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Political violence in the USA

A group founded by a Scottish Canadian, named after a song from the Aladdin musical, with a no-wanking rule and an initiation rite that involves being punched while shouting the names of breakfast cereals sounds a little creative for the FBI, unless they've been dipping into the CIA's LSD

Pah this is nothing for them. Most of the FBI brass graduate from the Yale Skull'n'Bones, where the initiation involves them all wanking on a bagel and eating it. And that's just the initiation, overthrowing Allende is peanuts to these guys.
backdrop: there is a GOP senator Lankford who co-operated in writing the current border bill. lots of GOPpers have said they want the issue to fester, so that biden looks bad. they won;t be able to sell that, i think, but they're plenty mad at Lankford. dig this language:

It's important for Senator Lankford have his entire professional life destroyed," Kelly said. "And you know why it is important? It's not just because of the unending amount of malice I have in my heart towards cowardice like that. It's important that the other GOP Senators see Lankford destroyed. They must look at what happens when you betray us like this, and they must be afraid of us.

he doesn't just mean professional life.
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"The spike spans a period that began around the time of the 2020 presidential election, when federal courts heard a series of highly politicized cases, including failed lawsuits filed by former President Donald Trump and his backers seeking to overturn his loss. Over the same timeframe, election officials saw a barrage of threats from Trump’s supporters, as previously documented by Reuters"
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We can expect more of this if/when Trump gets in again.

The violent neo-Nazi Robert Rundo thought he’d won freedom last week after a US district court judge in California threw out a federal indictment against the white-nationalist militant, arguing prosecutors selectively went after him and did not put far-leftist protesters through the same treatment.

Fewer than 12 hours later, Rundo found himself in jail again on the order of appellate judges from the ninth circuit.
Rundo, whose life traces a winding path from gang feuds on the streets of Queens, New York, to time in a state prison for the gruesome stabbing of another gang member, was the leader of a now-defunct white nationalist “fight club” called the Rise Above Movement (RAM) that instigated brawls with anti-fascist protesters up and down California in 2017.
On 21 February, the US district court judge Cormac Carney threw out the indictment, arguing prosecutors had selectively prosecuted the militant. Rundo’s public defenders had argued that their client and the rest of RAM were merely defending themselves against anti-fascist and leftwing protesters during melees, despite ample documentation that RAM trained for combat, instigated fights at the rallies and assaulted a journalist covering one of the protests at an Orange county beach.
every little bit adds up

The Biden-bashing antics were part of a Kansas GOP event in Johnson County, where rocker Ted Nugent and disgraced former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline were the main attractions.
every little bit adds up

The Biden-bashing antics were part of a Kansas GOP event in Johnson County, where rocker Ted Nugent and disgraced former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline were the main attractions.

There might have been less criticism if it had been a Biden pinata, but I guess that would have been too Mexican for them
It’s a video that Trump posted on his Truth Social account today, around 12:38 p.m. The subject of the clip is two trucks in full “Trump 2024” regalia, driving down the highway. The second one has a full-size, full-color image across the back gate of Joe Biden, unconscious, arms and legs bound as though he’s been kidnapped and left in the back of the pickup truck. As the truck drives off the camera zooms in on the image, just to make sure there’s no missing it.

Trump supporters have claimed on social media that this was part of Trump’s drive to the wake for a slain police officer on Long Island today and that he probably didn’t even notice the photo of Joe Biden. They’re out on social media saying it’s not a threat.

i won't link to the video, but again, it;s every day, the "joking", the threats, the actual violence.
Bernie Sander's offices in Vermont were hit by an arson attack.

An arsonist on Friday set fire to the door of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' Burlington office, according to police.

Sanders, an independent senator, was not at his office during the fire, which reportedly caused minor damages but no injuries to staff members who were briefly trapped inside.

