavens door'