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Political violence in the USA

If Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegal we’re still running things on the Lower East Side there wouldn’t be any of this nonsense

The definitive evocation of that world. It vanished less than a century ago, but it already seems almost inconceivable, for many reasons...

Did you see the latest republican candidate debate? Fucking disgraceful, not a word against the slaughter of Palestinians. All about vengeance and retribution towards Palestine and... Mexico.
Yeah, but let's be honest here, it isn't a candidate debate by any stretch of the imagination. None of those dissembling idiots and dribbling fuckwits have a cat's chance in hell of making a serious bid for the candidacy slot: it's a glorified VP audition screentest for the also-rans as Trump has the GOP nomination sewn-up. The "Apprentice"-isation of the GOP is complete.
Senator versus teamster with Bernie Sanders trying to keep order

Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin ran to Fox News to explain that, despite his best efforts to throw down in the middle of a Senate hearing, “political correctness” is what stopped him from beating up a witness.

On Tuesday, Mullin stood up during a hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee and made a move to physically fight Teamsters President Sean O’Brien, a witness before the committee with whom he’s been feuding for months.
Did you see the latest republican candidate debate? Fucking disgraceful, not a word against the slaughter of Palestinians. All about vengeance and retribution towards Palestine and... Mexico.

Yes, a lot of US politicians have been threatening to "bring the drug war home" to Mexico.

I'm in Tijuana atm, and I had a cantina conversation last night about the US army's chances against the cartels. The general opinion was that they could probably beat the Chapitos (as the sons of El Chapo are known), but that the Zetas would slaughter them. The Zetas are said to be former (and current) members of the Mexican army's special forces.

Only one thing's for sure: none of it would be pretty. Let's hope it's never put to the test.
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Yes, a lot of US politicians have been threatening to "bring the drug war home" to Mexico.

I'm in Tijuana atm, and I had a cantina conversation last night about the US army's chances against the cartels. The general opinion was that they could probably beat the Chapitos (as the sons of El Chapo are known), but that the Zetas would slaughter them. The Zetas are said to be former (and current) members of the Mexican army's special forces.

Only one thing's for sure: none of it would be pretty. Let's hope it's never put to the test.

The US Special Forces and the Mexican Army's Special Forces often train together and share a similar playbook.

what the dim witted trump camp seems to forget about this story

The case, which was brought in September by the group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, was filed by six unaffiliated and Republican voters in Colorado.

“Let’s go find Swalwell. It’s time to do it. Then we’ll see how brave the rest of them are. It’s time to do it. It’s either Nadler or Swalwell has to die before the election. They need to get the message. Let’s go find Swalwell and get this over with. I’m just not putting up with this shit anymore."
There's reportedly been a steep decline in Proud Boys activity, likely linked to a lot of Proud Boys going to prison

As Owens notes, it's common for extremist groups to fall apart fairly quickly. They are composed of nasty people who seek conflict, so it's inevitable that they fight and splinter over time.

"I am a Donald Trump cultist. I am a soldier for Donald Trump. I am part of — I serve at the personal pleasure of Donald Trump, my supreme leader. I am part of the paramilitary wing of the Trump movement. I am part of the Revolutionary Guard"

"Pinochet Air"

populat guy, pinochet, in some circles

There's reportedly been a steep decline in Proud Boys activity, likely linked to a lot of Proud Boys going to prison
If the Proud Boys aren't actually a full-fledged FBI front, they're doing a damn good impersonation of one. They're more heavily infiltrated than the CP in the 1930s. Worth bearing in mind when you hear the MSM going on about "Proud Boys riot this" and "Proud Boys sedition that" etc etc.: In Proud Boys Jan. 6 Sedition Trial, F.B.I. Informants Abound
A group founded by a Scottish Canadian, named after a song from the Aladdin musical, with a no-wanking rule and an initiation rite that involves being punched while shouting the names of breakfast cereals sounds a little creative for the FBI, unless they've been dipping into the CIA's LSD
A group founded by a Scottish Canadian, named after a song from the Aladdin musical, with a no-wanking rule and an initiation rite that involves being punched while shouting the names of breakfast cereals sounds a little creative for the FBI, unless they've been dipping into the CIA's LSD

Maybe they do something like Mad Libs to create the group’s attributes.
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