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Political violence in the USA

90% is probably right, then, if the people who own far more guns than they might possibly need for taking potshots at raccoons are all Republicans?
No civilian needs a firearm, bar special circumstances where the weapon is required as a tool. Gamekeepers,farmers etc need a firearm for their job, no one else does.
No civilian needs a firearm, bar special circumstances where the weapon is required as a tool. Gamekeepers,farmers etc need a firearm for their job, no one else does.

I suppose that if you live somewhere miles away from the nearest neighbour and the nearby undergrowth is full of bears and other predators you’d want to have something a bit meatier than fly spray to hand.
No civilian needs a firearm, bar special circumstances where the weapon is required as a tool. Gamekeepers,farmers etc need a firearm for their job, no one else does.

If you live in some of the very rural parts of the US, law enforcement can be far away and it might take more than hour, even if they're running lights and sirens to get there as fast as possible. Add to that the fact that some jurisdictions won't really police towns that don't pay into sheriff's budget. And I haven't even gotten to the crazy methheads that you'll find in places away from the prying eyes of law enforcement. In other words, you might need a gun if you're far enough out and there's effectively no law enforcement.
If you live in some of the very rural parts of the US, law enforcement can be far away and it might take more than hour, even if they're running lights and sirens to get there as fast as possible. Add to that the fact that some jurisdictions won't really police towns that don't pay into sheriff's budget. And I haven't even gotten to the crazy methheads that you'll find in places away from the prying eyes of law enforcement. In other words, you might need a gun if you're far enough out and there's effectively no law enforcement.
What a desperate situation to be in though.
What a desperate situation to be in though.

It's pretty common in rural parts of the US. The distances here are vast. We have 93 counties in my state alone and it spans 76,824 square miles. Multiply that amount of space by 50 and you can understand why law enforcement might get a bit sparse at times. Distance is one of the reasons why you see a disparity between rural and urban ideas about guns and other issues.
Are there any stats on the actual relative frequency of urban and rural home invasions, though?
another day ending in -y

Muller allegedly told the agent that should Trump win the 2024 election, FBI officials would be thrown in jail and that if he appeared to lose the consequences would be even worse.

“You can steal another election and the guns will come out and we’ll hunt you c---suckers down and slaughter you like the traitorous dogs you are,” he said in the minute-long voicemail, according to the complaint. “The last thing you’ll ever hear are the horrified shrieks of your widow and orphans.”

“You’re going to jail-if you’re lucky. But I suspect you won’t be,” said one of the text messages, which were laced with additional expletives and homophobic slurs.

SCOTUS legalises possession of what are functionally the same as machine guns.

Political violence may now be a lot more deadly (and mass shootings more frequent).

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If you live in some of the very rural parts of the US, law enforcement can be far away and it might take more than hour, even if they're running lights and sirens to get there as fast as possible. Add to that the fact that some jurisdictions won't really police towns that don't pay into sheriff's budget. And I haven't even gotten to the crazy methheads that you'll find in places away from the prying eyes of law enforcement. In other words, you might need a gun if you're far enough out and there's effectively no law enforcement.

If their logic is police assistance is far away so i have a gun to protect myself and my family from bad people who could kill or injure us then do they also spend their money on defibrillators and first aid training and kits on the logic that medical assistance is also far away?
The bump stocks may not be machine guns but you'd hope authorities would count the guns they're fixed to as machine guns. One high-profile mass slaughter might do it :( particularly if it's republicans who are on the receiving end - mind you that seems never to be the case.
Have we had the bloke wanting to start a race war by carrying out a mass shooting at an Atlanta rap concert yet?
If their logic is police assistance is far away so i have a gun to protect myself and my family from bad people who could kill or injure us then do they also spend their money on defibrillators and first aid training and kits on the logic that medical assistance is also far away?

I'd say "yes." The ambulance service in most rural areas is volunteer. They take paramedic training, often at their own expense. One of the major expenses for any small town is their ambulance, equipment, and crew training, and the volunteer fire department. They also work to fund their local hospitals with charity shops and donations. A lot of people have first aid kits in their vehicles to go with the training. When my mom accidentally dialed the ambulance crew, their response time was truly impressive at about 2.5 minutes. When they couldn't get the ambulance down the road, they stopped on the way out and cut down a tree so they wouldn't be obstructed again. They get that kind of response time because they live next door or down the road.
who would have thought that the Stand Your Ground type defence could be misused? MAGA type goes and intimidates homeless people and then shoots one "in self defence" when he complains :facepalm:

who would have thought that the Stand Your Ground type defence could be misused? MAGA type goes and intimidates homeless people and then shoots one "in self defence" when he complains :facepalm:

Entitled gundamentalist who hates homeless people and, guess what:

His listed address is at his parents’ home in a subdivision that rests at the bottom of mountain ridges that ring Wolf Lodge Valley.
he's got "the look" too

Using his own Facebook account, he started sending them a slew of racist messages, including one that said, “EWWWWWWWW YOUR A N*** F*** F****** DIRTY A** WHITE TRASH.”

When the couple told him they were reporting him to the police, DeBerardinis replied, “SNITCHES GET STITCHES,” with a picture of brass knuckles. He also wrote, “Read up more on me lol… you will see how me and my crew burn n*****s alive,” and “And white whores like you well [sic]…. get rape and killed THAN [sic] we cut off body parts and mail them to your family lol.”

The victims called local police, who contacted federal law enforcement.
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