"A significant fire engulfed the door and part of the vestibule, impeding the egress of staff members who were working in the office and endangering their lives," the Burlington Police Department said in a statement. "The sprinkler system then engaged and largely extinguished the fire."

Police are searching for a male suspect who they say "sprayed an apparent accelerant" on the office door before lighting the accelerant and fleeing. No motive has been established.
Newsweek reached out to Sanders via email on Friday for comment.

According to the Associated Press (AP), the Burlington Fire Department responded to a call Friday morning and "found a fire between the vestibule, the elevator and the entrance door of Sanders' third-floor office in Burlington."

"The office door suffered moderate fire damage and much of the third floor sustained significant water damage. The offices of Sanders and those nearby were evacuated," the AP said.

Setting fire to the exit door with people inside is attempted murder. It's a good thing there were automatic sprinklers in place, or people would have been hurt or died.
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"The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns, but a president of the United States who used the power of his office to force the social media companies — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter — to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, to the CIA, the IRS, the CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency], the NIH [National Institutes of Health] to censor his political critics,” Kennedy said.

"The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns, but a president of the United States who used the power of his office to force the social media companies — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter — to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, to the CIA, the IRS, the CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency], the NIH [National Institutes of Health] to censor his political critics,” Kennedy said.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear...

A response in 2 parts:

(1) "The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns..."

This was not a somebody, it was the outgoing president. And he didn't question election returns, he used his platform to orchestrate an attempted coup using his susceptible minions as a weapon.

(2) "Kennedy said..."

Kennedy is a certifiable loon trading off the tenuous credibility afforded to him by the privilege of his surname.

Also, why is this in the political violence thread?
Oh dear oh dear oh dear...

A response in 2 parts:

(1) "The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns..."

This was not a somebody, it was the outgoing president. And he didn't question election returns, he used his platform to orchestrate an attempted coup using his susceptible minions as a weapon.

(2) "Kennedy said..."

Kennedy is a certifiable loon trading off the tenuous credibility afforded to him by the privilege of his surname.

Also, why is this in the political violence thread?
the bigger question is why hasn't he received the permaban he so richly merits?
I gave up trying to understand American politics and the American legal system long ago.

I'm on a re-watch of Law and Order, the whole concept of 'plea bargaining' makes the system corrupt to the core.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear...

A response in 2 parts:

(1) "The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns..."

This was not a somebody, it was the outgoing president. And he didn't question election returns, he used his platform to orchestrate an attempted coup using his susceptible minions as a weapon.

(2) "Kennedy said..."

Kennedy is a certifiable loon trading off the tenuous credibility afforded to him by the privilege of his surname.

Also, why is this in the political violence thread?

Trump's opponents are attempting to portray him as a threat to democracy, while simultaneously attempting to prevent him appearing on the ballot, because they know that he will win if he does. That really does appear to be their prime tactic for this election.
Trump's opponents are attempting to portray him as a threat to democracy, while simultaneously attempting to prevent him appearing on the ballot, because they know that he will win if he does. That really does appear to be their prime tactic for this election.
1) He is a threat to democracy.
2) He has done crime.

It's not that difficult
I gave up trying to understand American politics and the American legal system long ago.

I'm on a re-watch of Law and Order, the whole concept of 'plea bargaining' makes the system corrupt to the core.
I might be in trouble for this. But also the fact that judges are elected, I really don't get that at all.
Trump's opponents are attempting to portray him as a threat to democracy, while simultaneously attempting to prevent him appearing on the ballot, because they know that he will win if he does. That really does appear to be their prime tactic for this election.
Oh goodie, you're back.

Trump's opponents are worried about his declaration to be a dictator, his wish to chase after his "enemies", his currently confused opposition against abortion, his ties towards Putin, and on and on and on.

"The Republican senator Tom Cotton has urged Americans to “take matters into their own hands” when encountering pro-Palestine supporters"

It would be ironic if someone took matters into their own hands and taught the far right prick a few lessons.
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