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Political violence in the USA

“Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney. I thank the Board for its thorough investigation, and I approve their pardon recommendation,” Abbott said.
“Today, a convicted murderer will walk the streets of Texas. Texas Republicans have once again proven that they cannot keep the public safe, they are not the party of ‘tough on crime,’ and they are not the party of ‘law and order,’” Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa said in a statement responding to the pardon.

He added: “Make no mistake: Daniel Perry is a murderer who was on a mission to commit violence against Texans, and today our justice system was hijacked for political gain.”
or a progressive District Attorney.

another right wing target

every day, drip drip drip

And one of the crucial reasons that the article explains as to why :

Violence — and the threat of it — has been a part of U.S. politics since the nation’s founding. But experts describe this moment as particularly volatile, thanks in great part to social media platforms that can amplify anonymous outrage, spread misinformation and conspiracy theories and turn a little-known public employee into a target.

There's really no putting the genie back in the bottle, is there?
Put this in one of the Trump threads, but sticking it here also for when it inevitably kicks off

It seems to be a MAGA talking point that MAGA people are peaceful and it's the dems who want violence, because there's no rioting, no looting, no mobs after these verdicts
Did you notice there's no rioting? No looting? No mobs? You know Trump's supporters are the ones with all the guns, right? Patriotic conservative, red-state, rural rednecks are the most heavily armed and yet the most law abiding people in the country. Imagine if a BLM leader had been convicted . . . There would be cars burning in the streets and people carrying televisions and Nikes out of smashed up stores in every city in the country. Trump and his supporters are decent and honest people and the corrupt elites count on this and do whatever they please without worrying about the consequences.
The above is from a comment on the Spectator article referenced earlier, which is full of frothing. And they can't help their racism, can they!

I've seen on Xitter more than once argued that (I summarise):
If MAGA were violent insurrectionists like the Dems allege, do you think January 6 would have been so peaceful? These people who all have guns left them at home... Trump's people are good law abiding folks. All that breathless coverage by CNN et al was apparently just winding up the Dems. It was a demonstration, not an insurrection. The hunting for Nancy Pelosi was just rhetoric and people who got killed were victims of Capitol police/unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

It's so easy to rewrite history, especially for anyone who wasn't paying much attention.

Oh, and those people wanting to hunt down Trump's judge and jurors must be just outliers with their usual homely rhetoric.

Well, I hope it's true that these nice law abiding people will stay at home with their guns.

The right-wing extremist caught a few weeks back near my hometown has been charged in federal court for possessing homemade pipe bombs, and the criminal complaint in the case shows Dalton Mattus had as many as 11 more bombs in the works.


After discovering pipe bombs in a bag Mattus had in his possession when he and a driver were pulled over on May 21 in Pekin, Illinois, local police called in a federal agent to search Mattus’ apartment. That agent had expertise in explosives. He was able to detail for law enforcement and prosecutors exactly what Mattus was building. Specifically, the agent found Mattus had completed three pipe bombs rigged with BBs. That’s in addition to the two that he had under the passenger seat of the car in which police pulled him over. But perhaps the most troubling part is that Mattus was building more. The agent discovered eight more bombs under construction in the form of “cardboard bodies [...] used in the construction of destructive devices with exposed pyrotechnic fuses.”
90% is probably right, then, if the people who own far more guns than they might possibly need for taking potshots at raccoons are all Republicans?

A very small percentage own many more than one gun. A Democrat might own one or two for protection or hunting, but not 50. The question is how many can you logically use in any given situation?

The main place I'd give the Republicans an advantage, is in shooting experience, however, this is the wrong sort of experience. A civil war is a completely different situation from going out to the river to shoot at debris in the water and drink beer, isn't training for war. Raccoons don't shoot back.
Maximum number of guns you can conceivably fire at any given moment: 2.
Maximum number of guns you can conceivably fire with any degree of precision or accuracy: 1.
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